
演出时间:01月19日 19:30-01月19日 21:00

艺人: Wallace Roney

场地: 北京 Blue Note Beijing

地址:前门东大街23号blue note 查看地图


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入场时间/Door Time:6:00 PM

演出时间/Show Time:7:30PM

地址/Add:前门东大街23号 Blue Note Beijing

23 Qianmen East Street. Dongcheng District. Beijing

电话Tel:170-0000-0288 188-BLUE-NOTE



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Wallace Roney - trumpet

Emilio Modeste - sax

Oscar Williams - piano

Curtis Lundy - bass

Eric Allen - drums


Wallace Roney

Wallace Roney来自宾夕法尼亚州的费城,于1960年5月25日出生。他五岁开始学习音乐,学习对节奏的支配控制以及即兴演奏手法。他六岁开始吹小号,被认定为奇才,七岁时获得了Settlement School of Music的奖学金。*是在那里,十岁的Wallace接受了Sigmund Herring的私人小号培训。作为一个奇才,Wallace在12岁的时候*成为了费城管弦乐团中*年轻的成员。

Wallace Roney is from Philadelphia, PA, born May 25, 1960. He began his musical studies at the age of five, learning rhythmic dictation and sight-reading. He began playing the trumpet at age six. He was identified as a prodigy and was awarded a scholarship to the Settlement School of Music at the age of seven. It is there that Wallace received private trumpet lesson with Sigmund Herring at the age of ten. As a child prodigy, by the age of 12 Wallace became the youngest member of the Philadelphia brass ensemble which was comprised of members of the Philadelphia Orchestra.


在他与铜管乐团的合作中, Wallace遇到了爵士乐巨匠Clark Terry,身为Wallace的老师,导师和朋友,对他影响深远。Clark Terry要比他之前的古典小号教师更加认真,教给他一些技巧、发音和呼吸的控制。Clark Terry是Wallace三个伟大导师中的*人。

During his affiliation with the brass ensemble Wallace met jazz great Clark Terry who became a major influence, teacher, mentor and friend. Clark Terry taught him more about the trumpet than previous classical trumpet teachers had. He taught him technique, articulation and breath control. Clark Terry was the first of Wallace's three greatest mentors.

之后Wallace搬到了华盛顿,在那里他参加了艾灵顿公爵艺术学院(Duke Ellington School of the Arts)。在艾灵顿的时候,他和Langston Fitzgerald一起研究小号的演奏,并加入与巴尔蒂摩交响乐团的合奏。Fitzgerald被Wallace亲切地称为“Fitz”,他教会Wallace如何在困难中追求卓越。

Wallace's moved to Washington, DC where he attended the Duke Ellington School of the Arts. While at Ellington he studied the trumpet with Langston Fitzgerald, trumpeter with the Baltimore Symphony. Fitz, as he was fondly called by Wallace, taught him to strive for excellence in spite of obstacles.



15岁的Wallace加入了Art Blakey的乐队,并接替了小号手Bill Hardman之后的演出。在他演出的第二天发生的一场车祸使得Wallace的父亲不让他接手这项工作,不过Wallace还是继续和这些伟大的音乐家一同演奏,包括 Cedar Walton, Sam Jones和Billy Higgins。

Wallace sat in with Art Blakey's band at the age of 15 and was offered the job to replace trumpeter Bill Hardman. A car accident that happened the day after he was offered the gig caused Wallace's father not to let him take the job. Wallace did, however, continue to sit in with a lot of great musicians including Cedar Walton, Sam Jones and Billy Higgins all of which led to Wallace playing several gigs with Cedar Walton.



在16岁的时候,Wallace遇到了他音乐生涯中另一个对他影响深远的小号手Dizzy Gillespie,Dizzy教会了Wallace更多在复杂的即兴演奏中需要掌握的技巧。在这段时间里,他也去了纽约,并与当时引起轰动的爵士大师Philly Joe Jones的一起合作。不久之前,他遇到了小号手Woody Shaw,成为了他的密友和导师。在此期间,Wallace从艾灵顿毕业,开始向世界知名的铜管乐器演奏家Donald Reinhart博士学习,同时在Howard大学向Fred Irby学习。Wallace在Howard大学又待了一年,*是为了能和Art Blakey的大乐队一起演奏。除此之外,他还和Joe Henderson, Dollar Brand一起演出,然后在伯克利音乐学院学习一年,*后离开那里重新加入Art Blakey的Jazz Messengers。



At the age of 16 he met another trumpet player who would become the second greatest influence in his musical life, Dizzy Gillespie. Dizzy taught Wallace even more advanced techniques that enhanced his ability to play intricate improvisational phrases. During this time he also went to NY and sat in with the great Philly Joe Jones which caused a stir. It wasn't long before he met the great trumpet player Woody Shaw who also became a close friend and mentor. During this time, Wallace graduated from Ellington and began studying with Dr. Donald Reinhart, a world renowned brass specialist in the Brass community, while at the same time attending Howard University and studying with Fred Irby. Wallace remained at Howard University for a year only to be called away to become a member of Art Blakey's Big Band. He also played with Joe Henderson, Dollar Brand and then studied for a year at Berkele School of Music before leaving there to rejoin Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers.


自从和Messengers乐队演奏后,可以说Wallace合作演奏的名单上都是爵士乐界的大师级人物。名字太多到无法赘述,她喜欢这么形容自己,他合作过的演奏家是从Jay McShann到Herbie Hancock的所有人。

Since playing with the "Messengers" the list of people that Wallace has played with is a veritable who's who of jazz. Too numerous to name, he likes to say that he has played with everyone from Jay McShann to Herbie Hancock.


1983年的时候,Wallace遇到了对他影响*深的导师,那*是他一直以来的偶像Mile Davis。Wallace与Mile的关系*像是Louis Armstrong和Joe (King) Oliver一样 。和Mile在一起,Wallace懂得了作为一个音乐家该有的洞察力和敏锐性,在*富有创造力的音乐之上,毫不妥协地升华到另外一个境界。

In 1983 he met the greatest influence in his life, the person that was his idol and his greatest teacher, Mile Davis. Wallace's relationship with Mile was similar to Louis Armstrong's relationship with Joe (King) Oliver. Being with Miles gave him insight and tutelage on being a melodist, being on top of the most creative music, and uncompromisingly taking it further.


有一次,Wallace重新加入了Art Blakey的乐队,同时被邀请到Tony Williams的五重奏演奏中,他选择与Tony刚刚面世的乐队合作。1984年,Wallace还与Ornette Coleman见了面,并加入演奏了他的交响乐《The Sacred Mind of Johnny Dolphin》。他还和Ornette的四重奏一起巡演,代替去世的乐手Don Cherry。

At one point Wallace rejoined Art Blakey's Band and at the same time was invited to play with Tony Williams' quintet. He elected to play with Tony's ground breaking band. In 1984 Wallace also met and hung out with Ornette Coleman and premi�red his symphony "The Sacred Mind of Johnny Dolphin". He also played gigs with Ornette in his "Classic Quartet", taking Don Cherry's place when he died.


在与Miles Davis的学习和相处下,Wallace被邀请参与到他在蒙特勒音乐会的演奏。这一刻非常有纪念意义,因为这是Miles演奏主流爵士的第30年。这场音乐会被录制下来,并获得了格莱美奖。当Miles在1991年去世的时候,Wallace加入了他认为是史上*厉害的乐队VSOP,其中有Herbie Hancock, Ron Carter, Tony Williams和Wayne Shorter。之后Wallace赢得了他的第二个格莱美。1996年的时候,Wallace加入了Chick Corea的“Special Quintet”五重奏。Wallace还为Michael McDonald的唱片演奏,在《Like a Child》中的独奏让他再次获得了格莱美奖。

All of the time spent studying under and hanging with Miles Davis led Miles to ask Wallace to play with him on the Historic Miles at Montreux Concert. This was historic because it was the first time Miles had played straight ahead jazz in 30 years. The concert was recorded and it received a Grammy. When Miles died in 1991, Wallace joined what he considers to be the greatest group in history, VSOP, which included Herbie Hancock, Ron Carter, Tony Williams, and Wayne Shorter. It is with VSOP that Wallace won his second Grammy. In 1996 he joined Chick Corea's "Special Quintet". Wallace also played on Michael McDonald's record for which he won a Grammy for his solo in "Like a Child".



Wallace formed his own group in 1993. Other than periodic special projects and playing intermittently with other all-star groups, he has been leading his band and is dedicated to continuing to add to the jazz music legacy.