演出时间:07月17日 20:00-07月17日 23:00

艺人: Jackson Wells

场地: 北京 愚公移山

地址:北京市东城区张自忠路3-2号段祺瑞执政府旧址西院 查看地图


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Jackson Wells来自美国田纳西,拥有麦田般金色的头发,和一双深蓝色的眼眸。14岁便展露出惊人的创作天赋,2011年时发表*张单曲《Lovesick》。这位独立唱作人既写过心碎的绝望和温暖的希望,也写过家庭与友谊。他的嗓音*如同仿佛清晨的一缕阳光般温暖柔和,善于将所有所有平凡生活的细节,变成一曲曲优美动人的歌曲。

Jackson Wells的音乐作品在美国备受欢迎,在视频网站Youtube上,他的MV点击量超过180万。首张全长专辑《生命之画》(Picture of Life)由格莱美制作奖获得者Bill Cuomo担任制作人,专辑一经推出便席卷全美,获得乐迷和媒体一致好评,而后的巡演也大获成功。从洛杉矶的蓝调之屋、环球影城商业街、到*的蓝鸟咖啡屋,Jackson 的演出都轰动一时,一票难求。

2016年,Jackson Wells留学到中国集中学习中文。生活的忙碌并没有使他忘记他心爱的粉丝们。今年7月,来自田纳西的邻家男孩Jackson Wells即将再次在中国巡演的旅程,这次巡演将在北京、上海、广州、重庆和成都, 想念Jackson的小伙伴们,一定不要错过!Jackson也期待着,会有更多的中国乐迷,喜欢上他那温暖的笑容和独立清新的音乐风格。

Jackson Wells is a singer/songwriter, New York City born, and currently living in Nashville, Tennessee. He is already a national YouTube sensation with 3 music videos garnering over 1.8 million views internationally. Jackson has sold out sets all the way from LA’s House of Blues, Universal Studios CityWalk, to the famed Bluebird Cafe. Jackson was the featured artist at the Nashville’s NHL Predators game in March of 2014, playing to 16,729 attendees.

Jackson began writing songs at the age of 14 and released his self-titled EP in December 2010. He released a single, Lovesick, in November 2011. His next EP, entitled Inescapable, was released in January 2013. Wells’ first full-length album, Picture of Life, was a collaboration with Grammy-award winning producer Bill Cuomo and Beeb Birtles, founding member of Little River Band, and was released in January 2014 on his own independent label. The CD release party for Picture of Life was at Puckett’s Grocery in Leipers Fork, Tennessee. He sings and plays both acoustic and electric guitar during his live performances.

Jackson has traveled to China during the summers of 2012, 2013, and 2014, where his tour included performances at the Chengdu International Music Festival, drawing thousands of loyal fans. He has played several club venues there as well, including Amitha and Jinshang Club. Following the 2014 Festival, he was invited to play a private concert at the historical Jinsha Museum to over 800 concertgoers. The show was reported by China’s top national media CCTV’s website, and Chengdu TV.  Jackson is in his 6th year of studying Mandarin Chinese. He is a student at Belmont University in Nashville, majoring in songwriting and minoring in Chinese. Jackson has great love and respect for the Chinese culture and the wonderful fans there.

Other highlights in Jackson’s career include finalist awards for the Show Me the Music Songwriting Contest, the 7th Annual Belfast Nashville Singer-Songwriter Contest, International Songwriter Competition, and runner up for We Are Listening Singer/Songwriter Award. He was twice being named SingerUniverse.com Vocalist of the Month. Additional special appearances include performing at the Carousel of Hope Ball as a member of Josh Groban’s Children’s Choir, and in Belfast, Northern Ireland as songwriter finalist.

Jackson has over 700,000 plays and more than 20,000 fans on Jango. On Our Stage, he has been in the weekly top 100 nationwide in both 2013 and 2014, as well as the Top Ten in Pop Videos during April 2013. His single Just Thought You Should Know, off of his self-titled EP, was profiled in Music Now Magazine, Issue 4. SingerUniverse, in naming him Best Vocalist of the Month for his performance of his song Never Gone, wrote: Never Gone is a mainstream, midtempo pop cut which is a bit reminiscent of Ryan Tedder's style with his band OneRepublic. The song has a strong melody throughout, and the chorus has big arrangement due to the dynamic drum tracks and multi-layered vocals. Never Gone provides a fine showcase for Wells' clear, expressive lead & harmony vocals.”