意大利放克摇滚天团大章鱼OCTOPUSS (IT., Funk, Rock)

演出时间:12月13日 23:00-12月13日 23:59

艺人: Octopuss大章鱼乐队

场地: 北京 黄昏黎明DDC

地址:北京市朝阳区神路街39号地下一层DDC 查看地图


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时间/Time: 2017年12月13日 23:00 

门票/Ticket: 80(presale)/100(door)  

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 

电话/Tel: 010-64078969 

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com



Octopuss是一支来自欧洲的强力三人乐团。乐团的音乐风格受到吉他教父吉米·亨德里克斯、红辣椒乐队和披头士的重要影响 ,以摇滚为主,并融合了强烈的放克风格。 

OCTOPUSS is a European power trio of mind-blowing impact. The group's musical style, influenced by the sound of bands such as The Jimi Hendrix Experience, Red Hot Chili Peppers and The Beatles, primarily consists of rock with an emphasis on funk, as well as elements from other genres such as punk rock, and psychedelic rock.


When played live, the band incorporates some aspects of jam band due to the improvised nature of much of their performances and is considered by fans and peers alike as one of the best underground live bands around. 

三人乐团成员分别是Reepo (主唱&吉他手) , Garrincha (贝斯,前Le Vibrazioni成员,该乐队是意大利*知名乐队之一,拥有六张白金唱片,为隶属的意大利索尼唱片创造过五十万张的成绩,同时该成员也是意大利2013年*热门电视选秀节目XFactor固定现场乐队班底之一),以及Luca Capasso (鼓手)。 

The trio, originally called "Octopus," currently consists of founding members Reepo (vocals and guitar) and Garrincha (bass and former member of Le Vibrazioni, one of Italy's most famous bands, with three records and more than 500.000 copies sold for Sony Italy, and now member of the X-FACTOR Superband in the current italian edition of the successfull TV show airing on prime time), and drummer Rolando Cappanera. 

Octopuss 的成功巡演遍布意大利、全欧洲以包括好莱坞Viper Room和The Cat Club等知名表演场的美国各大城市。2010年7月22日获邀成为传奇的深紫色乐团在意大利艾米利亚大区的米拉贝罗体育场举行的演唱会开场嘉宾。同时也积极参与包括REZOPHONIC为非洲医疗研究筹款的慈善演唱会。 

Before having produced any records or signed a contract, Octopuss has performed at countless gigs at an array of venues and festivals all over Italy, and soon decided to bring their music across the Atlantic for a first self-produced US tour - with outstanding feedback from each of their gigs - then back to Italy. The buzz around the band started to become international, and because of this they were invited to play some sets in London as well. 

在乐队广受好评之际,他们推出了亲自监制的现场音乐录影带"OCTOPUS LIVE",该支音乐录影带由为哥特乐团时空飞鹰制作了音乐电影的Marco Trentacoste亲自操刀。  

Meanwhile the band has been writing new songs, and the tightness and confidence at live shows have been increasing exponentially. To capture this positive band's flow, Octopuss decided to self-produce and film a live video included in the DVD called 'OCTOPUS LIVE,' which is sold at their concerts, and mixed by Marco Trentacoste, who recently worked on Lacuna Coil's latest live film.



After having won the Italian edition of the Jack Daniels' Challenge for Rock TV Italy as 'The Best Rock Band,' the trio was invited to perform at the Global Music Event at Lynchburg, Tennessee to represent the Italian rock scene in the US.


在乐队迁居洛杉矶之后,受Beej Chaney (前The Suburbs乐队主唱)之邀前往具有传奇色彩的美国马里布香格里拉录音室,共同录制他们的新唱片《A Nut For a Jar of Tuna》,并由英国*的音乐制作人Gary Miller制作。Gary Miller曾是大卫·鲍伊、史来许,fergie, 安德烈波切利,莱昂纳尔·里奇, 凯莉·米洛的*制作人。 

2014年9月10日乐队发行了新唱片主打单曲(Run Run Run)的音乐录影带,当天便登上意大利晚邮报网站头条; 目前该音乐录影带目前在MTV、DJTV以及Rock TV Italy播放。 

Octopuss decided then to self-produce a second tour in The United States. They spent a significant amount of time in Los Angeles, where they played at some of the world's most famous music venues including The Viper Room and The Cat Club in Hollywood. Following the success of their LA gigs, the band began to capture the attention of music professionals around the city.