这并非一场恶斗,这是 北京工工工乐队 和 台北Mong Tong乐团 即将在十一月进行的十六城联合专场,是为《龙虎巡回》。
北京工工工乐队 自二零一六年始,多番发表低保真磁带(总统琴行/节奏与嗡鸣系列),在发表首张录音室专辑《幽灵节奏》后,这支“现场演出比唱片更有劲”的二人乐队屡次在东亚和欧美多个城市巡回,成为世界范围内小众音乐乐迷间流传甚广的乐队。台北Mong Tong乐团 则从二零一八年开始,持续通过各国厂牌发表多张包括《Mystery秘神》、《Orientation向位》、《Epigraphy铭》和《Tao Fire道火》等「迷信音乐」专辑,他们的B级音乐宇宙不断膨胀,同时逼近东西方世界的迷幻音乐爱好者众。
回想二零二三年初,工工工 和Mong Tong 来到位于香港旺角的总统琴行现场录制唱片,并于同年十二月发行黑胶唱片版本。唱片问世当初两乐队本已有携手演出之计划,但碍于琐事繁多,经过两年筹备后他们将会于十一月的《龙虎巡演》内各自施展浑身解数,除各自演奏多支首本名曲外,并会加插特备节目,共同演奏内之部份曲目*。
Globe-trotting duos Gong Gong Gong and Mong Tong tap into a shared wavelength that merges influences across borders, eras, and dimensions. Stripped down yet complex, the two groups create distinctly unplaceable sounds, digging into repetition and groove to reach trance-like states.
Transcending their origins in the Beijing and Taipei underground scenes, the two bands have showcased their music internationally on tour and through respected overseas labels, including Wharf Cat Records, Guruguru Brain, and WV Sorcerer.
This November, the Cantonese-Canadian Beijingers and blindfolded brothers are uniting to present a new sonic collaboration to audiences across China. The “Mongkok Duel Tour” isn’t a clash between sonic rivals, but rather a meeting of musical minds, in 16 cities across Taiwan, Hong Kong, and mainland China. The bands will perform selections from their 2023 collaborative album, Mongkok Duel, as well as independent sets of their own latest material.
关于 工工工:
(攝影:Kelly Hebestreit)
工工工 是 吴卓(结他/唱)和 Joshua Frank(贝斯)于北京组成的二人乐队。他们用无法再简化的配置:一把结他和一把贝斯演奏一段段互相交缠的 riff,构成拥有强烈前进感但鼓点留白的波动和节奏。
将摇滚乐解拆再重组,工工工 用仅有的两把结他重复敲击弹奏,交织出乐器间的「幽灵节奏」:结他的弹拨幻化为军鼓和钹片;贝斯的音律间又会发出有如地鼓的轰鸣。精心设计又异常粗糙,两人大巧不工的音乐受到原是布鲁斯、沙哈拉迷幻摇滚、广东传统音乐,甚至是更不相干的铁克诺舞曲影响,创造出缺乏鼓点,但却比拥有传统三大件的乐队更饱满的音乐。
工工工 的首张录音室粤语专辑 幽灵节奏(2019) 在国内外好评如潮,并入选了 Loud And Quiet(英国)和 Aquarium Drunkard(美国)的年度最佳专辑;唱片也同时被 The Wire 杂志选为年度十佳先锋摇滚专辑之一。乐队也多次在国际音乐媒体如 Bandcamp Daily、Pitchfork、纽约客、Exclaim!、Fader 和 NPR 上被专题推荐。
2016 - 湯斯達兄弟「經典亞洲巡迴演出」
2018 - 雪災巡演/羊城巡演/第三次小巡演
- 北美西海岸巡回 w/Parquet Courts
- 美國東岸+中西部巡回 w/Flasher
- 紐約 The Kitchen 藝術中心 演出
2019 - 歐洲巡回 w/BODEGA
- 奧斯丁SXSW音樂節
- 紐約 MoMA PS1 “Come Together” 音樂節閉幕嘉賓
2023 - GGGOO巡演 w/otay:onii
- 香港Clockenflap音樂節
2024 - 香港M+博物館「香港與我」現場配樂演出
About Gong Gong Gong:
Gong Gong Gong (工工工) is the duo of Hong Kong-native guitarist and vocalist Tom Ng and Montreal-born bassist Joshua Frank. Formed in 2015 in Beijing’s underground music scene, the band taps into a wavelength uniting musical cultures, drawing on inspirations ranging from Bo Diddley to Cantonese opera, West African desert blues, drone, and techno.
The group use their minimalistic tools and idiosyncratic playing style to strip rock n’ roll down to its bare essentials: rhythm, melody, and grit. Between the locomotive chug and banjo twang of Ng’s guitar and Frank’s thumping bass harmonics, an aura of ghostly snare hits and timpani overtones emerges: the “phantom rhythm” for which the band’s critically acclaimed debut is named. Ng proudly sings in Cantonese, his lyrics merging experimental storytelling and abstract poetry.
The duo’s debut LP, Phantom Rhythm 幽靈節奏, was named one of 2019’s best by Loud And Quiet (UK) and Aquarium Drunkard (USA), as well as one of The Wire magazine’s top 10 avant rock albums of the year. They have been profiled by Bandcamp Daily and Exclaim!, and featured in Pitchfork, Stereogum, Fader, the New Yorker, NPR, and Interview Magazine.
Selected Live Performances:
Classic Asia Tour with Tonstartssbandht
West Coast USA Tour with Parquet Courts
East Coast USA Tour with Flasher, Public Practice
The Kitchen, New York City with Bush Tetras
Europe/UK Tour with Bodega
SXSW Music Festival, Austin, Texas
MoMA PS1 at Come Together Record Fair
GGGOO China tour with otay:onii
Clockenflap Music Festival
M+ Museum live score for Hong Kong Made Me short film, Hong Kong
关于 Mong Tong:
(攝影:Etang Chen)
Mong Tong由兄弟档洪御和郡崎组成,两个人透过取样、电子乐和俐落的吉他贝斯弹奏,织出迷幻网罗。以台湾祭仪惯用的电子琴音色为底,微微走调中转换出不同形式的音韵,在合理与意外之间,初听惊喜,细细品味又可以感受到其中浓厚的台味底蕴。
首张专辑《Mystery秘神》一出就技惊四座,由致力连结东西方的迷幻厂牌Guruguru Brain发行,其中取样了许多影响两人的台湾元素,包括电视节目。独特的音乐性引起许多欧美媒体的好奇心,在国际疫情重重桎梏之下,《Mystery秘神》突破国界,迅速被收录进许多独立、实验和迷幻类的串流歌单里,被视为「东方迷幻」的代表之一。
比起论述,Mong Tong的翻玩和再制,一切皆以音乐优先。端出一道道歪曲奇险台式恐怖新滋味。Mong Tong反覆望向台湾和亚洲的历史,拾起不同年代的碎片重铸,也不断开创融合,淬炼出属于自己的新生音乐,然后,Mong Tong的B级宇宙,就又扩大一点了。
2022 - 奥斯丁 SXSW音乐节 -线上
- 高雄 大港开唱 Megaport Festival
- 几何学模样「Final European & UK Tour 2022」
2023 -「道火 Tao Fire」世界巡回 日本、澳洲、欧洲、中国
- 悉尼 Essential Tremors 音乐节
- 乌特勒支 Le Guess Who? 音乐节
- 莱比锡 TransCentury Update音乐节
-「铭 Epigraphy」北美巡回
- 奥斯丁 SXSW 音乐节
- 西雅图 KEXP Live Session
- 成都 春游音乐节
- 泰国 Road to Folkhangwat 音乐节
About Mong Tong:
Mong Tong is a psychedelic music band formed by brothers Hom Yu and Jiun Chi. The name "Mong Tong" is derived from the brothers' childhood nickname, which can mean something totally different in different languages from Burmese, Cantonese to Chinese.
Mong Tong's music is heavily influenced by Southeast Asian culture, including its mythology and folklore, as well as 60s and 70s psychedelic music. Their sound is characterized by hypnotic rhythms, dreamy melodies, and otherworldly atmospheres.
Mong Tong has been described as part of a new wave of music that draws on the country's rich cultural heritage while pushing boundaries and exploring new sonic territory. They have also been noted for their visually striking album artwork, music videos and special outfits.
Overall, Mong Tong is a unique and exciting addition to the global psychedelic music scene, offering a fresh perspective and a fascinating blend of musical and cultural influences.
2022 - SXSW Online Edition
- Megaport Festival, Kao Hsiung
- Opening Act for Kikagaku Moyo’s「Final European & UK Tour 2022」
2023 - “Tao Fire” World Tour: Japan, Australia, Europe and China
- Essential Tremors Festival, Sydney, Australia
- Le Guess Who? Music Festival, Utrecht, The Netherlands
- 萊比錫 TransCentury Update Festival, Leipzig, Germany
2024 - 「銘 Epigraphy」North America Tour
- SXSW, Austin, TX
- KEXP Live Session
- Road to Folkkhangwat Festival, Thailand