独家加拿大融合吉他大师携乐队The Galen Weston Band中国巡演 南通站

演出时间:10月14日 21:30-10月14日 23:00

艺人: Galen Weston Band

场地: 南通 无二艺术音乐酒吧

地址:南通 崇川区 青年中路173号173广场院内宏鼎公馆西侧大红门 查看地图


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吉他 Guitar:Galen Weston

萨克斯 Saxophone:Richard Underhill

贝斯 Bass:Lukas Kytnar

鼓手 Drums:Michel Brindis


随着2015年的首张专辑《Plugged In》,2016年的美国欧洲巡演以及过硬的技术,Galen Weston Band已不再是一个初出茅庐的乐队,而是一个可以考虑载入当代爵士史的中坚力量。


Propelled by a stunning 2015 debut album, a breakthrough 2016 American and European tour and fierce technical ferocity, the Galen Weston Band has done just that; exploded onto the scene. In a short amount of time GWB has become a force to be reckoned with in contemporary jazz.


Galen Weston


Galen Weston出生于离多伦多向北一个多小时安大略省的一个小镇上,这个地方被这位吉他手描述为“差不多只有中间一条街道的无名之地”,他*早开始学习吉他很明显是因为无聊,当时正是重金属的黄金年代,更别提那些加拿大本土的金属和基督金属,没过多久这个青春期还没有到的孩子*开始沉浸在摇滚海洋里,在众多经典之中他渐渐的发掘自己的风格。

现在虽然Galen Weston在自己音乐之外的工作有着非常大成*但是这一点对于他对于音乐的执着并无帮助。年近四十,生活一切美好但是音乐却越来越遥远。决心重拾音乐之时,他开始尝试用音乐事业ROSE ROOM RECORDING ROOM一个多伦多*的录音棚的创办来重新开展自己的音乐。也正是在这里他渐渐地拾起了音乐以及遇见后来乐队的成员。到如今他已经有一张成功的专辑,而第二张专辑也正在筹备之中。

Galen Weston hails from Freelton, Ontario, a very thin slice of Canada more than an hour north of Toronto that the guitarist calls “pretty much just a street out in the middle of nowhere.” So he first discovered the guitar out of boredom. It was the golden age of Heavy Metal, not to mention Canadian and Christian Metal, and soon the preteen was devouring it all; Gun & Roses, Led Zepplin, Stryker, Van Halen and more. Soon he progressed through high school as a rock stylist by distilling from his heroes -Steve Vai, Eric Johnson and Joe Satarini to develop his own sound.

Today guitarist Galen Weston is also one of the world’s leading generators of annuity leads. This fact has nothing to dowith music, but nonetheless is the endgame of what started when life intruded on his dreams as a musician. Heading into his 40’s, life was good and music was literally an afterthought.That tunnel vision that a young Galen Weston first displayed on the guitar and then the business world refocused once again. This time it wasn’t just about the guitar, but the brand new frontier of the music business that because of his musical Rip Van Winkle act, he once again had to learn over. Part of his answer is Rose Room Recording Studio, the Toronto state of the art shop that Weston dreamt of after waking up.As he was building, he woodshedded for two years. The studio opened and slowly he began to meet musicians, including the ones who would form his band. Then they worked on becoming a unit for almost two years.

Richard Underhill



加拿大萨克斯演奏家Richard Underhill温暖高亢、行云流水般高超的演奏技术以及旁若无人的solo技巧已经让他跻身于加拿大*特别的爵士演奏师之间。他和林肯艺术中心爵士小号手Ron Westray以及一些多伦多*爵士演奏者的*新的项目“自由的灵魂”,即使*严苛去审视也是一场完美的现场演出。

Canadian Saxophonist Richard Underhill’s warm alto sound, great writing and arranging skills and in-from-the-outside soloing make him one of Canada’s most distinctive jazz performers. His new project is 'Free Spirit', a critically acclaimed Live DVD/Studio CD set that features Lincoln Center Jazz trombonist Ron Westray and some of Toronto’s finest jazz players.

Lukas Kytnar


捷克贝斯演奏家Lukas Kytnar:我出生在捷克北部美丽的克尔科诺谢山谷里,在那里我开始爱上自然与音乐,也从那时开始弹奏古典吉他,随后才开始演奏电贝斯。*早开始在摇滚乐队、爵士乐队里演出,18岁搬到布拉格后在爵士音乐学校里完成学业,在诸多乐队以及项目里进行演奏。2014年搬到加拿大蒙特利尔,继续在爵士音乐以及贝斯线里进行无尽的探索。每*因为让音乐通过我的贝斯而迸发出来的旋律而感觉到开心不已。

Czech Bassist Lukas Kytnar – I grew up in the beautiful mountains in the north part of the Czech republic, Krkonose, where I believe I fell in love with nature and music at the same time, begun playing acoustic guitar and electric bass later, first rock bands, jazz bands and then at the age of 18 moving to Prague, where I went through the Jazz conservatory and performed in various bands and tour projects. In 2014 I moved to Canada, Montreal, to continue exploring endless space of jazz music and bass lines. Feeling very lucky every day to grab such challenge, letting the music flow through me and my basses.

Michel Brindis


Michel Medrano Brindis出生在古巴的哈瓦那。在2008与2009年间他和Orlando Sanchez 、Rember Duharte & Nautilus以古巴爵士演出参加了国际爵士嘉年华活动。他曾在2010年冬季奥运会上和其他艺术家一起演出。在2011年早些时候他曾和一些国际以及加拿大本土音乐家们一起在蒙特利尔国际爵士音乐节上演出。

Michel Medrano Brindis was born in Havana City, Cuba.

In 2008 & 2009 Michel took part in the International Festival Jazz Plaza, with Orlando Sanchez “Cubajazz” and Rember Duharte & Nautilus. He played at the Sasktchewan Pavilion during the 2010 Winter Olympics, along with many others. In early 2011, he performed with many local and international musicians at the “Festival International de Jazz de Montreal”, “Francofolies”, “Festival Nuits d’Afrique” and many others all around Quebec.