bbno$ 中国巡演深圳站

演出时间:09月02日 22:00-09月03日 04:00

艺人: BBNO$

场地: 深圳 (作废)8.18

地址:深圳市南山区 A8音乐大厦 裙楼2楼 查看地图


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bbno$,本名Alexander Gumuchian。这位来自加拿大温哥华的Rapper,他画风清奇,性感的小胡子,斗鸡眼,经常一副喝醉酒的面态说明这人并不简单。bbno$定义自己是“一位滑稽型后起之秀Rapper”。虽然温哥华的说唱大环境通常比较沉闷,但bbno$经常使用一些非常接近于trap音乐和美国亚特兰大地区的音乐的声音使他的音乐更富活力。

BBNO$,whose name is Alexander Gumuchian.This Rapper comes from Vancouver,Canada,and currently attends school at the University of British Columbia Okanagan,where he continues to produce music and further his education.His unique style, sexy beard, cross-eye,a drunk faceillustratethat this rapper is not simple.bbno$ defineshimself as "a funny rising star Rapper".Baby no money,so straightforward reality of the voice,and bbno$ directly as his own name.He put a new style of music to everyone's vision.The new wave rap,this style is not like hardcore rap teeth,but the trap of a slight transformation.While Vancouver's rap environment is usually boring,bbno $ often uses some of the sounds that are very close to the music of the trap and the American Atlanta area to make his music more vibrant.


bbno$ is not like any rapper you've heard or seen before.Influenced by Pouya,Bones,$uicide$ boy,his unique aesthetics and flow can only be described by "Loud" and "Dirty".He made the trap more innovative,flow row was compact but comfortable,very chewy.as if listening to his song,shaking legs perpetual motion machine can shake the power.


bbno$’s rap get inspiration from the Atlanta Trap House to Vancouver's second-hand shop,and inspired by the from the powerful Beats,strange bars and fascinating punches,and at the same time infused his extraordinary wisdom.Although his career is still quite young,bbno$ has been in the local,Soundcloud even internationally proved himself.


结束在加拿大大不列颠州的两次音乐节表演,包括维多利亚的Rifflanddia音乐节,Kelowna的Recess。bbno$在5月份已登陆哥本哈根,进行了*次国际表演,同时他计划夏天在温哥华各地的表演。bbno$ 的表演以及音乐充满能量,他制作的每一首新歌都让自己的粉丝群体迅速变得庞大。

Ending at two festivals in Britannia,Canada,including the Rifflanddia Music Festival in Victoria,Recess in Kelowna.bbno$ has landed in Copenhagen in May for the first international performance,and he plans to perform in various parts of Vancouver in the summer. bbno$’s performance and music are full of energy,he made every new song to make his fans quickly become a huge group.

bbno$已经成为无数粉丝和艺人的心头好了,他的多首单曲现在在中国音乐平台上已经超过了十万的播放量!*在上个月,bbno$和中国势头迅猛的Hip hop艺人Al Rocco合作了一首单曲''How I Do''。

With over 100k views on numerous songs,bbno$ has become a internet sensation in China bringing in mad love from not only fans,but artists alike.Just last month, bbno$ linked up with up and coming Chinese hip hop artist Al Rocco for a banger of a track called "How i Do".

根本不用太多阐述,bbno$即将来掌控你的城市,给你们带来轰动的现场演出!你准备好迎接这场*lit的地下hip hop show了吗?

Needless to say,bbno$ bangs and is takin ova your city hella fast,so get ready for a class a underground hip hop show,China,we takin over.