LINEOUT Pres. Loopy辛丑开箱

演出时间:02月26日 21:30-02月27日 06:00

艺人: Juan Plus One/Tzusing/akkoii/moremore

场地: 杭州 Loopy

地址:杭州市上城区中山南路77号利星名品广场F3Loopy 查看地图


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Tzusing was born in Malaysia, spent his formative years in Singapore and the Taiwanese manufacturing center of Taichung, studied in Chicago, and is currently based between Shanghai and Taipei. His music exists in this condition of dislocation, forged at the complicated intersection of personal, social, and national identity. As a DJ, Tzusing’s sets mix streamlined techno, industrial electronics, non-western dance music, and contemporary club music. He adds to this a sincere belief in the redemptive power of pop music, ready to drop sophisticated, classic Asian pop into the middle of club sets. In his own productions Tzusing recombines these influences into aggressive, cathartic music, inflected with off-kilter half step rhythms, strange harmonic textures, and thick, unnaturally resonant drums. If glittering tuned percussion, reed instrument-like synthesizers, and the music’s imagery might evoke a sense of “Chinese-ness,” it is not to point to the site of “authentic culture,” but to ask what these signifiers mean and who they belong to, as diasporas mutate beyond national borders. Seeking fun and subversion in equal parts, Tzusing’s music circles around themes of power, obsession, sexuality, identity and its obliteration. In 2011 Tzusing founded Shanghai’s “Stockholm Syndrome” night, hosted at the now-legendary Shelter, and was introduced to the wider world through a trilogy of EPs on L.I.E.S. Records beginning in 2014. He has since made appearances on Cititrax, Bedouin records and PAN. 

Tzusing在紐約廠牌L.I.E.S.推出的首張個人專輯『東方不敗』被權威電子音樂雜誌Resident Advisor評為過去十年的20大專輯之一。 在前衛廠牌PAN發行的單曲也得到電子音樂界傳奇大老Aphex Twin的認可。 少數可以在techno界跟新潮實驗舞曲界都得到肯定的製作人/DJ。 Tzusing的DJ set融合techno, 工業電子, 當代實驗舞曲,hip hop以及偶爾神來一筆的經典華語流行,叛逆與幽默兼具。他的個人作品也可以聽到他受到以上多元影響所營造出他完全不受限、個人風格強烈的獨特東方暴力美學。 


创立并运营音乐俱乐部 loopy 及活动主办方 LINEOUT,认真担任每次活动的暖场和冷场角色,音乐风格主要有 Chill-out, House/Disco, Minimal, Techno 等。让你进入状态可能需要一些时间,但也许值得等待。历久弥新,弥久留香。希望能留住不经意间的美好。 

Juan Plus One 

作为杭州电子音乐场景中的新一代,Juan Plus One为场景注入了一股新鲜的血液。 在与Guan和GG Lobster经历一个酗酒又愤怒的朋克时期后,他们决定一同跳入电子音乐的浪潮,并像往常一样在波澜不惊的场景中制造一些混乱。 Juan与Guan以及GG Lobster一同建立了专注于发行极具能量且独特的电子音乐厂牌FunctionLab。为我们喜欢的国内外制作人发行音乐并在杭州Loopy和上海All举办定期派对。 作为一名dj,Juan擅长用*的娱乐和彻底的破坏来控制每一个不为人知的夜晚,他的mix曾发布在英国的NTS和Dummy电台以及东京的DOMMUNE直播平台。除活跃在国内先锋俱乐部外,还曾于19年受邀前往东京演出。 他曾与Abyss X / Etapp Kyle / Coucou Chloe / Flora Yin-Wong / Munsing / Murlo / Naked / Paula Temple / Renick Bell / Rabit / Sinjin Hawke & Zora Jones / Samuel Kerridge / Toxe 以及 Tzusing等dj/制作人同台……不被风格限制,无论是techno/ industrial/ club或是流行音乐都会被他用作控制舞池的武器。 作为制作人,他为数不多的作品都出现在FunctionLab发行的合辑Functory 01&02当中。 

 moremore 你也该干些正经事了。