
演出时间:02月14日 19:30-02月14日 23:30

艺人: Charlie Hunter/Lucy Woodward Biography

场地: 北京 Blue Note Beijing

地址:前门东大街23号blue note 查看地图


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入场时间/Door Time:6:00 PM

演出时间/Show Time:7:30PM


入场时间/Door Time:9:30PM

演出时间/Show Time:10:00PM

地址/Add:前门东大街23号 Blue Note Beijing

23 Qianmen East Street. Dongcheng District. Beijing




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Lucy Woodward - Vocals

Charlie Hunter - Guitar

Doug Belote - Drums

Woodward强大而富有表现力的声音与Hunter绚丽明亮的吉他弹奏交相呼应。在用美妙歌声恰到好处地传达情感的同时,她的声音里几乎没有一丝杂乱的起伏。 ——Geoff Anderson, All that Jazz


Woodward's powerful, expressive voice went toe to toe with Hunter's pyrotechnical guitar/bass playing. Her barely contained slinky undulations while delivering the goods punctuated the soulful sonics. ——Geoff Anderson , All That Jazz


Charlie Hunter & Lucy Woodward -《Music!Music!Music!》


这张充满着令人振奋的布鲁斯、灵魂和放克音乐风格的专辑《Music!Music!Music!》标志着吉他手Charlie Hunter和歌手Lucy Woodward之间的首次音乐合作。


二人的组合于2018年1月首次一起演出,当时伍德沃德在宣传她的第四张个人专辑,即2016年的《Til They Bang on the Door》,当时她与Hunter联手完成了他*初计划与墨西哥音乐人一同进行的巡演。Hunter和Woodward本来对于巡演歌单束手无策,但是因为共同对于布鲁斯音乐的喜爱而迅速达成共识打造出了一个漂亮的歌单,并马上开始巡演。在一起表演不到一周,他们意识到自己与对方已经养成了良好的默契。


专辑于2018年11月在北卡罗来纳州海波因特(North Point)的Stephen Lee Price录音室录制,与Hunter的长期合作的鼓手Derrek Phillips加入了录制,专辑*后命名为《Music!Music!Music!》。收录了11首经过彻底改编的歌曲翻唱,包括从Blind Willie Johnson和Bessie Smith到Nina Simone和Terence Trent D’Arby等著名音乐家的歌曲。《Music!Music!Music!》专辑中表现出的音乐是深情、风格广阔与充满芬芳的。充分展现出了Hunter精彩绝伦的吉他弹奏和Woodward有力声音之间的相互作用。这张专辑反映出了两人现场表演产生的强烈兴奋感,同时还散发着当两位才华横溢的音乐人从各自的舒适区域迈出时所产生的电流。




其实,Woodward除了她自己的个人音乐事业外,她也在Celine Dion、Rod Stewart、Snarky Puppy、Barbra Streisand、Carole King、Joe Cocker等巨星的专辑中献声。但这次在录音室中,无论是与不同乐器的合作或是密集编排的曲目,对Woodward来说都是全新的。“我从来没有与四重奏,五重奏或大型乐队合作录制过。” 她说,“查理教给我很多关于如何在歌曲中雕琢细节与留出空间的方法,而不仅仅只是唱好你的部分。在他的世界中,足够的空间与你弹奏演唱时要注意的东西一样重要。以多种方式去演唱具有很大呼吸空间的歌曲对我来说是一项挑战,这使我明白我不一定要用别的东西来填补每个空白,但是这样感觉很好。”


An exhilarating blast of blues, soul and funk, Music!Music!Music! marks the recorded debut of the musical partnership between guitarist Charlie Hunter and vocalist Lucy Woodward.


The duo first performed together in January 2018, when Woodward — fresh off supporting her fourth solo album, 2016’s Til They Bang on the Door — joined forces with Hunter as a last-minute fill-in on a tour he’d originally booked with Mexican singer-songwriter Silvana Estrada (whose visa application had been denied by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security). Bonded by their shared love of blues, Hunter and Woodward quickly constructed a setlist of favorite songs and hit the road. Within less than a week of playing shows together, they realized that they’d hit upon something very special, indeed.


Recorded in November 2018 at Stephen Lee Price’s studio in High Point, NC, with longtime Hunter collaborator Derrek Phillips on the drums, Music!Music!Music! features eleven radically reworked covers of songs by artists ranging from Blind Willie Johnson and Bessie Smith to Nina Simone and Terence Trent D’Arby. Soulful, spacious and deliciously in the pocket, Music!Music!Music! showcases the dazzling interplay between Hunter’s funky guitar and Woodward’s powerful voice, while also reflecting the spontaneity and good vibes of the duo’s live performances.


Hunter and Woodward will return to the road this spring to take Music!Music!Music! to the people. The tour for the album will stretch over much of 2019, with the duo going to Europe and Japan as well as all over North America.


For Woodward, who in addition to her own solo career has sung on recordings by Celine Dion, Rod Stewart, Snarky Puppy, Barbra Streisand, Chaka Khan, Carole King, Nikka Costa and Joe Cocker, it was a new experience singing in the studio with such sparse-yet-funky instrumentation, not to mention recording in a situation where vibe and feel took precedent over tight arrangements. “I’d never done a record where I’ve toured with anything smaller than a quartet, quintet or big band,” she says. “Charlie taught me a lot about carving out and leaving space in the songs, rather than just singing your verse, and then another verse, and then a chorus. In his world, space is just as important as what happens when you play. It was challenging for me in so many ways to sing on songs that have so much breathing room — realizing that I don’t have to fill up every hole with something — but it feels so right.

Charlie Hunter


Charlie Hunter拥有16年的职业生涯,并发行了近20张专辑。他不断提高着自己的演奏水平,成为了一名创新的作曲人与乐队领导。他曾与Norah Jones、Mos Def、John Mayer、DʼAngelo等人合作。人们普遍认为他是七弦和八弦吉他的权威,他那可以同时弹奏出动听的低音部分,主旋律以及摇摆节奏的能力使观众们感到惊讶。


Hunter之前曾为Blue Note、Concord、Ropeadope、GroundUP等唱片公司录制过唱片。他*近的一个冒险是发行他个人认为对自己*启发性的音乐。批评家们夸赞着他的天才弹奏技术,但正是他深厚的艺术敏感性推动了他的原创音乐。 Hunter极具个性化的创作与表演风格使他成为当今*出色的吉他手之一。


With a career spanning 16 years and almost 20 albums, Charlie Hunter consistently ups his game as an innovative writer and bandleader. He has worked with the likes of Norah Jones, Mos Def, John Mayer, DʼAngelo and countless others. He is widely considered the authority on the seven and eight-string guitar, and continues to stun audiences with his ability to simultaneously bust out tasty bass parts, melodic leads and swinging rhythms.

Hunter has previously recorded for the venerable Blue Note label, Concord, Ropeadope, GroundUP and others. His recent independent venture is steered by his motivation to release music that most inspires him. Critics have touted his genius technique, but it's his profound artistic sensibility that propels his original music. Hunter's signature style of writing and performing has secured his place as one of today's great guitarists.

Lucy Woodward


LUCY WOODWARD生于伦敦,由来自纽约,身为歌剧演员、肚皮舞者和音乐学家的母亲以及来自荷兰的作曲家、指挥家父亲共同抚养长大。她已经在诸如Atlantic和Verve Records等大型唱片公司发行了4张录音室专辑。自2012年以来,在与Snarky Puppy密切合作并巡演之后,Lucy与Snarky Puppy一同录制了点击量超过120万次的歌曲《Too Hot To Last》,这首单曲也同时收录在了Snarky Puppy的格莱美获奖专辑《Family Dinner-Volume 1》中。Lucy与Pink Martini一同进行巡演并担任了主唱,巡演足迹遍布了土耳其、克罗地亚、日本、西班牙和法国,其中还包括与旧金山交响乐团合作的三场音乐会。她*近与德国科隆的WDR大乐队合作演出了她和编曲人兼指挥Chris Walden创建的一个名为“Love & Other Bad Habits”的项目。她还曾为Rod Stewart、Celine Dion、Joe Cocker和Barbra Streisand等巨星演唱和声,并为许多影视配乐贡献了自己的声音与歌曲。露西的第五张专辑《Music!Music!Music!》是与传奇吉他演奏家Charlie Hunter首次合作。从Bessie Smith到Terence Trent D’Arby,这张专辑充满了精彩的律动,还有布鲁斯、放克味十足的复古流行风与灵魂乐气息。她在美国和欧洲与Charlie Hunter进行了大范围的巡回演出,他们将在2020年初一起录制第二张专辑。


LUCY WOODWARD was born in London and raised by her opera singer-bellydancer-musicologist mother in New York and her composer-conductor father The Netherlands. She has released 4 studio albums on labels such as Atlantic and Verve Records. Lucy recorded the 1.2 million+ viewed song “Too Hot To Last” with Snarky Puppy which is featured on their Grammy-winning Family Dinner album after collaborating and touring extensively with them since 2012. Lucy toured with Pink Martini singing lead vocals in Turkish, Croatian, Japanese, Spanish and French including 3 concerts with the San Francisco Symphony.

She recently performed with the WDR Big Band in Cologne, Germany on a project that her and arranger/conductor Chris Walden created called “Love & Other Bad Habits”. She has sung background vocals with Rod Stewart, Celine Dion, Joe Cocker and Barbra Streisand and has contributed her vocals and songs to countless soundtracks including the Big Band Bjork smash “It’s Oh So Quiet” from Disney’s Ice Princess. Lucy’s fifth album Music!Music!Music! is the debut collaboration with legendary guitar virtuoso Charlie Hunter. The album is full of deep grooves, blues and funk-inspired vintage pop and soul standards from Bessie Smith to Terence Trent D’Arby. She tours extensively with Charlie Hunter in the US and Europe and they will be recording their 2nd album together in early 2020.

