Nocturnes, Tydi Knots, Peppercorns联合专场

演出时间:11月23日 21:00-11月23日 22:30

艺人: Nocturnes曳取/Tydi Knots/the peppercorns

场地: 北京 黄昏黎明DDC

地址:北京市朝阳区神路街39号地下一层DDC 查看地图


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冬日夜晚的寒冷是否让你失去对夜晚的期待?在感恩节这个热烈的节日里,来DDC干一杯吧,今晚的电子、迷幻、先锋元素让你流连在神秘的夜色中,让我们搭载音乐的“May Flower”去往一片新大陆吧,遍地的希望、遍地的音符!

曳取 Nocturnes (indie electronic)

Nocturnes曳取是2015年成立于北京的独立电子乐队,乐队有两名成员:萎度,主唱/词作者;大卫,吉他/编曲/制作。2016年三月独立发行了首张EP《A World Full of Adults》。2017年年初推出全新EP《浮尘荣光》。


 曳取的音乐风格除了保持电子入耳的节奏感,也兼备流行摇滚的大胆和较强的迷幻色彩。人声极具特点,让听者可以沉浸其中完全打开想象力。他们的音乐氛围感很强,迷人旋律中充斥着丰富的情感,在其中你也许会找到Da Bang, Nova Heart, Coldplay这些前辈的影子。正如乐队名一样,听他们的歌*容易让人联想到夜晚,听到存在与梦幻,九零后的世界观,成长旅途,私密和欲望,爱与自我,静谧和悸动,记忆和情仇,未来感,过去史等等,所听即所得。 

Nocturnes are an Indie-Electronic band based in Beijing, China. They are: Weidu- vocals/lyrics David - guitar/composition/production. The band was officially formed in late 2015 and in March 2016 they independently released their first EP album, A World Full of Adults, which included 5 songs. A string of gigs in the Beijing area followed, culminating in their support of American Indie Rock band Surfer Blood at Yugong Yishan. Soon after, in October 2016, they signed to Chinese record label Cao Tai Music, and will release their new EP, Dust into Glory, at the beginning of 2017. 

Their sound has been described as a mix of "sensual overtones and airy elegant grace", where a sultry electronic rhythm section meshes with Indie Rock touches and atmospheric vocals. Combined with top-notch production values and unique vocals, Nocturnes' music is escapism, sounds which draw you deeply within their world. Their music has been described as “sultry”, “atmospheric” and “emotional”, and sits somewhere between the intensity of Foals, the electronic elements of Bonobo and the pop sensibilities of Coldplay. They are inspired by the night, existence and illusion, a post-90s worldview, growing up in a disaffected generation, secrets and desires, love and ego, silence and thrill, memory and hatred, the future and past. What you hear is what you get.


The Peppercorns 飞椒乐队 


The Peppercorns is a band that plays heavy psychedelic rock music rooted in a classic 70's style, drawing inspiration from prog and art rock. The band is guitar heavy with experimental synth however their songs still maintain a pop sensibility. Fronted by Edog Wonderlogg II with Kangaroo Zhong on guitar, Brain 2.0 on drums, and Yan Von3000 on bass. Get ready for helicopters, paratroopers, and atomic lizards. 

Tydi Knots

Tydi Knots 之前在韩国的许多地方演出过,这是在邻国多次演出后他们再次来到北京。

你很难定义他们的音乐,因为他们从各种各样的音乐中汲取灵感。Tydi Knots 的音乐介于独立摇滚、摇滚、后摇、氛围音乐和实验摇滚乐之间。Tydi Knots 也演奏原声乐器用来融合流行、古典和民谣。


The band has played numerous venues in South Korea before relocating to Beijing, China in 2017 where they have played numerous shows around Beijing.

Their sound is difficult to set to a genre as they draw inspiration and influences from all various genres and styles of music, but the band’s musical style can be described as an infectious mix between Alternative, Indie Pop, Rock, Post Rock, Ambient and Experimental Rock. also play unique acoustic sets with various acoustic instruments which incorporate Pop, Classical and Folk music styles.

When they are not on stage, they can be found writing songs in preparation for future singles, a debut album as well as playing shows in odd and interesting places.



活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2017年11月23日 21:00

门票/Ticket: 50(presale)/60(door)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District

电话/Tel: 010-64078969

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com