独家清醒梦 Lucid Dream Vol.9

演出时间:02月20日 18:30-02月20日 23:00

艺人: JungleButterfly丛林野蝶/RayDio/Snuff Disco/某丁目 XChome/宇宙订单CosmicOrder

场地: 上海 育音堂(凯旋店)

地址:长宁区凯旋路851号 查看地图


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Shanghai musicians troupe come together again to bring you Lucid rock music live from the acclaimed YuYinTang bar. We bring you a blend pop, punk, psych, goth-rock of blues and soul mixed with the melancholy sounds of transcending street-folk
Cosmic Order
An indie pop band formed in Shanghai in 2020.
Whether the vast universe can accept our small order, we decided to try,
in the empty city.
音乐风格是以Jazz为核心的融合音乐包含了Blues,City Pop等多种音乐风格。因成员们有着不同文化背景下的音乐学习经历,导致风格极具多样化,具有不可预知性。
The music style is fusion music with Jazz as the core, including Blues, City Pop and other music styles. Because the members have music learning experiences in different cultural backgrounds, the styles are extremely diverse and unpredictable.
Snuff Disco
Snuff Disco是由Flip House的Ryan Martin和Tyler Littlejohn以及Rachel McInerney [Gargoyle Girlfriend]在上海组建的哥特后朋克风格三人乐队。这个三人组将诡诞的鼓点和来自灵魂深处的即兴表演还有让人难以忘怀的的旋律完美结合,在舞池真实演绎让人犯罪的传说。
Snuff Disco is a post-punk, goth-tech bandformed in Shanghai. The trio blends eerie drumming, melodic coldwave, andimpromptu stage performances for a night of danger and fantasy on thedancefloor.
RayDio Band
RayDio is a locally owned Shanghai musician from the great state of Texas. Singer and songwriter of original folk/blues and creator lucid street-pop, now working with a fantastic team.
Singer: RayDio
Lead: Nijat
Bass: Andika
Drum: 刘鑫玉 Tiffany
The butterflies flying in the urban jungle dedicate all the fragile surfaces without any reservation. Like her music, it seems fragile but sincere. There are no rules and no fixed labels. Music is like people. She has combined many popular elements that make herself feel right. The source of everything is just happiness. The capture of the melody may be like a butterfly dancing its wings through the jungle, simple and beautiful.
Julius Black
Julius Black 在上海长大,13 岁移居新西兰。 嘻哈和朋克成为他十几岁时的*个音乐激情,但他的调色板很快*进一步冒险,涵盖了从福音到 R&B 的所有内容。 Struan Finlay 和 Ezra Vine 帮助他引导了自己独特的声音,而他不断改进的奉献精神在一定程度上受到了家庭职业道德的启发——如果音乐是他的计划,他必须全力以赴。
大流行破坏了他在著名的伯克利音乐学院学习的*初计划,但他认为这是因祸得福。 相反,他在基督城的生活为他完全独立地进行创造性探索提供了基础和自由。 “多巴胺”证明了它可以取代他的位置,而他的声誉只会随着“我们一起在黑暗中坠落”的曝光而飙升。
Julius Black was raised in Shanghai before relocating to New Zealand at the age of thirteen. Hip-hop and punk became his first musical passions in his teens, but his palette soon ventured further, covering everything from gospel to R&B. Struan Finlay and Ezra Vine helped him channel his own unique sound, while his dedication to constant improvement is inspired, in part, by his family’s work ethic - if music was to be his plan, he had to go all in.

The pandemic wrecked his initial plans to study at the prestigious Berklee College of Music, but he views it as a blessing in disguise. His life in Christchurch instead provides the foundation and freedom to explore his creatively entirely independently. ‘Dopamine’ proved that it could take him places, and his reputation is only going to soar as ‘Together We Go Down In The Dark’ comes to light.