<Frontier of dawn> 边境电子音乐节 2018

演出时间:02月20日 14:00-23:30

艺人: Eric Volta/DONN/XIAOLONG/Oolong Gas/DJ Summer/DJ RUI/DJ LUCA/0712.4/DAUER STATE/TuLAND/DJ Liuliu/Angie zou/DJ ZHI/Rhymi(张睿铭)/DK/DJ Sai/SATORI SNOOKS/Acid echoes/Vortex torxion/Space ghost/DJ Yi/DJ Jia/DJ Dc/Touch ya

场地: 德宏 芒市孔雀湖生态中心

地址:云南省德宏傣族景颇族自治州芒市孔雀湖生态旅游区 查看地图


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《Frontier  Of  Dawn 》2018  边境电子音乐节

 - 特别鸣谢以上所有支持合作团队 -

边境归来  音乐无界

-《Frontier Of Dawn 》 -

依然清晰地记得《Frontier Of Dawn 1》2017首届边境艺术音乐节,燃起了中国边境地区艺术音乐场景的首把燎原火炬,集结了西南地区多位音乐人,艺术家,在云南边境德宏芒市上演了一场音乐与艺术相融碰撞的盛宴。

2017 "Frontier Of Dawn 1" the first Frontier art festival, burst into the border areas Of China electronic music scene Of the first to start a prairie fire torch, gathered more than in the southwest Of musicians, artists, in dehong yunnan border lum staged a feast Of music and the art Of blending collision.

2018 年2月20日- 21日

《Frontier Of Dawn 2》边境电子音乐节


Tech & Psy 两个舞台




20th - 21th, February, 2018

Frontier Of Dawn 2.

Come back with a brand-new look.

Tech & Psy.

Some 20 DJ music artists from around the world.

Take turns to bomb your eardrums.

Border music prairie fire is a fire!

《Frontier Of Dawn 》

边境音乐节系类活动 由云南山刺青团队以及边境音乐节团队

2018 再度燃烧🔥

发起人 George (DJ ZHI)







Frontier Of Dawn music festivals, found by Moutain Tattoo George(DJ ZHI)his music paint on by clubs like TAG, Vero...during many years of dance floor sessions. 

Frontier Of Dawn is about open-mind attitude and  extraordinary experience of music.

Frontier Of Dawn is about  creating a new lifestyle with art & music.


Headliners 头牌艺人解密


宇宙无垠的迷幻离奇之音都被Eric Volta似乎如同一个魔法师一般熟练的操作着,在他2013年发行的‘Love Your Illusion’ 唱片中,可以得见他不同一般的独特表达。多年以来对音乐谦卑且努力的态度,让越来越多的人追寻他的音乐。


在伦敦开始DJ 生涯的前两年,他曾要求在Lineup上匿掉他名字。或许有人认为这是一种推销手段,但其实正是因为这样低调的态度才使得他在英国地下中越发收到关注。曾受到英国地下**的日间派对lo*kee的邀请作为长期驻场,并在伦敦知名的俱乐部Fabric主持Room 3活动

- Eric Volta - Love Your Illusion (Original Mix) -

Cosmic, psychedelic & extraordinary, Eric Volta’s music is as far out as the man behind it. The architect responsible for one of 2013’s biggest records – ‘Love Your Illusion’ has a unique story to tell. One that is backed with years of hard work and a humbling attitude that has invited people and circumstances into his journey that have lead to this moment.

- Eric Volta - Boiler Room -

 He is a native Londoner who grew up travelling, spending the first 20 years of his life wandering through Europe, the Middle East & South East Asia. His varied upbringing and multi cultured exposure helped to fuel his diverse artistic and musical curiosity.

Not one for shameless self-promotion, he had a clever approach and spent his first 2 years of djing around London - asking to remain anonymous on line-ups. It was with this attitude that he was invited to be a resident for one of London’s most respected underground Sunday daytime parties – lo*kee. He joins lo*kee for a few shows hosting room 3

at Fabric, London.

『 DONN 』

来自新加坡的DONN可以说是当地音乐圈的风云人物。多元化的曲风让他无论是置身地下或商业派对,都能给派对动物们投下一枚重磅音乐炸弹。DONN*是一名全能型DJ,从 Disco, Deep House到Bass & Techno,都不能逃过他敏锐的双耳。早期的DONN,致力于推广和发展Hip Hop音乐,并为新加坡和马来西亚的Hip Hop艺术建立起了一座无形的友谊之桥,推动了两国Hip Hop的发展。同时,DONN也活跃于个大音乐中,2003年开始,与新加坡众多知名CLUB合作举办音乐节,其中*有大家所熟知的新加坡排名*的Club Zouk在2011年举办的ZoukOut音乐节。近几年,也在国内成功举办了国内*大型户外电子音乐节STORM风暴音乐节,打开了国内电子音乐节通往国际的大门。

Donn, from Singapore, is one of the trend-setters there. His versatile music enables him to blend in both underground and commercial parties. From Disco、Deep House to Bass & Techno, he has them all! In his sets, there are always unexpected elements. Everyone are anticipating something brand new in his music. He's known for being able to combine beats from the past and the future efficiently. 

「DJ Yangbing」

Dj Yang Bing 被誉为中国电子舞曲界*人…他一如既往以敏锐的艺术触觉、不断突破的音乐理念、对声音的独特诠释,精湛的现场演出,在每个时代赋予中国电子音乐新风潮。从disco广场的时代到现在的club时代,Yang Bing无疑是中国夜生活,前卫文化中恒久灿烂,无与伦比的超级*,可以说Yang Bing的DJ成长史*是中国电子舞曲文化的发展史…..

Gifted with keen artistic sense, DJ Yang Bing is known as the best electronic dance music DJ in China. He’s constantly making breakthroughs in ideas of music.His unique interpretation of sound and superb live performance are the definition of China’s new wave of electronic music. From the then popular disco era to the new age clubbing of today,Bing is undoubtedly the one and only dazzling shining megastar of Chinese nightlife and avant-garde culture. Looking at Yang Bing’s own growth history as a DJ, you’ll find that it’s actually a reflection of the current developing history of Chinese electronic dance music culture.

Dusk Till Dawn

是由yangbing 创立的音乐活动品牌及系列音乐电台节目每个人心中都有自己向往的夕阳和日出,都有自己追求的美丽与友爱。从日落到日出的循环正是象征生活的核心,也正如电子音乐的核心魅力,同样是不间断循环和持续不停的律动

33 Stdio

怀揣传播电子乐文化的共同理想与多年的音乐经验,几位充满热情的年轻人走到了一起,成立了DJ&音乐制作的教学项目— 33 Studio,旨在让年轻人感受节奏和旋律为肢体带来快乐的同时,更能了解电子乐背后的文化,以及掌控音乐技艺表达的独特审美体验。







凤凰吧 2005年始于大理 在早期大理国际化的人文环境中成长 派对活动始于2009年 以主办大量电音派对为主 为滇西引入大量国内外知名音乐家 注入俱乐部文化


由作品如丝般顺滑的昆明音乐人 dizkar 和龙翔共和国喝不醉的爱情少尉 Zeming Xu 共同烹调的独立电子音乐,以及新媒体视觉系统实验家马六甲打造的*幻视 live 体验,是你在这个百无聊赖的世界中一支强效的精神药剂。在这个音乐产业越来越泡沫的时代,Oolong Gas 以 live set 为演出形式的硬件电子乐队会带来更真挚的音乐和*的派对体验。卧龙家私携全体职工欢迎您的到来。

Independent musicians Dizkar and Zeming Xu from Kunming. Plus extreme trippy visuals by experimentalist Melaka. Hold a shot of psychotropic substance in one's boring life. The light bubbles of the music industry will be lost. Oolong Gas brings a live party where no one needs to conform.

Xiaolong(33 Studio)


DJ XiaoLong, from 2010 has been active in underground electronic music in Chengdu,he always brings the deep, contagious, bouncy beats to charm you with style and attitude. His rhythms will have all the nerves in your body up and dancing in no time.

Summer(33 Studio)


Since 2005, SUMMER began her resident DJ life of clubs in unnumbered ities and metropolis.The passion of music poured in her tracks.The researching of tech house and techno enriched her style.The gradual aesthetics, strong grooving, and ingenious melody become her labels

Rui(33 Studio)

广泛的音乐节和俱乐部派对经验,并拥有稳健的台风和控场能力,Rui能够熟练的驾驭多种类型的音乐风格,Techno和Tech house 是她的主要线路,她的音乐层次丰富并有种激进的力量,现场拥有流畅的律动和干净的元素,她希望通过音乐与人交流不需要说话尽情地舞蹈。

RUI has a wide range of music and club performances experience, and skilled control of various types of music style, techno and tech house is her main line, in the music like bass and bright melody with the impact of spark. In her scene has a smooth rhythm and clean elements, rich and delicate melody change is her label, she hopes to communicate with people through music, do not need to speak to enjoy the dance.

Luca(33 Studio)


LUCA,Her music some bright tone , it is advanced and sophisticated exists , the superposition of confusion of emotions and the illusion of freedom and unable to extricate themselves falling are constructed in the music GLAM , MAGIC music space alienation of reality . For music's religious fanaticism , she also flogged herself to make every audition of the audience feel the ritual of music .

Temple Rats(G42)

May曾受邀于法国的Château Perché Festival,以及今年十月位于阿姆斯特丹的ADE Festival,她的音乐使得更多的人认识到了这个亚洲面孔的女生。在May的音乐维度里,听众*能够感受得到的是强有力的4/4节拍,以及来自大自然的声音、宗教的元素以及很多耳目一新的声音的交织融合。能把更多不同的好音乐带给听众是May*想通过音乐所传递的理念。

May has been recognized internationally as a female asian musician and was invited to perform in France, at the Château Perché Festival, and in the Netherlands at the 2017 ADE Amsterdam Dance Event. In her musical dimension, audiences would feel the powerful 4/4 beat, while she combining sounds from nature, religious elements and many fresh and new sounds. The idea she wishes to convey through music is to bring more different good music to everyone.

DJ BLUE(Dusk Till Dawn)

一个具有极强律动感和灵魂音色的舞池掌控者,Deep minimal tech house是她的标志....

在她的音乐里你可以听到爵士,迷幻,古典,实验电子的影响,她有机的把这些 不一样的元素结合在一起 形成了她*的音乐风格

Dj Blue , who is dedicated to deep minimal and tech house music, is well-known for hers soulful and strongly rhythmed style.Her sets could take many genres such as jazz, classical music, acid music and experimental music.However, she always has the ability to combine all those elements together into a unique combo perfectly.



2014年他来到了中 国.并在短短⼏几周后成为成都地下 ⾳音乐圈内被⼈人熟知的DJ.在这期间 他也与众多知名的国际DJ同台献 艺,⾳音乐⻛风格:Classic House, Chicago House, Tech House and Techno.

He came to China in 2014,Within a few weeks only he became a resident of all underground clubs in Chengdu. With his performances he has shared the stage more then just once with big internaTonal DJs.The music he wants to push further into our world can be classified as classic house, chicago house, tech house and techno.





it was in the year 2000 that DAUER STATE  was fist properly introduced to electronic music. In 2002 he set upon a path to becoming a multifaceted party organizer. Delving his way deep into the scene he continued to hone his DJ skills and exposed himself to as much underground culture as possible to gain personal experience and progression. He has been a pivotal force in the progression of electronic music culture most notably in Yunnan but also in China as a whole. 


2009年开始DJ生涯,2010年开始尝试创作电子音乐,通过个人厂牌「nubeat 」发布过两张个人EP和许多单曲以及Mixtape。

2015年TuLAND在昆明VERVO Club推出了全新的Party Project-「R.G.B」(Redefine Gig Belief),将一个全新的视听结合的Party推向大众,连续两年得到了一致的好评。在接近8年的DJ生涯中,坚持着自己的风格,在Deep House/Tech House/Techno之中游刃有余,巧妙地掌握着舞池的情绪和律动,逐渐成长成为云南电子音乐力量的中流砥柱。

Starting to produce electronic music since 2010, he is based in kunming, along with other partners using their refined techno and house beats to impress the dancefloor.After years in the scene, he has become the main figure in Yunnan electronic music. As a producer, he insists on producing high quality tunes, so far he has released a slew of tracks and two EPs. TuLAND has the belief that DJ is for sharing good music and good vibes! He, on the other hand, has his role in visual works, therefore you can always spot something intriguing during his set - audio & visual. He is now working on his label: R.G.B. He is surely the one to watch! 

Liuliu (PHOENIX)


Liuliu's music career began in early 2000, and he participated in the writing and recording of numerous independent music since then, he also has participated in many music festivals. As the founder of the Phoenix bar, he has introduced a large number of famous chinese and international musicians to Yunnan since 2009, planned and organized many successful electronic music parties, brought the fresh party, electronic music and club culture to Yunnan. And at the same time, as a DJ and a manager, he works in Phoenix bar as well.  

 Angie zou(BJ)

她的身影遍布于各种派对,酒吧和俱乐部,见证了现今北京电子跳舞音乐的发展。她被认定为北京的Party queen ,曾在北京电音俱乐部中国娃娃(China doll ),8号公馆(Block 8)俱乐部,Bling 俱乐部等担任高层管理。并在2009年与北京及国际电音*人士共同创建了Haze 电音俱乐部。邹暘在House Music及Deep house music上的喜爱也使之成为Party DJ里*有特质的人物。她对音乐的敏感度赢得了在同行与Party人群间的美誉。

I have also participated in many underground event and have been to many to most all electronic music events in Beijing. Amongst my friends I am known as the "Party Queen". I have also been the general of high end clubs such as Block 8, China Doll and Bling Club. Since 2009 I was also part owner in Club Haze. Club Haze was a well know place for some of the best electronic music in Beijing. I enjoy playing deep house and house music. I believe I have a sensitive connection with my audience. Making a connection between me the music and audiences.

DJ ZHI(Frontier Of Dawn)


多年在全国各大音乐场景中受到感染的他以一种遵循新兴亚文化发展的理念,愿意用更多纯粹且独特的方式来表达音乐,一直在为云南地下音乐场景贡献属于自己的强大推动力,他希望通过独特的deep house / techno之声来传达更多探索性思考。

Main founder of Frontier Of Dawn music festivals, his music paint on by clubs in China...during many years of dance floor sessions. DJ ZHI trys to contribute to the electronic music scene in Yun Nan and want to use his deep house / techno sound as an outlet for his most explorative thinking.

Rhymi(The Yun Lab)



Rhymi, DJ, independent musician, mian member of Deep Mountain. He has over 10 years experience in the electronic music industry, at this point, he can direct the dancefloor however he feels.

GoaProductions & Spirit Tribe(灵族)


GoaProductions成立 2009年5月,是中国Psytrance团队的先锋,团队以把全世界真正地下电子音乐和文化带到中国的心脏,把整个 中国迷幻化作为自己的目的和使命。 我们竭尽所能寻找适合举办派对的场所,高山、森林、被遗弃的村庄、音乐节、仓库,任何一个我们可以把音响系统调出音乐的地方。2012年7 月,GoaProductions自己的唱片公司正式启动,签约旗下的包括国际知名艺人以及即将加入的本土制作人。在过去的几年内,我们已经发布了10张专辑,未来将会有更多强力的声音布满整个中国。调整好你的耳朵,倾听我们的声音!

Established in May 2009 GoaProductions is China's leading Psytrance crew. We're on a mission to Psychedelify the Middle Kingdom by bringing the music and culture of the true global underground into the heart of China. We throw proper Psytrance parties wherever we can, mountains, forests, clubs, abandoned villages, festivals, warehouses anywhere we can get a sound-system kicking out tunes. July 2012 saw the launch of GoaProductions' very own record label with a roster including internationally renowned artists as well as up & coming home grown producers. Within 6 years we've already had 12 releases with lost more on the way. The future is jam packed with loads more slamming tunes and awe-inspiring events all over China. Keep your ear tuned to the sound!

Spirit Tribe(灵族)是中国云南的一个非常特别的独立项目。我们拥有25万平方千米的 土地可用来保护和利用,希望能够使其发挥创意且多样化的用途。除了艺术和音乐 以外,这里也可以进行可持续发展概念下的种植,生态培养, 太极,瑜伽,冥想 等 等活动。我们计划在这里开展音乐活动,工作室,寄宿课程等很多有意义的事件, 真正呈现我们的理念 “连接,体验,分享,学习”。

Spirit Tribe is an outdoor music and art festival ,always held in the nature so people can enjoy its lush beauty, explore the vast surroundings and get a satisfying breath of fresh air.  They believe in sharing, kindness and self expression. These come alongside thought provoking workshops, yoga and various activities that aim to bring positivity to your life and enrich your spirit.

GoaProductions & Spirit Tribe 视频回顾


Mc Webber aka Rddam Ras 


王波 北京人 McWebber aka Rddam Ras

从上个世纪八十年代末,九岁的他从一部电影的影响受到了对音乐的热爱变成现在国内*有代表性的传奇说唱音乐人。在中国大陆被人们公认的创造中文说唱的先锋人物本土*有价值及*有贡献的说唱音乐人,1989年开始接触街舞1998年开始接触dj,1999年和朋友们做自己的hiphop party2002-2004年连续三界中国钢铁麦克 ironmic *2004年和朋友们创办了section6厂牌。2005年加入北京丛林低音文化,音乐厂牌举办过长达7年中国钢铁麦克的全国总*赛的主办者之一*说唱团体《隐藏》的组织者之一,国内知名hiphop文化演出厂牌 section 6 活动的创办者之一,他拥有10年的DJ经验和近20年的说唱经验,中国大陆大大小小演出不少于1500场次2005年他推出了中国大陆*张纯粹意义上的中文说唱,隐藏团体 专辑 (为人民服务)2007年他组建了一支多元素音乐风格的即兴乐队,因为他故意不给自己的乐队起名字,所以有人叫他的乐队为(北京现场体验)或者 (某某某乐队)2012年又推出了多种音乐风格的*张个人中文说唱十年精选专辑(GHETTO FOOD)2016年注册了*家雷鬼唱片有限公司(DB Bros records )人们知道mcwebber这个名字都是在中国hiphop音乐历史的基础上,但其实他从2006年便开始跳出传统hiphop意义的说唱形式,尝试创新,各种多元化现代音乐风格的中文说唱方式,把这种中文说唱方式穿插,以开拓和实验的态度融入到乐队,dj现场,和现场即兴表演中,那时候喜欢他的人群还对他新方式的演绎很陌生,2008年他去往欧洲在中西音乐文化交流中,接触到了很多国外知名艺人及音乐人,并用他的说唱方式向国外的人们展示了中国本土多元化的中文式说唱,让国外的音乐人士对中文说唱有了新的认识和认可,搭建了中西现代说唱音乐文化中的重要交流桥梁,在这以后,他开始与很多国际知名的说唱形式艺人合作并同台演出如一起合作演出过的美国的*说唱团体BLACK STAR团体成员ONYX团体成员来自纽约自由式*称号的Super Natural与BOB Marley之子Julian Marley同台演出法国*的reggae组合RAGGASONIC成员日本*的老派雷鬼艺人PA PA U GEE 牙买加的经典老派艺人 U Brown *英国伦敦雷鬼老派艺人Brother Culture*英国伦敦雷鬼老派艺人Tippa Irie来自牙买加*雷鬼明星Anthon B英国*雷鬼新派艺人Ras Demo英国*团体Congo Natty成员的演出活动中客串演出嘉宾及Dj,如今他是国内*的现代电音reggae Dj和多元化说唱方式的mc,同时他现在还在忙碌着经营他的唱片DB Bros records,和继续组织运作着*个中国在北京的hiphop厂牌,SECTION6至今他对中外现代说唱音乐文化交流,和协助国外说唱音乐文化进入中国本土做了很多他的贡献和作用。

Raddam Ras aka MC Webber, is one of China’s most versatile MC/ vocalists. From founding pioneering Chinese hip hop crew Yin T’sang in 2000, to fronting energetic improv band Beijing Live Experience in 2007, performing live with Talib Kwali, to becoming possibly the first Chinese Drum & Bass MC, Webber’s talent with the microphone has inspired countless other Chinese MCs. Born in the 70s, MC Webber has been DJing for more than a decade, and emceeing for more than two. Webber won the Chinese Iron Mic MC championship so many consecutive times he was asked not to enter again. MC Webber had thousands of live performances, co-hosted with friends and partners for ten years the purist underground Hip Hop event Section 6, in-depth exchanges with international Hip Hop and Reggae masters... MC Webber is known as THE Chinese MC who is most artistically pioneering, recognised as the most loyal practitioner and leader of local Hip Hop culture.

歌曲试听地址 Listen to songs :




Htrspltn / Oxanaom/ Troublesound (RUS) 

digital dj / live-set.

Hepna是一个来自俄罗斯集合了电子音乐家,视觉艺术家的团体。尝试打破了音乐类型的界限,通过音乐来拓展了心灵之间的沟通。无论是网络文化,还是对未来探索的视角,无时无刻都在激励新的思想火花的迸发。每一个表演都是独特的,都是不同风格的情感组合。擅长在bass music, vaporvawe, 

techno, psychedelic electronica, lofi, post-club, house, rap 等多种音乐的风格及形式表达。

Ivan Zhurovich,是他的真名,(2011-2017)在不同的厂牌下发行了一系列的专辑和EP。
Fuselab (RUS), DMTAPES (US), Astro Nautico (US) 。
同时也曾受邀与Araatan, Onhell, sbp4, Jaakko Eino Kalevi, Irfan等艺人同台演出。迷幻,抽象的节拍让每一个听众都无比的沉浸在他的音乐里。

Hepna is a union electronic musicians, DJs and visual artists from Russia, 

Eastern Siberia, city of Ulan-Ude. 

We bring nomadism, break genre bounds in music, expand mind limits through art. 

Web culture, future perspective and travels inspire us the most.

Each our performance is unique and emotional mix of different styles. 

Listeners can expect a hybrid mix of bass music, vaporvawe, 

techno, psychedelic electronica, lofi, post-club, house, rap etc. 

And also the music of original underground Russian artists, 

in their music there is the aesthetics of 

the residential areas perestroika Russian cities.

Rare for the rare.




htrspltn is the founder of the Hepna project, and he also is a music producer & DJ. 

Ivan Zhurovich, it’s his real name, has released a number of albums and EPs on different record labels (2011-2017) includin

Fuselab (RUS), DMTAPES (US), Astro Nautico (US) and others. 

Latest release: DMT-002 // htrspltn - Oмут (2017): https://dmtapes.bandcamp.com/album/o

htrspltn performed on the same stage with Araatan, Onhell, sbp4, Jaakko Eino Kalevi, Irfan and others.




"His music has a bit of psychedelic electronica, abstract beats and the idea of mutating groove which 

holds the audience’s attention while converting the composition beyond recognition. 

The guys from Macedonian label Filter says: «We could swear that if William Orbit and Pink Floyd would work together 

it would sound exactly like this.» 

We recommend you to listen to his music, especially for those who like Boards Of Canada, 

Four Tet, Flying Lotus and Daedalus. Sweet, isn’t it?” - ahhmusic.ru 2013






来自俄罗斯西伯利亚的DJ troublesound,一位一直活跃在地下音乐圈的狂热Party文化传播者,深受Jefferson Airplane,Jimi Hendrix,Tame Impala,Dead Meadow等迷幻乐队的影响,对音乐有独到的认识及创作能力。

Oxana also is a part of Hepna, she is a vocalist and a DJ. 

Oxana grew in the north of Lake Baikal, in the small city of Severobaikalsk. 

She was inspired by different types of music since early childhood, 

so now she is a multi-genre DJ with her own trippy sound.

Oxana get one of the most eclectic and up-to-date music tastes in the game.

Over the past 2 years, she managed to play her sets in more than 

50 venues in different cities of Eurasia! 

OXANAOM is definitely one of the most interesting DJ at the Siberian scene today.




◎ Psytrance ◎

十位 心灵召唤师

Satori Snooks(德国)



As part of Spirit Tribe Project, Satori Snooks is based in China to alleviate the suffering of the masses: all work and no play! Shortly after metamorphosing his brain in the transcendent hypercloud of feline-human cyberspace, he realized with crystal-clear clarity: Psytrance is the principal waveform of universal love! In deep meditation he drew from zero-state energies to transmute his alpha-waves into a collective quantum fluctuation – a psychedelic Doppelgänger! His sound originates in spirittribal actuality, a superexcited state of ecstasy - his music is an infinite tensor connecting you with the all-dancing energy of many-worlds! Full-on dominated psychedelic beats turn dull nights into razor-sharp bliss as Satori Snooks has come to blast the yoke of boredom into the mediocre multiverse where it belongs!  





2016年作为Psytrance DJ 游走各种派对演出。


DJ DK plays a wide-range of Psy-trance music, from blissed-out Psy-chill, to rhythmic Progressive, and blasting Full-on. His sets will bring you to another space, where the source of consciousness converges. The dance-floor transforms and the eternal tribal ceremony of life begins.

  DJ Yi(中国)

(The Yun Lab)

Yi “意”来自具有丰富历史及艺术文化气息的古城-大理。从小*对电子音乐的喜爱,在16岁的时候拥有了一套黑胶唱机并开始自己 策划,参与派对。

09年北上,在北京MIDI音乐学院对录音和音乐制作进行学习,校外与一些在京的策划人及dj交流,他所播放的派对音乐风格从节奏强 硬的Techno到极强民族气息的Minimal再到没有边界的Electronic,*终2010年尾回到大理,并爱上了psytance文化,开始对自己的 音乐体系进行改变。在2012年创办了“癫Tai Ji”派对组织,并与朋友们一起活跃在云南。

坚持对音乐,当下,未来...即能时刻疯癫,又能融入万物,用“理”对待一切的态度,开始传播PSYTRANCE音乐。擅用的播放的音乐 风格也日趋成熟,抛弃了沉重的音乐,本着电子音乐没有边界的原则,把他感觉到的宇宙和自然形态融合其中,给听众呈现空间感,并 赋予色彩。*像一个Circle,美妙的旋律会一直在你的脑海直到结束...

Yi "意" hails from the ancient city of Dali in China, famous for its rich history and culture of art. His love of electronic music began early on in life when he got his hands on a set of turntables at the age of 16. He immediately began to both organise and participate in as many parties as he could.

In 2009 he attended Beijing's MIDI school, where we studied music production. Outside of school he emerged himself into Beijing's vibrant music scene where he developed his own personal DJing style of ethnically influenced Minimal Techno.

At the end of 2010 he returned to his hometown of Dali, and fell in love with Psytrance culture, instantaneously changing his musical style. Together with several friends he founded the "Insane Tai Ji" organization in 2012,playing at some of the first parties they organised in Yunnan, and then in 2014 he officially signed to the label as part of the first generation of China's Psytrance producers.

Yi is a true believer in the original vibe and essence of the scene and believes that great DJ is one who can respond and guide his audience at the same time. He always insists on the highest quality music for every moment of a party. Whether it be Fullon, Progressive, or Chill it has to be the best. From start to finish his sets are a representation of the best the scene has to offer. They will burn into your brain and be with you till the end.



Acid Echoes (中国)





2015年开始学习Psytrance⾳音乐制作并和Atoned Splendor⼀一起制作了单曲Goblin Funk在


2017年加⼊入GoaProductions并担任Label Manager和A&R的⼯工作。

迄今为⽌止她已经与Braincell / Obviliant /Justin Chaos / Yudhisthira等国际**制作⼈人都有过同台演出经历



Acid Echoes is a Beijing based Psytrance DJ and Producer.

Being enthusiastic about various genres before, she finally fell for Psytrance and started DJing in 2014.

Today, she is organizing parties and events around China and performed at major Psytrance events liks Spirit Tribe

(2015,2016,2017), Shalanaya and many others.

In 2015 she got into producing and released her first track “Goblin Funk” under GoaProductions which she joined in

2017 as label manager.

Till now she already shared deck with Braincell / Obviliant /Justin Chaos / Yudhisthira

Her music and performances are driven by an incessant curiosity for sound exploration.


云南做为中国psychedelic的中心是我现在长期居住的地方,2013年我*次接触trance音乐便被它深深的吸引并在2014年开始做trance DJ。我*次的演出是在2015年10月的灵族音乐节,在此阶段我也在不同的场所演出比如:脸谱酒吧以及2016年的灵族音乐节等等。对我来说trance音乐一种沉思,冥想。这种音乐的震动把我和所有在跳舞的人一种积极乐观的感觉并把我们连接到了一起,我享受这种感觉并希望一直把这种感觉传播给更多喜欢音乐的人。

Currently living in Kunming, the heart of psychedelic trance in China. I started listening to trance music in 2013 and started djing in 2014. My first trance gig was in 2015 at Spirit Tribe music festival around October. Since then I have played other gigs and the most recent Spirit Tribe festival in 2016. To me Trance Music is a type of meditation. The vibrations and sounds of the music brings a positive connection to the dance floor. When I play I want to to make a connection between me the music and the audience. 

DJ Sai (中国)


DJ Sai 于2009年伴着飞行的脚步投身到电子世界中,一直致力于创造和推广真正优秀的音乐及大理Party文化。经过长期的参与Party策划工作,从中积攒丰富经验,已将Electronic文化和生活元素完美融合。他善用时乐时悲的Trance旋律来丰富听众的内心感情,并以他变化多端的思路控制节奏,出其不意的风格给舞台更添光芒。Psytrance是形式*纯粹的一种音乐,含有一个埋藏在你内心的真理。它通过那些你所听到捕捉到你心灵和大脑的音色来赋予你一种精神状态,一股积极的能量,而这种能量会在你所爱的人之间流窜。因此他的音乐也被称为“爱的翅膀”引领着内心有爱的人们飞向宇宙!

DJ Sai made his musical step starts in 2009, injecting vivid shots of colour and variety into the sometimes staid world of psytrance.his clear sense of groove is the base for a collage of delicate sounds, resulting in a feeling that's simultaneously ethereal—music is wings of love"




After many parties full with music and alcohol, we found out some problems: where is this messy music marketing system come from ? And why we only can accept one form to share music? With deeply thinking, he started his DJ career, multi-cultural became his music style .


2014年开始接触电子音乐 对Trance Psytrance Drum`bass Electro Funkrock 极度喜爱。

2015年加入喜儿乐队 任Bass手

2016年开始深入探索psy文化,着手学习创作线画及舞台装饰艺术,并成立独立线画装置艺术 “光”studio

2014 began into Trance Psytrance Drum`bass Electro Funkrock music. In 2015 Joined in the band called" xi er" as a bass player .In 2016, began to explore psy culture, founded "guang"studio.

 DJ JIA (中国)

(33 studio)


DJ JIA, Chengdu local, she has been a long time electronic music buff, shifted in different venues in the underground scene. Psytrance and techno are her thing with a gentle touch of diverse genres. Expect more from this rising start!

DJ Vortex Torsion (中国)


DJ Vortex Torsion is driving the universe train pulls in.  He carried blend of deep grooves into the third world of universe Since 2010.  you need to listen to deeply with your mind and body together, really listening,and be transported somewhere else.

本次音乐节因场地限制门票仅放出 500 张!!!抢票通道现已开放!

早鸟票 Early Bird : 70 RMB ( 已经售罄!!!)

预售票 Presale : 100 RMB ( *100张!!!)

现场票 Door : 150 RMB ( *200张!!!)


City of dawn-Mangshi

芒市位于滇西南缅甸边境,距昆明639公里,距大理316公里,全程高速。有机场可直达 (目的地:德宏 芒市)

Mangshi located in southwest of Yunnan , close to Burma frontier,316km from Dali ,639km from Kuming. Manshi also have airport (Dehong Mangshi)


Mangshi is a town under the jurisdiction of Luxi, which is the capital of the Deihong Dai & Jingpo Nationalities autonomous Prefecture. In Manshi, you will find are the language, the costumes and the living customs are more like those in Burma, laos or Thailand. The scenic spots to see in Mangshi are temples of Hinayana Buddhism, like Wuyun Temple, Foguang Temple, Temple in a Banyan tree and Sati Temple. The other spots include Sanxian natural cave, hot spring and mangjiu dam。

芒市历史悠久,古为乘象国滇越地。 地处低纬度高原,太阳辐射量大,是全国的光照高质区之一。热量丰富,气候温和,属南亚热带气候,乃避寒圣地。常年高温,物产丰富。除汉族外,州内世代居住着以傣族、景颇族、傈僳族、阿昌族、德昂族五种少数民族为主的30多种少数民族,是一个多民族文化融合的聚集地!

Mangshi is the countryseat of Luxi County and also the prefectural seat of Dehong Prefecture. Mangshi means "the Town of Daybreak". The name originated from the story that Sakyamuni got to Mangshi just as day broke. The town has an area of 10 square kilometers and a population of 60,000. Mangshi is a newly developing border town, will prosperous business and booming trading.


visual arts

Crystal Cortex

Crystal Cortex是一个现场视觉艺术项目,将psy音乐的节拍及其图案元素融合于迷幻的视觉装饰中,带来一场仿佛穿越时空的奇幻旅程。活动经历包括国内大大小小的场地和音乐节,茂兰山谷国际音乐节,灵族进化预热巡演等。

Crystal Cortex is a psychedelic visual arts live concept. Combining the rich impulses of psychedelic music and visionary art, each performance modifies the venue’s space-time and gives rise to an emergent audio-visual experience to the audience. Past performances include venues and festivals all over China, such as The Lost Valley Festival, Spirit Tribe Ascension Warm up tour. 





新媒体视觉系统实验家,涂鸦文化爱好者。自初中开始接触涂鸦文化至今,多年创作经验为其在艺术方面打下坚实基础,善于独立思考并创作颇具个人特色的作品。在大学期间开始接触视觉艺术,活跃于本土音乐演出现场。曾与 DJ Krush 、Shtuby、Carta、DjembaDjemba 等极具创造力和影响力的音乐人演出合作过。 

As a new media and experimental  visual artist, . Having spent much of his youth studying graffiti culture.  Supported with a range of artists such  DJ Krush 、Shtuby、Carta、Djemba Djemba







INFINITE BIZARRE founded in 2013, mixing up with light visual ,tropical art and design. they value creativity, sharing, self expression, acceptance and respect for the environment. These values are experienced through various designs , Market, live music performances, workshops, activities and art shows. 


The many visual artists will present the best stage vision for everyone


Market investment

边境电子音乐节 集市商位出租 正式开始启动!美食,艺术,文化.....



商铺数量有限,招商截止日期 2月10日



Refusing all vulgar, non - philosophical business,

We just have the coolest you!!!

本次音乐节因场地限制门票仅放出 500 张!!!抢票通道现已开放!
Ticket Info 


早鸟票 Early Bird : 70 RMB ( 已经售罄!!!)

预售票 Presale : 100 RMB ( *250张!!!)

现场票 Door : 150 RMB ( *200张!!!)


Repost & Win


- Frontier Of Dawn 2 电子音乐节门票一张或音乐节纪念T恤一件

Share this post on your moments , and leave a comment below of this post, take a screenshot and send it to our offcial Wechat account with your name and phone number beforeW 1/28 for a chance to win free ticket or a T-shirt to Frontier Of Dawn 2 music festival.







