
演出时间:10月26日 19:30-10月26日 21:30


场地: 北京 Blue Note Beijing

地址:前门东大街23号blue note 查看地图


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入场时间/Door Time:6:00 PM

演出时间/Show Time:7:30PM

地址/Add:前门东大街23号 Blue Note Beijing

23 Qianmen East Street. Dongcheng District. Beijing

电话Tel:170-0000-0288 188-BLUE-NOTE



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Sugar Blue - vocal, harmonica

Sergio montaleni - guitar 

Ilaria Lantieri- bass

James Cowan - keyboards

C.J. Tucker - drums

“……我们这个时代*重要的口琴演奏者之一…” ——ROLLING STONE


他出生于纽约哈莱姆区,他在童年时期*听到了包括Billie Holiday,Lester Young,Dexter Gordon和James Brown等世界上*杰出的表演。他的母亲是*的阿波罗剧院的一名歌手和舞蹈演员。他的命运是在他的十岁生日时收到一个口琴的那一刻被决定的:一瞬间他便爱上了。随后他开始和鲍勃·迪伦一起演奏,以及Stevie Wonder,Little Walter和Sonny Boy Williamson。也正是这种不同的背景孕育出了他独特的声音——他*是Sugar Blue!Sugar Blue以其惊人娴熟的技术和高耸起伏的旋律风格,被广泛地称赞与Jimi Hendrix和Charlie Parker齐名。





原名James Whiting,他说Sugar Blue这个名字来源于一次他在路边捡到的一个写着“sugar blues by Sidney Bechet”黑胶唱片。(Sidney Bechet是一位高音萨克斯风的先驱者)


1949年12月16日出生于美国纽约市哈莱姆区,美国*口琴手、歌手和作曲人,葛莱美大奖获奖人。他的母亲是一位舞蹈员,从小*跟随在母亲身边的他从小*具有不俗的音乐背景和天赋。少年时代,他的阿姨送了他一把口琴,令他欣喜非常。皆因他小时候*在电台听了许多Steve Wonder和Bob Dylan等人的音乐,已令他对口琴有着浓厚的兴趣。很快的,他接触到了爵士音乐和蓝调音乐,这也让他的音乐,集百家之长。成年后,他先是街头艺人,但很快被赏识,1975年,他*进入录音室,*已是为蓝调大咖Brownie McGhee伴奏。尔后,他备受关注,陆续为Memphis Slim、Victoria Spivey、Johnny Shines等*伴奏。


Sugar 在法国演出时,被滚石乐队相中,邀入录音室录音,这一举让他声名大噪,名声传遍欧洲。80年代初,Sugar Blues感觉自己需要更加进步,毅然放弃自己在欧洲的成*,返回美国,开始在一众口琴大师如Big Walter Horton , Carey Bell , James Cotton和Junior Well身边吹奏口琴,同时向这些大师讨教,增进自己的口琴技艺。Willie Dixon也很赏识这位青年,开始为他写歌作曲。


1985年,Sugar Blue凭着自己的一曲“Another Man Done Gone”荣获格莱美大奖。此后,Sugar Blue陆续与Muddy Waters, B.B. King,Fats Domino, Ray Charles, Jerry Lee Lewis等大音乐家合作。



★ “...the man who took Little Walter's innovations on that same instrument clear into the stratosphere” – TIME OUT CHICAGO

★ “...one of the foremost harmonica players of our times ...” ROLLING STONE

Sugar Blue is known as the Jimi Hendrix and Charlie Parker of the harmonica for his astonishing technical mastery. His style is melodically fluid, instantly recognizable for its soaring trills, flamboyant flourishes and swooping glissandos that bring the tiny dynamo’s remarkable sonic and emotional range to life.

Born in Harlem, New York he spent his childhood listening to performances by some of the finest show people of the day, including Billie Holiday, Lester Young, Dexter Gordon and James Brown, at the famous Apollo Theatre where his mother was a singer and dancer.

His fate was sealed when an aunt gave him a harmonica for his tenth birthday: it was instant love and he began playing along with Bob Dylan (with whom he would later record...) and Stevie Wonder songs on the radio as well as Little Walter and Sonny Boy Williamson. It was this diverse background that gave birth to his own unique sound.

A Greenwich Village street entertainer, Blue found his distinctive nick name amongst some 78s in a box thrown out of a window on hot summer night... . “The box almost hit me...I picked a record up,” he remembers, “and it said ‘Sugar Blues’ by Sidney Bechet. And I went -That’s it! ”
He made his first recordings in the mid 1970s with pioneering blues figures Brownie McGhee, Roosevelt Sykes, Victoria Spivey and Johnny Shines.

On the advice of pianist Memphis Slim, he moved to Paris, France where he met the Rolling Stones who used his unmistakable sound to good advantage on three of their albums: that’s Sugar Blue’s harmonica blasting on their ’78 platinum disco hit “Miss You”.

He waxed a pair of albums, Crossroads and From Paris to Chicago, in Europe before moving to Chicago to learn more from the giants of the blues harmonica. He toured with Willie Dixon’s Chicago Blues All Stars, formed his own band and won a Grammy in 1985 for his contribution to the album Blues Explosion recorded live at the Montreux Jazz Festival. He also played on Willie Dixon’s Grammy winning album Hidden Charms in 1989.

Blue has made a few appearances on the big screen too: he performed in the Cinemax special, Fats Domino and Friends, (with Ray Charles, Jerry Lee Lewis and others) in the 1987 thriller, Angel Heart starring Robert De Niro and in the recent years in “The Perfect Age of Rock’n’Roll” along with Pinetop Perkins, Hubert Sumlin, Ruby Dee and Peter Fonda.

After a brace of albums, Blue Blazes (1994) and In Your Eyes (1995), on the prestigious Alligator label, Blue took a 12-year hiatus from the studio, returning in 2008 with the highly acclaimed Code Blue., followed by Threshold and his latest work, a powerful live double album “Raw Sugar Live”.

Sugar Blue is currently working meticulously on a studio album always mindful of the advice of his mentor Willie Dixon to write about subjects you are passionate about. “That’s the key,” Blue says. “We all feel deeply; it’s part of the human experience. I just put music to it.”