
演出时间:11月18日 18:30-11月18日 20:00

艺人: Carmen Souza

场地: 北京 Blue Note Beijing

地址:前门东大街23号blue note 查看地图


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入场时间/Door Time:5:00 PM

演出时间/Show Time:6:30PM

地址/Add:前门东大街23号 Blue Note Beijing

23 Qianmen East Street. Dongcheng District. Beijing

电话Tel:170-0000-0288 188-BLUE-NOTE



B2剧场票价Ticket Price:





Carmen Souza- Lead vocals, Piano & Guitar
Theo Pascal - Electric Bass & Double bass, back vocals
Elias Kacomanolis - Drums, percussion, back vocals

1981年,Carmen Souza出生于里斯本一个基督教的家庭,她的制作人兼导师,也是葡萄牙*的贝斯演奏者之一的TheoPas'cal,发现了她的才华,并向Carmen介绍了爵士乐及其他当代音乐,这些对她的发展产生了显着的影响。Carmen想创造一个新的声音,灵感是来自她的祖先的方言克里奥尔语(克里奥尔语起源于殖民化初期。它的词汇主要是法语,但是用的却是非洲语言的句法。经过几个世纪的演变,克里奥尔语变成了一种完全独立的语言。):将传统的非洲音乐和佛得角节奏如Batuke,Morna,Coladjon等与她受到的当代爵士乐影响相融合,产生一个完全亲密的听觉的氛围,不同于佛得角传统的音乐氛围。自2005年以来,Carmen一直在世界各地巡回演出。毫无疑问,她已经成为了世界音乐力量的真正一部分,更是欧洲*的爵士歌手之一。有人说,Carmen Souza不需要证明她的音乐是爵士乐还是“世界音乐”。因为她的风格既独特又令人信服,*像她创作的佛得角音乐一样,她希望在“世界爵士乐”的标签下创造一种新的语言。2017年,她也将在新专辑《CREOLOGY》中回归她的克里奥尔语。


“克里奥尔语言研究”是“CREOLOGY”这个词的学术定义,Carmen Souza的这张专辑专辑继续与Theo Pascal合作完成。“creology”来自拉丁语中的“creare”这个词,意思是“to create(创造)”,在希腊符号中是(λογος),其意思为“science of(科学)”或“knowledge of(知识)”。这两位音乐家没有在研习语言学,而是使用creole music(克里奥尔语音乐)创作出一套新的歌曲——这是一种几个世纪以来沉淀,也是游历世界的声音和节奏。15年来,Carmen Souza和Theo Pascal发表了几张广受好评的专辑,都延续了他们的创作过程——将其继承的传统音乐文化元素与其他现代音乐新元素(如爵士乐等)混合在一起,已形成自己的风格。


Carmen Souza来自佛得角的女儿,也是克里奥尔人后裔。Theo则是葡萄牙浸信会传教士的儿子,Theo是一位葡萄牙浸信会传教士的儿子,他父亲的使命是在七十年代非殖民化进程和葡萄牙革命之后,帮助非洲人民获得自由。Theo是在非洲人的怀抱中长大的,他们把他当作自己的一员。

Carmen Souza was born in Lisbon (1981) within a Christian family of Cape Verdeans. 
Theo Pas'cal, her producer and mentor and one of the best bass players in Portugal, discovered her talent and introduced Carmen to Jazz and other contemporary sounds that markedly influenced her musical development.

Carmen wanted to create a new sound, in her ancestor's dialect Creole, that would mix traditional African and Cape Verde rhythms like Batuke, Morna, Cola djon, and others, with her jazz contemporary influences, in a totally intimate and acoustic vibe, different from the traditional festive environment of Cape Verdean sounds. 

Carmen Souza has been touring extensively around the World since 2005and, undoubtedly, has become a true world music force and one of Europe's most in-demand jazz singers, as someone said:"Carmen Souza does not have to decide whether her music is Jazz or 'World Music'. Her style is just as unique as convincing and her Cape Capeverdean roots as evident as her desire to create a new language under the label of 'World Jazz'.

2017 will mark a return to her creole roots with a new album called CREOLOGY.


Label:Galileo Music

'The study of creole languages' is the academic definition of CREOLOGY, the name of Carmen Souza ́s album no8, in collaboration with Theo Pascal. The term "creology" comes from the Latin ‘creare’ which means "to create", and from the greek logos (λογος) meaning "science of" or "knowledge of". The 2 musicians didn ́t set themselves to study linguistics but rather create a new set of songs using the creole music - the globetrotting sounds and rhythms known to have travelled for centuries across continents with its enslaved people. 15 years later, with several acclaimed albums along the way, Carmen Souza and Theo Pascal continue their process of Creolization - mixing their inherited traditional cultural elements with other modern and newer elements, like jazz among others, on a quest to cement their own identity.


Carmen Souza, daughter of Cape Verdeans, came from a heritage directly connected with the creole slavery and, on the other hand, Theo is the son of a Portuguese Baptist preacher who's mission, in the 70's, was to help African people on the run, after the decolonization process and the Portuguese revolution. Theo was raised on the lap of those Africans, who treated him like one of their own.