独家#免票#[Elliot and TreeMonkeys]&[BangBangMary]联合专场

演出时间:01月11日 21:00-01月12日 04:00

艺人: Elliot and Tree Monkeys/Bang Bang Mary

场地: 北京 宝钞仓库(Soi Baochao)

地址:北京市东城区宝钞胡同10号(近南锣鼓巷)宝钞仓库 查看地图


通过购买门票方式支持此演出,一旦票品售出概不退换(因不可抗力因素导致演出取消或延期除外),请您在购买时务必仔细核对您的订单信息并审慎下单。 已购买的门票可在 我的订单中查看购票信息。


Thursday, January 11th ,  21:00 - Late

周四,01月11日, 21:00-凌晨


Address: #10 Baochao Hutong

Tel: 010-64011066
wechat/微信: baochaocangkubar

Free Entry


(Take note that this party starts at 9:00pm.  Early arrival is recommended!)


Elliot and Tree Monkeys

Elliot Zon & Tree Monkeys, what would happen after a bunch of weird Chinese musicians artists gathered together? An universally weird band was born! Consisting of 6 weirdos, bringing their souls out on the stage. Playing a wide range of classics, from the Beatles, David Bowie, all the way the modern classics MGMT, Omnipotent Youth Society. Besides from classic covers, the band will also be debuting some of their originals, for the very first time. Every human is welcome, come join us.

Band members: 

Elliot Zon Vocals, Guitar.  

Voodoo Baozi Vocals, Guitar. 

Lili Percussions. 

Meow Vocals, percussions

失落阎王 一队由几个奇奇怪怪的人组成的奇奇怪怪的乐队,带出来一种全新的奇奇怪怪的视听觉冲击。演绎着历史长河的不朽经典,从thebeatles,davidbowie,一直到现代后嬉皮代表MGMT,万青。除此之外,阎王还会特别献上几首原创歌曲。机会难得,不容错过。

Bang Bang Mary is a four-piece rock n roll band aiming to shoot up dance floors with tunes that will have the audience sweaty and exhausted by the end of every set. With one Brit and three South Africans in the band they draw influence from artists such as Arctic Monkeys, Fokofpolisiekar and Pretty Viscous. Their set is made up of originals with a few covers and are skilled at demolishing drum kits and jumping about in skinny jeans.


The band was founded in South Korea by the vocalist, Jamie. Under the former name of Animal Rave, weekends would be spent playing at various dingy bars getting handsomely paid with free beer and shots.


As the year came to the end, the vocalist, drummer (Rudi) and present bassist (Tyron) set their sights on China. Since arriving in Beijing in March 2017, they have played at various venues such as Temple Bar, School Barand Hot Cat Club.  The lead guitarist,Ulrich recently joined completing the bands’ dark, sweat inducing rock n roll sound.