Eagulls 2016中国巡演 China Tour

演出时间:11月18日 21:00-11月18日 23:00

艺人: Eagulls

场地: 成都 NUSPACE_纽空间

地址:四川省成都市青羊区奎星楼街9号 明堂创意工作区-B区•NU SPACE 18602858900 查看地图


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想象下The Cure和Siouxsie and the Banshees共同孕育了一个婴儿,与 Joy Division, The Smiths 和Killing Joke 一起拉扯长大。。。

Imagine if The Cure and Siouxsie and the Banshees had a baby and raised it with Joy Division, The Smiths and Killing Joke... 

Split Works Presents...


Support: Sinkers

时间|DATE2016.11.18(周五)Fri 18 November 
地点|ADDRESSNU SPACE成都市青羊区奎星楼街55号55 Kuixinglou St, Qingyang, Chengdu 票价|TICKETS预售 Pre-sale 60元现场 Door 80元


No, before you start singing Hotel California, NOT The Eagles...

被英国和美国乐评家捧为新一代后朋克希望的Eagulls乐队将*来到中国巡演,以庆祝传奇巡演厂牌Split Works的十年圣诞! Eagulls 来自英格兰的利兹, 传承了80 年代英国后朋的皇堂,而如今骄傲地戴上了这个王冠。

Touted by British and US music critics as the greatest hope for a new post-punk generation, Eagulls are coming to China for the first time to celebrate the tenth anniversary of legendary touring label Split Works! EAGULLS from Leeds, England hail from a long line of 80s British post-punk royalty and are now wearing the crown confidently upon their handsome heads.

NU SPACE很开心将迎接Eagulls作为他们*中国巡演的*站。暖场乐队将是来自本土厂牌Nofi, 生气勃勃的独立摇滚乐队Sinkers,将带来结合安静沉思的emo, 清脆的吉他与和声的演奏。我们超级期待这场演出!你呢?来耍散!

NU SPACE are ecstatic to welcome EAGULLS to Chengdu on the first stop of their four-date tour. Playing support are up and coming indie rock trio SINKERS from the local Nofi label, who will bring their sweet combination of contemplative emo, swish guitar riffing and choral harmonies. We can't wait for this show, come join us!

EagullsEngland, UK

脱缰的码速、弥漫的嗡声、热情洋溢的贝斯线,Eagulls的音乐如入无人之境,大胆张狂,同时闪烁着奢华的微光,以及厄运和不详的忧郁气质。他们直截了当、无遮无拦,像是苦修中的吉他乐队,让你甘愿在不安的歌词和紧张迫切的旋律中溺亡。Eagulls的哲学与Split Works始终坚持的理念紧密契合。作为坚守原创精神的勤奋的独立乐队,他们曾写过一封在业界掀起过轩然大波的公开信,每隔一句*会出现“fuck rite off”的字样。这非常Split Works。


““Eagulls在早已不新鲜的后朋领域,杀出了一条人迹罕至的路。”——Q Mag

他们音乐中激进狂怒的成分,能听出Dream Pop, Grunge, Hardcore, Post Punk的鲜明影响,又时而笼罩着一层歌特的色彩。想象一下把The Cure, The Cocteau Twin, Joy Division, The Smiths的标志声响扔进搅拌机,撒上点21世纪特有的疏离感,产出物*是Eagulls。

Breakneck post-punk, with heady fuzz and gushing basslines. EAGULLS are brash and brazen, lined with shimmering opulence and ominous gloom. They’re straight-up straight-edge guitar rock, with unsettling lyrics and frayed melodies. This is a hardworking independent bunch with staunch DIY ethics, one that once wrote an infamous open letter (at the height of their music industry buzz cycle, no less) that contained the phrase “Fuck rite off” every second sentence.

““Eagulls [are] never anything less than vital; these are anthems for a doomed youth determined to kick against the pricks.” --- NME

““Post-punk might not be new…but Eagulls have defiantly made it their own.” --- Q Mag

Theirs is a “fierce and angry” sound, with bits of dream-pop, grunge, hardcore, post-punk and shades of goth. The Cure, The Cocteau Twins, Joy Division, The Smiths – throw them into a blender and add some 21st century alienation. 

SinkersChengdu, CN


Chengdu indie / noise pop band SINKERS are influenced by the wave of 80s and 90s indie bands, sometimes quiet and sometimes active. Sinkers are far from ‘rock and roll,’ and rather than express too much here, they exist immersed in obscure emotions. 

About Split Works
Split Works开功 是一家基于上海和北京的外资音乐演出公司,一直与诸多国际品牌进行合作,始终围绕音乐、品牌、创意和青年文化组织和推广各类活动。2006年成立至今,Split Works共推出了5个音乐节品牌、覆盖30座城市的400多场巡演,并一直坚信并实践着:每一次音乐都必须是独特的。从Godspeed You! Black Emperor 到Sonic Youth,从Thee Oh Sees到Mac Demarco和Shabazz Palaces,从“黑兔”到《觉》音乐+艺术节、从无解*到混凝草音乐节。
Split Works has been rocking in the free (ish) world since 2006. Working with inspirational artists from across the globe, the good people at Split Works HQ have been a key contributor to the continued rise of China’s music scene.
Split Works has launched five music festivals and promoted over 400 tours to 30 Chinese cities, always striving to stay true to a familiar refrain: the music has to be special, every single time. From Godspeed You! Black Emperor to Sonic Youth, from Thee Oh Sees to Mac Demarco and Shabazz Palaces, from Black Rabbit to JUE and Wooozy to Concrete & Grass.


11月18日 成都 NU SPACE 嘉宾:Sinkers

11月19日 武汉 VOX Livehouse 嘉宾:驚蟲 Panic Worm

11月22日 西安 迷蝶Livehouse 嘉宾:法兹 The Fuzz

11月24日 北京 MAO Livehouse 嘉宾:Lonely Leary

11月26日 上海Split Works十周年生日派对

这将是Split Works四年来*在成都巡演。 之前他们已经给成都带来了Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Grimes, Kurt Vile和Sun Kil Moon等, 我们期待Split Works的西南之行将循序渐进!

This is the first Split Works show in Chengdu in four years. Having brought over Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Grimes, Kurt Vile and Sun Kil Moon in recent years, let's hope their journies out west become a regular thing!

See you Friday!
