Me,More Cool“棉毛裤之夜”

演出时间:02月09日 20:30-02月09日 22:30

艺人: The Molemen/OLAM/Galean

场地: 上海 上海 MAO Livehouse

地址:上海市黄浦区重庆南路308号3楼 查看地图


通过购买门票方式支持此演出,一旦票品售出概不退换(因不可抗力因素导致演出取消或延期除外),请您在购买时务必仔细核对您的订单信息并审慎下单。 已购买的门票可在 我的订单中查看购票信息。


主题Title:Me,More Cool“棉毛裤之夜”

阵容Bands:OLAM,The Molemen,Galēən

时间Time:2018年2月9日 20:30

门票Tickets:预售票pre¥60 现场票door¥80(均包含指定酒水一杯 With a free drink)










Shanghai has finally made its first snow this year

Hope everyone get warm

Hope you wearing the ugly sweater from your mom

Wearing your dad's cotton pants

With your grandmother's scarf

Come and join us for ROCK N ROLL!!!

Everyone with a free drink!!!


OLAM Band is an emotion evoking soulful rock band with passionate musicians dedicated to moving their audiences to another level. 

Formed in and based out of Shanghai, China this sundry foursome has been revving up audiences to their message of unification and inspiration in an unmitigated fashion.

Since December 2016 the band and its eclectic sound have been favored as well as compared to the likes of Maroon 5, Dave Matthew's Band and Bob Dylan all while capturing the attention of music lovers across China.

【The Molemen】

The Molemen are a nine-piece ska and reggae band based in Shanghai. Formed

after a substantial subterranean drinking

session in 2014, The Molemen use a variety of

instrumentation – bass, drums, guitar, ukulele, saxophone, trumpet

and trombones – to create quick tempo

rhythms and melodies with soft and hard

edges. Always dance-able.

The Molemen perform only original music

in the spirit of fashioning the so-called ska

‘fourth wave’. With song matter ranging from

undying army Colonels, trips to the pub,

internet fads and losing internal battles with

oneself, no conceptual stone is left unturned.


Galēən乐队由来自北加州的两兄弟组成。乐队前身为Stegosaurus,在经过在中国和美国的多年游历, Josh和Phillip Galyean简化了他们的声音,回归到吉他和鼓的原声。


Galēən is a band made of two brothers from Northern California. When their previous band Stegosaurus? fizzled out and went extinct after years of touring China and the USA, Josh and Phillip Galyean simplified their sound and went to the basics of acoustic guitar and drums. 

What the two may lack in members is made up with their huge sound they create through reverb and delay. Minimalist and dynamic dark folk/acoustic prog rock is the constant theme throughout