布鲁克林梦幻沙滩化石Beach Fossils*中国巡演 上海站

演出时间:03月16日 20:00-03月16日 21:30

艺人: Beach Fossils

场地: 上海 上海 MAO Livehouse

地址:上海市黄浦区重庆南路308号3楼 查看地图


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布鲁克林梦幻沙滩化石Beach Fossils*中国巡演 上海站

票价:预售¥180 现场¥230

时间:2018年3月16日周五 20:00

地点:MAO Livehouse上海


 ~~与Mac Demarco, DIIV, Wild Nothing师出同门~~

~~Slowdive女神Rachel Goswell新专辑中倾情献声~~

~~影响 The Fin. 等多组复古、盯鞋乐团~~


**这张历时四年才完成的专辑《Somersault》中,Dustin Payseur毫不掩饰他在歌词和音乐创作中更多追求,Beach Fossils有着让人惊喜的转变**——Pitchfork


**新专辑《Somersault》*棒之处在于,即使Dustin Payseur成熟了许多,他还是能够写出*初在卧室中创作的稚嫩与美好** —— The Line of Best Fit


**Beach Fossils永远处在伟大这个定义的**,《Somersault》展示出了他们十年来不向周围任何事物妥协的成长** —— The 405


2008年纽约布鲁克林,Captured Tracks的老板Mike Sniper厌倦了从其他唱片公司拿来版权的朋克和power-pop的旧音乐,开始琢磨如何让他的厂牌与众不同。


随后他发行了这个厂牌的前两张唱片:Dum Dum Girls的第二张EP和他自己乐队Blank Dogs的一张EP。随后他发行了Beach Fossils、Mac Demarco以及DIIV的唱片,带着忧愁的lo-fi音乐让大家熟悉了Captured Tracks梦幻慵懒的美学。


而Beach Fossils和CT的其他乐队轨迹出奇得相似:起初只是Dustin Payseur个人的卧室计划,在吸收了三位成员,包括DIIV主唱Zachary Cole Smith(鼓手)之后,布鲁克林的沙滩化石在2010年发行首长同名专辑。在经历了人员变动之后,乐队还是不紧不慢得以主脑Dustin喜欢的节奏发行着音乐。


2017年,经历4年的沉寂,Beach Fossils终于带着《Somersault》回到大家身边。Slowdive女神Rachel Goswell更是在专辑中献唱。梦幻的沙滩化石也用在欧洲美国一场场完售的演出预示着独立大团的回归。


文 by 马西






3/16 周五 20:00

地点:MAO Livehouse


OPEN 19:00 / START 20:00

ADV ¥180 / DOOR ¥230



3/18 周日 20:30



OPEN 19:30 / START 20:30

ADV ¥180 / DOOR ¥230



3/20 周二 20:30



OPEN 19:30 / START 20:30

ADV ¥130 / DOOR ¥180


Beach Fossils 2018 China Tour


The long-awaited return of Brooklyn’s Beach Fossils, Somersault showcases a band in bloom. Charting into new musical territory with a refined songwriting style, it's an album that captures flashes of life in New York grounded in personal experience.


The band’s self-titled 2010 debut established a sound that was both minimal and enveloping. With Somersault, the group’s first release since 2013’s Clash the Truth, Beach Fossils have channeled years of experimentation into expansion and reinvention. Augmented with more complex instrumentation, including string arrangements, piano, harpsichord, flute, and sax, the new songs offer multi-layered pop guided by sharp, poignant, and honest lyrics.


As the band’s first release on Dustin Payseur’s new label Bayonet Records, which he co-owns with wife Kate Garcia—the group made the most of their newfound independence, investing ample time in expanding its range both musically and lyrically. While Payseur handled the bulk of the songwriting duties in the past, Somersault is a true collaboration between the founding member and bandmates, Jack Doyle Smith and Tommy Davidson. The new songs speak to a more fluid, eclectic sound, filled with lush compositions formed by studio experiments and sampling of the band’s own recordings.


Orchestral pop gem “Saint Ivy” shines with plucked strings, buoyant basslines and a propulsive, wayward, guitar. “Tangerine," a driving, tightly wound melody, rushes forward and briefly leaves the ground due to the gossamer guest vocals of Slowdive’s Rachel Goswell. The effervescent “Rise," which hinges on the spoken word of Gavin Mays (Cities Aviv) discussing a failed relationship, hangs, like many recent breakups, in a sense of suspension. The cloudy, wistful “Social Jetlag,” bustling with samples of crowded streets, features the type of candid, off-the-cuff lyrics that make the entire effort immediately illuminating.


Recorded at multiple studios across New York City, a cabin in upstate New York, and even Los Angeles (including the home studio of Jonathan Rado of Foxygen, who helped engineer part of the album), Somersault turns the newfound chemistry between the trio into a sonic tapestry. Due to the variety of sessions and recording locations, the album was a Frankenstein-like series of reworking and reimagining songs. As the group pieced together different parts in a cycle of creation and cooption, and built out more elaborate songs track by track, the process became more reminiscent of a record created via sampling and arranging than one built by simply grinding out riffs. The long-simmering album, filled with breezy music both melancholic and uplifting, sees the band channeling their voices and honing their craft.


Flowing between shimmering compositions and immersive soundscapes, Somersault evokes the laid-back mood of a warm, breezy city night, the air crackling with humidity and excitement. These songs pulse and pull, capturing a blend of promise and heartache. It’s beautiful and layered, a refined, sweeping creation that threads together numerous styles, textures, and themes into a refreshing, singular vision.


yeRecords is proud to present

Beach Fossils 2018 China Tour



3/16 FRI 20:00

VENUE: MAO Livehouse

ADDRESS: 3/F, 308 Chongqing Nan Lu, near Jianguo Zhong Lu, Huangpu District

OPEN 19:00 / START 20:00

ADV ¥180 / DOOR ¥230



3/18 SUN 20:30


ADDRESS: B-103, Beijing Tianqiao Performing Arts Center, Xicheng District

OPEN 19:30 / START 20:30

ADV ¥180 / DOOR ¥230



3/20 TUES 20:30

VENUE: B10 Live

ADDRESS: North Side of Building C2, North District of OCT-LOFT, Nanshan District

OPEN 19:30 / START 20:30

ADV ¥130 / DOOR ¥180