7.11 | 【全场畅饮】清醒梦 夏日畅饮乐队拼盘

演出时间:07月11日 20:00-07月11日 22:00

艺人: Snuff Disco/RayDio/白日梦乐队/绿色养殖基地

场地: 上海 上海 MAO Livehouse

地址:上海市黄浦区重庆南路308号3楼 查看地图


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参演艺人:白日梦,绿色养殖基地乐队,Snuff Disco,RayDio

演出场地:上海 MAO Livehouse

上海*有才华的一群音乐人,再次齐聚极富盛名的Mao Livehouse,为你带来精彩纷呈的音乐盛宴。这一次,我们将带来流行、朋克、迷幻、哥特摇滚、另类摇滚和灵魂乐,以及令人心碎的纯净忧郁之声。我们欢迎所有人来参加这场特别的现场表演——这一次,我们邀请到了4组原创音乐人,包括我们的VIP客人 “绿色养殖基地”乐队、白日梦Daydream、Snuff Disco和Ray Dio。从你迷茫的梦中醒来吧!唤醒你的大脑,来迎接这一场清醒梦。更多乐队相关信息,继续往下滑动,了解更多!

Shanghai musicians troupe come togethe


r again to bring you Lucid rock music live from the acclaimed Mao Live House. We bring you a blend pop, punk, psych, goth-rock, alt-rock and soul mixed with the melancholy sounds of transcending lucidity. All are welcome to attend the special live show featuring 4 original artist including our VIP guest “GREEN YOUNG” “白日梦 Daydream” “Snuff Disco” and “RayDio“. We ask that you awaken from your dream state and take control; you are ready for Lucid Dreaming. For more information about our elite group of musicians, continue the scroll. ↓

白日梦 Daydream 




Loves music, is addicted to alcohol, lives in the London dream of the 70s, and does not want to wake up. A group of stunned young men in their early 20s insisted on using their guitars and wine bottles to talk to life and the world, willing to sit on those daydreams about rock music. Established in 2014, it is one of the latest generation bands in Beijing. Because the love of punk and old rock come together. If you like music that is simple and direct but can move people's hearts, daydreaming is a good choice.

绿色养殖基地 Green Young:


Indie rock band from Shanghai, founded in 2019. Lead singer: Hulu; Guitar: Juan, Ge Huanyu; Drum: Bento; Keyboard: Meizi; Bass: Nervous Yao.Driving a small Ford in the traffic jam-free port; having good times enjoying the ocean breeze and teasing driver Meizi; fighting for a bluetooth speaker. Sometimes fighting about meaningless points, and dreaming about Santana, CD player and 26-key small phone. Looking back through a small crack, rest of the stories are all in the songs.

Snuff Disco

Snuff Disco是一个在上海成立的后朋克哥特电子乐队, 由Ryan Martin、 TylerLittlejohn、 Rachel McInerney组成。这个三人组融合了奇异的鼓点、即兴的舞台表演和让你无法忘怀的旋律,带给你充满危险和梦幻的舞池之夜。

Snuff Disco is a post-punk goth-tech three piece formed in Shanghai between Ryan Martin and Tyler Littlejohn of Flip House, and Rachel McInerney [Gargoyle Girlfriend]. The trio fuses eerie drum loops, visceral riffs and haunted melodies to bring tales of true crime to the dance floor.

RayDio is a locally owned Shanghai musician from the great state of Texas. Singer and songwriter of original folk/ blues and creator lucid streetpop.
