独家【秀动呈献】《阿莉埃蒂之歌》原唱 凯尔特竖琴精灵—Cécile Corbel 2017中国巡演

演出时间:10月27日 20:30-10月27日 22:00

艺人: Cécile Corbel

场地: 上海 上海 MAO Livehouse

地址:上海市黄浦区重庆南路308号3楼 查看地图


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《阿莉埃蒂之歌》原唱 凯尔特竖琴精灵—Cécile Corbel 2017中国巡演上海站

时间:10月27日周五 20:30 
门票: 预售 RMB 150 现场 RMB 200


“我从未见过天使,若有天使,声音也不如她吧。”有人这样形容他,来自法国西北的凯尔特地区的Cécile Corbel,被欧洲评论界称之为世界*凯尔特新生代女声。


Cécile在1980年出生,从小学弹吉他并喜欢听各种类型的音乐,尤其是摇滚与金属(是Led Zepplin和Deep Purple的*粉丝)。在15岁的时候她遇到了另一种美妙的乐器 - 竖琴(Harpe Celtique),并深深地爱上了这门乐器。


在18岁拿到理科高中毕业证书后,她来到巴黎卢浮宫学院继续自己的学业,并深入研究了5年的考古学。学业并没有阻止她在艺术领域的继续探索,她爱好广泛,喜欢古老的、神奇的事物,并爱上各国的神话 - 所以,她的音乐里总能透出一种美好、古灵精怪与古老神秘的气息,原因*在于此。Cécile Corbel不仅弹琴超棒,还擅长多国语言,可以使用法语、英语、印度语、布列塔尼语、Gaelic语、西班牙犹太语进行演唱。


2008年,她出了第二张个人专辑Songbook Vol. 2。在这张专辑中的12首曲目中,Cécile Corbel自己演奏了10首配乐。她用法语、英语、西班牙犹太语、盖尔语,并和The Silences的主唱Jimme O'Neil合作演奏一首歌。随后,为了感谢吉卜力工作室为她带来的灵感,她把这张专辑样品邮寄到了日本吉卜力工作室。当时《借东西的小人阿莉埃蒂》的制作团队正在苦苦搜寻适合电影的配乐,制片人铃木敏夫听到了她的声音并把她*给影片导演米林宏昌。后者还专门去法国参加了她的演唱会。


2009年,吉卜力工作室正式发声:《借东西的小人阿莉埃蒂》所有主题音乐制作由Cécile Corbel负责。这也是吉卜力工作室*次和国外艺术家联合制作电影音乐专辑,也是法国人*次在日本电影里制作音乐,她也成为了*位与吉卜力合作的非日籍作曲家。


今年10月,Cécile Corbel即将*踏上中国,展开3城巡演,梦幻的竖琴,悠扬清澈的嗓音以及歌词中诉说的幽远的传奇故事,仿佛带领听众游历于神祕的巨石遗迹,垄罩着雾气的山海之间。与乐迷一起在人声与竖琴的交织缠绵中,体会*柔软的感动寻找喷洒力量的源泉。


Cecile Corbel

"During the Cottingley Fairies affair, Arthur Conan Doyle became the advocate of a series of photographs

picturing creatures from a fairy land. All were fake. If Sherlock Holmes' creator had been a contemporary of Cecile Corbel's, he would just have had to point at this Morgan Le Fay. Everybody would have come to

agree with him. Fairy is not legend.

Born in Pont-Croix, in Finistère in Western France, Cecile Corbel has the red hair and gaelic carnation that attest to her belonging to the Celtic world. This singer-songwriter plays the harp since she was 15 and takes her inspiration from the Arthurian world. And her voice reaches heights only Kate Bush can hit.

Sensitive to ancient tales where any journey is a rite of passage, this true-to-life fairy performed everywhere in France and all over the world with her musicians before she was contacted by the Ghibli studios to create the soundtrack for "Arrietty", the latest film of the Hiromasa Yonebayashi, writed by Hayao Miyazaki,director of My Neighbour Totoro and Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea

Gold record in Japan and awarded Best Original Soundtrack of the year for The Secret World of Arrietty, this magician who refuses harsh boundaries between musical styles combines Celtic folk and medieval Turkish songs, baroque madrigals and Irish marches, with the ease and the charm of a gifted artist.

Cecile Corbel the enchanteress does exist and she is a great pop voice".

Awards and prizes

Best Anime and Manga song – awarded by the Animeland magazine in 2012

"ffff" - Highest grade given by the Telerama magazine for the sountrack of Arrietty in 2011

Best Sales Prize for the Arrietty soundtrack in 2010 in Japan.

Best Soundtrack Award at the Tokyo Anime Fair in 2011

Best Soundtrack Prize 2010 at the Golden Disc Awards in Japan.

Golden Disc for the "Karigurashi no Arrietty" soundtrack in 2010

Prix Paris Jeunes Talents 2005