独家三伏天 Dog Days

演出时间:07月29日 20:30-07月29日 23:00

艺人: 秋日疾走/Me and My Sandcastle/Fliphouse

场地: 上海 育音堂(凯旋店)

地址:长宁区凯旋路851号 查看地图


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Live China Music为你带来充满少年心气的一夜。来自上海和杭州的三支乐队,都有着*真诚直接的旋律和对于失真的狂热。他们深谙如何用音乐来度过漫长的三伏天。


年轻的Me & My Sandcastle将首次亮相育音堂的舞台,同时也是乐队主唱小刘出国留学之前,今年的*后一场演出。他们的音乐中捕捉到一种收敛、松散又脆弱的声音,*像是羽毛在空中漂浮——在少一些玩世不恭的Mac DeMarco和慢拍的city pop乐队之间,乐队创作出属于自己的带有一点漫不经心和动人音符的诚挚旋律。

*后介绍的是Flip House——一支”Y2K 流行朋克以及 Midwest-emo 的融合体,并附上抓耳的旋律以及中英语混合双打的戳心歌词"的乐队。愤怒的、宣泄的、苦乐参半的、充满节奏感,交杂着支离破碎的、不稳定的情感漩涡、音乐性和活力,可能会让你怀念我们抛在过去的混乱时光。


The dog days of summer are here! Like the muggy air that permeates over the season, a fog of loneliness descends over the city - a romantic melancholy that sucks the moisture out of the air and leaves you dazed. It’s a feeling we’ve come to endure like clockwork every summer - a feeling that we should resist but one we give into, and in many cases embrace. It’s a bittersweet divinity whose only release comes from the faint breeze of the fan on the back of our necks. Or better yet, from the songs that charge headfirst into those turbulent emotions.

Live China Music revisits that adolescent exuberance and youthful vitality with a rocking evening of earnest melodies and distorted fervor courtesy of a trio of bands all too familiar with plodding through the dog days of summer.

Leading the way are rising emo rock outfit Autumn Rush, who have been digging their adolescent fingernails into Hangzhou for over a year. via four-piece band autumngo (I’m pushing for Autumn Rush). There’s a directness to the angst-ridden nevertheless starry-eyed melodies the resilient group have cooked up - an undeniable spring in their step that’s wistful and hard to resist. 

The night will also see the youthful Me & My Sandcastle, performing for the last time this year before its frontman, Xiao Liu, ventures across the ocean to continue his studies.  Capturing a sound that’s unassuming, loose, delicate and lite as a feather - a cross between a more sincere Mac Demarco and a slow tempo city pop band, there’s an earnestness to the bands indifferent swagger and melodic charm. 

Rounding out the lineup are Flip House -  a ‘blend of Y2K pop-punk and Midwest emo featuring catchy chants and bleeding heart lyrics in Chinese and English’ whose angst-ridden, cathartic and bittersweet sound if full of rhythmic aplomb - a scrappy, volatile swirl of emotions, musicianship, and vigor that might just make you nostalgic for the messy times we (thought we) left behind.

Let the summertide suck you in!

LiveChinaMusic presents


Dog Days 三伏天

Date 时间  07月29日 20:30pm


Line Up 阵容


Autumn rush 秋日疾走

Me & My Sandcastle

Flip House



秋日疾走Autumn Rush

秋日疾走Autumn Rush,2019年底成立于杭州,由周杨在认识了二手交易平台上的吉他手袁袁后发起,*初音乐风格受一些日本emo乐队影响,企图做出直线、暴力、快速的进行。在经历两次演出后,积木加入担当贝斯手,并邀请罗老爹担任鼓手,乐队阵容成型。


Autumn Rush, founded in Hangzhou at the end of 2019, was initiated by Zhou Yang after he met the guitarist Yuan Yuan on the second-hand trading platform. Initially, the music style was influenced by some Japanese emo bands, trying to make a straight, violent, and fast progress.  .  Later, Jimu joined as the bass player, and invited Daddy Luo as the drummer, and the band lineup was formed.



Me & My Sandcastle

是一支来自上海的低保真音乐计划。起源是小刘在卧室里的个人计划,在冬天结束之前,他好似想通般决心要走出卧室,走到现场去。不知道他从哪里抓来了四个小伙伴编入新的编制,在上次以个人计划亮相后,他带着他的FullSet Band走上了舞台。



Flip House

Flip House 是 Y2K 流行朋克以及 Midwest-emo 的融合体,并附上抓耳的旋律以及中英语混合双打的戳心歌词。如果你曾在分手后埋进枕头里哭喊或拳打墙壁出气,那么这个乐队*是为你而设。
Flip House 的*张同名专辑可以在各大音乐平台收听到,第二张专辑即将于 5 月 22 日发行!

Flip House is a blend of Y2K pop-punk and Midwest emo, featuring catchy chants and bleeding heart lyrics in Chinese and English.  If you’ve ever screamed into a pillow or punched a wall after a breakup, this band is for you.