CreamTour Vol.2

演出时间:09月09日 23:00-09月10日 03:00

艺人: Kayzo

场地: 上海 万代南梦宫上海文化中心 1F梦想剧场

地址:上海市普陀区宜昌路179号万代南梦宫上海文化中心 查看地图


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继 CREAM TOUR *波 将荷兰双人组 W&W 带到深圳之后,CREAM TOUR 第二波正式袭击上海,这次给中国电音爱好者们带来重量级的 Barong Family 当红台风艺人 KAYZO,上海站的落地意味着 CREAM 之后将带给大家的惊喜*是非同凡响。

After Cream Tour's successful first show by Holland DJ duo in Shenzhen, now we are going to hit up Shanghai with another show by super star Kayzo from Barong Family! The kicking off of Shanghai stop means that you need to prepare for incoming non-stop sick parties!!! 

有着电音界台风王之称的Kayzo,原名Hayden Capuozzo,出生于1991年10月8日,他是一位来自美国休斯敦,现居洛杉矶的DJ兼制作人。26岁的他作品已经在众多*厂牌发行,包括Dim Mak、Monstercat、Barong Family、Firepower、Doghouse、Kannibalen、Sweet Shop和Welcome等厂牌。

Kayzo, real name Hayden Caphozzo, a DJ/producer, known as electronic music "Hurricane", was born on October 8th in 1991, from Huston, USA. He currently lives in LA. Kayzo is only 26 years old but already released many tracks through famous labels such as Dim Mak、Monstercat、Barong Family、Firepower、Doghouse、Kannibalen、Sweet Shop and Welcome etc. 

而作为*让人喜欢的是他的音乐天赋!在洛杉矶的Icon Collective电子音乐制作学院,他尝试制作了所有的风格,风格没有局限的他,从Trap、Dubstep到Hardstyle到House甚至还制作了Psytrance,他本人非常感恩那段经历,在创作的过程中不断的喜欢上过去不会喜欢的风格,然后利用自己的理解再把这些宝贵的知识融入到自己作品中。而这也是粉丝们对他的作品欲罢不能的一个原因

People adore him for his music talents. When he was studying in Icon Collective electronic music production school, he didn't limit himself to a certain kind of music style, instead, he played with various style from trap to dubstep, from hardstyle to house to even psytrance. He appreciates that experience because it let him embrace different music styles, hence he could apply his knowledge to works. This is also why fans fall in love with his music. 

2012年出道的他赢得了Insomniac的“Discovery Project”挑战。作为胜利者的他获得了在2012年Escape from Wonderland的演出机会,这也是他成为DJ后的*次大型演出一个值得被人们记住的一个里程碑。而在那之后,他和老铁gammer关系非常紧密,对于电子音乐有着相同理解的他们经常一起合作,其中*出名的dj snake的“propaganda”remix这是他们非常*的一首作品,而同期他又与carnage一起Remix了zara larsson的“never forget you”,全球各地的粉丝开始喜欢上这个疯狂研发各类bass的制作人!

He won Insomniac's “Discovery Project” challenge not long after he stepped into music industry in 2012. He got the chance to play Escape from Wonderland in 2012 as the winner, which was also his first time playing as professional DJ, an important mile stone for him. He started to form a close friendship with Gammer, with whom Kayzo had many collaborations due to their similar perspectives on music. Their remix of DJ Snake's propaganda is the most famous among all. Around that time, he also teamed up with Carnage for a remix of zara larsson's never forget you. This bass music master soon gained so many fans from all over the world! 

单曲下了挺多心机的Kayzo,Drop和Intro部分的巨大差异让粉丝们大呼过瘾!总是能在trap和Hardstyle等狂暴的因素之间找到了一个异常魔幻的平衡点的他,天马行空的编曲风格和Yellow Claw不谋而合,在2016年成立自己厂牌Doghouse同年,和yellow claw以及另一位鬼才cesqeaux,共同在Barong family上发行了首张新作Home。

Kayzo puts lots of effort in production. The dramatic building up between intro and drop always gives goose bumps to the fans!! His magic recipe for mixing trap and hardstyle along with his unconstrained styles of composing melodies, clicks perfectly with Yellow Claw. Hence in 2016, same year he estables his own label Doghouse, he released the collaboration "Home" with Cesqeaux through Barong Family. 

在black & white也从Barong family推出后,edc和hard summer纷纷邀请他在main stage上演出!凝聚了超高人气的他更是登上了DJ的殿堂的Ultra Miami  festival 2017!

After Black& white was introduced by Barong Family, Kayzo was invited to play mainstage at EDC and Hard Summer. In 2017 the super star played at Ultra Miami festival


Let's look forward to his amazing show!


早鸟 EarlyBirds : RMB 180



179 Yichang Road, Shanghai

上海宜昌路 179 号


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