OIL pres. Tzusing 这片危险区域*有你想要找的绝世秘籍

演出时间:01月20日 22:00-01月21日 05:00

艺人: Tzusing/Fotan Laiki火炭丽琪/Kelvin T/Berlin Bunny

场地: 深圳 OIL Club

地址:深圳市福田区深业泰然大厦B座1楼L1-11A 查看地图


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OIL pres. 1/20 Tzusing 这片危险区域*有你想要找的绝世秘



#Tzusing  被ra评为*有影响力的中国电子音乐人之一





那*是长期旅居柏林的Pan Daijing,



Tzusing出生于马来西亚,在新加坡,台湾,芝加哥等城市有过各种各样的生活经历,目前常驻在上海。这些不同地域文化的交织影响促使了他在音乐上也愈加具有包容性和探索性。2011年他创建了“斯德哥尔摩综合征”更是成为了上海*重要的派对组织。Tzusing 2014-2016在纽约厂牌 L.I.E.S.先后发行了3张EP“A Name Out Of Place Pt~III”,今年他发行的两张EP使他的影响力在中国以及国际上得到了超乎想象的迅猛扩散。他的名字更是被RA多次的报道,从“东方不败”到“一瞬千击”,他将中国玄妙的东方世界元素融入于现代工业Techno和EBM的紧张声音当中,但是却并没有丝毫的让人觉得刻意造作。而EBM(Electric Body Music)这类并不经常被国内DJ所选择的凶猛音乐也有幸再次被他带回到大家的视野中。他曾被邀参与过CTM festival,Unsound,ADE等各大知名音乐节活动。


Tzusing毋庸置疑成为了2017年techno圈内*值得一提的人。在今年他发行的两张令人兴奋的EP“东方不败”以及“一瞬千击”之后,影响力在中国以及国际上得到了超乎想象的迅猛扩散。今年夏天他的名字更是被外国媒体RA多次的报道。他将中国玄妙的东方世界元素融入于现代工业Techno和EBM的紧张声音当中,在一把将你拖入不安与紧张后,暗藏着的精致*会从四面八方展开。间歇性出现的碎片式怪异呢喃营造出了“东方不败”世界观的未知险恶。而EBM(Electric Body Music)这类并不经常被国内DJ所选择的凶猛音乐也有幸再次被他带回到大家的视野中。




Tzusing was born in Malaysia, spent his formative years in Singapore and the Taiwanese manufacturing center of Taichung, studied in Chicago, and is currently based between Shanghai and Taipei. His music exists in this condition of dislocation, forged at the complicated intersection of personal, social, and national identity.


As a DJ, Tzusing’s sets mix streamlined techno, industrial electronics, non-western dance music, and contemporary club music. He adds to this a sincere belief in the redemptive power of pop music, ready to drop sophisticated, classic Asian pop into the middle of club sets. In his own productions Tzusing recombines these influences into aggressive, cathartic music, inflected with off-kilter half step rhythms, strange harmonic textures, and thick, unnaturally resonant drums. If glittering tuned percussion, reed instrument-like synthesizers, and the music’s imagery might evoke a sense of “Chinese-ness,” it is not to point to the site of “authentic culture,” but to ask what these signifiers mean and who they belong to, as diasporas mutate beyond national borders. Seeking fun and subversion in equal parts, Tzusing’s music circles around themes of power, obsession, sexuality, identity and its obliteration.


In 2011 Tzusing founded Shanghai’s “Stockholm Syndrome” night, hosted at the now-legendary Shelter, and was introduced to the wider world through a trilogy of EPs on L.I.E.S. Records beginning in 2014. He has since made appearances on Cititrax and Public Possession, and in February 2017 released his debut LP 東方不敗 through L.I.E.S. “Hollaback Boi,” his collaboration with Samo DJ, was listed in Resident Advisor’s Top 50 Tracks of 2016. Tzusing has performed sets for Boiler Room, Red Bull Music Academy, and Tokyo’s Dommune, as well as DJing Berghain for 2017’s CTM Festival. Further plans for the year include tours through Asia, North America, and Europe.



Fotan Laiki may look and act like a 廢青 - the stereotypical good-for-nothing youngster without a plan for the future — and she obviously is one. But it's also her attitude and personality that represents the essence of the youth in Hong Kong today, which is very likely the core reason behind her cult popularity. Having been chosen to be the covergirl of Hong Kong's highly popular indie band My Little Airport's album (which is named after her) along with her hugely popular verse on the cult hit with YoungQueenz, Fotan Laiki has quickly become the mysterious character that everyone is talking about.

So who the fuck is Fotan Laiki? No one knows.

火炭丽琪看起来可能*是当下非常典型的年轻人,不计划任何未来,也没有什么特别擅长,在如今这种人有种称呼“废青”但是她的态度和性格可能恰当的提炼和代表了当下一大部分香港年轻人的生活状态,这或许也是她非常受欢迎被崇拜的核心原因。她还为香港极度受欢迎的独立乐队My Little Airport 的一张(以她为名的专辑)《火炭丽琪》做过封面女郎;她与YoungQeenz 的合作MV 在 YouTube 也是非常火热,一瞬间她*成为了大家能够侃侃而谈的神秘人物。

Kelvin T

Kelvin T,全名邓方正,是一名19岁在香港土生土长的DJ和音乐制作人。他从初中开始音乐制作,至今已完成了7张EP。远超他年纪的敏锐触觉使他在互联网音乐场景色上崭头露角。他先后加入了前卫上海厂牌 Genome 6.66 Mbp、本地团队 Absurd Trax、Hong Kong Community Radio、以及许留山会。他于每次演出中急速成长,陆续在现场试验live set、说唱、以及visual。满面稚气的他所制作的暗黑舞曲已多次被不同DJ选播于 NTS、Radar Radio、RBMA等网上电台。*近他又发了一张专辑《No response/Crying From Hell》


Berlin Bunny

Izabella Chrobok,BB aka berlin Bunny是她这个音乐项目的化名,生于波兰,后来居住在柏林。她的风格与强烈的Punk,Industrial以及Alternative music(另类音乐)背景相联系。她的舞蹈混音包含了morden electrionic techno,New wave,EBM,后朋克以及一些80~90 年代非常old school的音乐。Izabella Chrobok是专业的多学科设计师和艺术家,极力的参与着多种项目的制作,包括插画,摄影, 动画。 个人,以音乐作为工具,为乘客带来不同状态的旅行体验。

BB aka Berlin Bunny is DJ project of Izabella Chrobok originally from Poland but based in Berlin. Her style is connected with strong punk, industrial, alternative music background. Her dance-able mixes contain combination of modern electronic techno vibes, new wave, ebm, post punk and some old school and trashy sounds from 90 or 80. Izabella Chrobok is profesionally multidisciplinary designer & artist strongly involved in illustration, photography, video editing & animation. Individual, who brings the passengers on the travel through different states of mind using music as a tool.


时间: 1月20号 星期六 


早鸟Early  Bird:50  RMB

预售Pre-sale:70   RMB

正票On Door:90  RMB 

Address 地址:

深圳市福田区车公庙泰然大厦01层L1-11A (下沙站D出口 ) 

11A Ground Floor,Tairan Mansion, Tairan 8th Rd 

Xiasha Metro Station Exit D, Futian District Shenzhen 

RSVP : +86 - 18617150566

Email :info@oilsz.com









