Pang Pang Project Pres 横向 Electro : Jacques ( Live )

演出时间:05月01日 20:00-05月01日 23:59

艺人: JACQUES live

场地: 杭州 Loopy

地址:杭州市上城区中山南路77号利星名品广场F3Loopy 查看地图


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在27号于首尔的SOAP Club首演之后,Jacques将飞过黄海,从北到南的在中国展开他的TECHNO长征。他将总共在11向城市个大家呈现他的live set。除此之外,还安排了三场大师课,来让Jacques 和乐迷分享他创造音乐的一些经验和观念(杭州站晚上8点开始)。


Pang Pang Project 是一家致力于亚欧双方的当代音乐活动与文化交流机构。

Jacque + Jacque = Jacques 是一个方程,其归纳了这个拥有令人不安发型艺术家多面身份。

Jacques出生于斯特拉斯堡,19岁来到巴黎,创建了团体“Pain Surprises”(惊奇面包),他们组织了一系列疯狂的派对并建立了音乐厂牌。

他的*张EP < Tout Est Magnifique > (一切美好 )由Pain Surprises 于2015年发行。其中Jacques用自然声响和他收集的日常物品编织出噪音的回环。EP中的四首歌揭示出一种站在“Techno音乐”和“具象音乐”交汇处的新类型:《横向Techno》。

Tout Est Magnifique Cover

< La Tournure des Choses > (事物表达) et < Faites Quelque chose >(做点儿事)两首歌,以老式座钟机械呆板的声音作为节奏机制,围绕其上的是由木地板的吱呀声、柴火的爆裂声、急促呼吸和玻璃碎裂构成的旋律结构。

< Tout Est Magnifique >  (一切美好) 这首歌Jacques则混合了海鸥的鸣叫和柔和的小提琴向我们坦诚 “有些事(他)无法理解”。   然而我们明白Jacques是在用噪音的材料雕刻他的声音序列,并贡献出一首新颖的声响诗歌。


Jacque(s) - Phonochose #1 : Live-looping à l'Amour

起初的演出在他共同创办的一些巴黎艺术驻地进行,如le Point G 或是le Wonder,Jacques的这些演出便很快戳中了人们的好奇心。


而有时Jacques 的演出会为了超大型的演出场所制作强有力的Techno节奏,如2016年的Dour或是Sonar出名音乐节。

*,从未来接触了很多的Jacques再次回来,他把其扩大了的可能性场域唱进去年六月的新歌 <Dans la Radio >(电台以内)。

Dans la Radio Cover

这首歌创作于法国国家广播电台的一个驻地项目期间,在那里Jacques 将他对于Vortex(涡旋)的哲学思索和追求融入了歌词" On écoute tous la même chanson mais on l’entend pas de la même façon "(我们都听着同一首歌,但都只用自己的耳朵)。

 Dans la radio - 电台以内 MV

Jacques的亚洲巡演将于4月27至5月14日进行。5月1日将来到杭州,到时,他将带着一堆各式各样他生活中的小玩意来做音乐。也请您带上自己的东西来参加演出!巡演开始前,请您先听他自己⽤中文唱的新歌 « Dans la radio - 电台以内 »!


He is the one everyone wants to be with, the fashionistas, the cool & the underground tastemakers ...He is playing concrete music using the sounds of everyday, banal life and synths to forge techno.

Starting in Seoul on april 27th at Soap Club, he will then fly over the yellow see to kick off this long techno march, from north to south of China. In total, he will stop to 11 cities to play its live set. Besides this party time, Jacques will also share its experience on how to compose and create music by presenting masterclass in Shanghai, Hangzhou and Chengdu and probably in others cities.

In his luggage, he will be carrying different objects to make sound. We invite you to bring some as well that he could use for his live set ! 

Jacque + Jacque = Jacques is the perfect equation that summarizes the multifaced identity of this artist with a disturbed haircut.

Born in Strasbourg, he came to Paris at 19 years old where he founded the collective Pain Surprises with which he has organized wild parties and created a record label.

His first EP « Tout est Magnifique » was released through Pain Surprises in 2015. On this record, Jacques knits garlands of sounds from the noises of nature and everyday objects that he has collected. The 4 songs of this EP reveal a music at the crossroads of techno and concrete music: the « transversal techno ».

The tracks « La Tournure des Choses » and « Faites Quelque Chose » are cadenced by the metronomic mechanism of an old clock and structured around a melody made from creaking wooden floors, fire crackling, rapid breathing and glass breakage.

On « Tout est Magnifique », the cries of the seagulls mixed with the soft violins bring Jacques to admit that « there is something that (he) doesn’t understand ». 

Actually, we do understand that Jacques sculpts his music in the noise material he collects and delivers an unexpected and original sound poetry.

During his live shows, Jacques invites the public to bring everyday objects (plastic cups and keys are accepted but no shoes nor sandwiches, according to him) to construct exciting tracks live on stage. He makes a techno beat by looping sounds taken from the everyday objects and then creates melodic patterns together with guitar and vocals.

At first, his confidential performances were organized in Parisian artistic squats that he co-founded himself, such as Point G and Wonder, but soon his fascinating live sets attracted bigger crowds, curious to meet the man.   

Every set is unique: Sometimes Jacques’s performance is intimate, the audience receives headphones and is invited to an attentive listening session close to meditation; Sometimes Jacques’s performance is based on powerful techno tracks built for huge warehouses like at Sonar and Dour Festival this year. 

Today, Jacques is back from the future where, as he said, he met a lot of smart people and made a lot of contacts. He has released a new single last june « Dans la Radio » and is currently pursuing his philosophical quest of the Vortex singing « We all listen to the same song but don’t hear it the same way »; let’s meditate on that !

Jacques will be on tour in Asia from april 27th to may 14th. In his luggage, he will be carrying different objects to make sound. We invite you to bring some as well that he could use for his live set ! 

In the meantime, listen to his last music singing in chinese « Dans la radio - 电台以内».