澳洲复古流行新贵MOBS首次巡演 长春站

演出时间:11月24日 19:00-11月24日 20:30

艺人: MOBS

场地: 长春 音浪LIVEHOUSE

地址:吉林省长春市南关区自由大路35号南岭体育场西入口院内音浪live house 查看地图


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演出场地:长春 音浪LIVEHOUSE



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墨尔本 ,一座充满着艺术,时尚,美食,多元文化以及充斥着哥德式建筑的城市。和澳洲很多城市不同,墨尔本有着独特的历史韵味,又错落有致的与现代化繁华都市完美融合.所以你能看见的,是Instagram网红博主的背景图,是蓝天白云海滩边闲情逸致的沙滩排球,是灯火通明的城市夜景,是古老火车站门口交汇错综的电车声,是深远悠长的一条条巷子里那些怪陌嚣张的涂鸦,抑或是屋顶酒吧里,伴着日落和吉他声,那些饮酒谈笑的人。

从墨尔本走出了很多优秀的音乐人,从经典的Nick Cave、Air Supply、Dead Can Dance,再到The Living End、Jet等等,他们都来自墨尔本。*我们要给大家介绍一支来自墨尔本的新晋乐队,名叫MOBS,他们于2012年成立,由五位阳光帅气的95后小伙儿组成,他们分别是主唱Jordan Clarey、吉他手Michael Ashfield、鼓手Matt Purcell和贝斯手Scott MacDougall。尽管乐队成员都很年轻,但他们玩的音乐却相当复古,深受80年代新浪潮音乐影响的他们在官方facebook页面上,将自己的音乐风格标记为“Nostalgic Pop”(怀旧流行)也是相当贴切。

经过了乐队早期几年的摸爬滚打之后,2017年1月,MOBS独立发表了首支单曲《Dark Side of a Good Thing》,这也引起了不少厂牌的关注。2017年5月,MOBS发表了首张EP《Bad Love》,同时他们展开了首次澳洲巡演,各地反响热烈。同年10月,MOBS发表了第二张EP《You Want Beauty?》,主打歌《Say Anything》一度成为澳洲当地电台的热门曲目,同时他们也得到了与诸多知名乐队同台的机会,其中包括澳洲当红流行朋克乐队With Confidence等等。

功夫不负有心人,2019年2月,MOBS正式签约在欧洲独立名厂Rude Records旗下,与Zebrahead、Set It Off、The Dear Hunter、Blood Youth、Less Than Jake、The Maine、Emery等名团成为同门。今年8月,他们应邀担任同门师兄、美国流行摇滚名团The Maine澳洲巡演嘉宾。9月,他们更是应邀担任英国摇滚名团Deaf Havana澳洲巡演嘉宾。


With a record deal to independent label Rude Records – home to Set It Off, Blood Youth, Less Than Jake, The Maine and Emery, to name a few – freshly inked Melbourne (Australia) four-piece, MOBS, have announced they are hitting the studio to record their debut album due for world-wide release later in 2019. The band, whose 80’s inspired tracks have been described by critics as “power pop” and “synth filled retro bangers”, will give international audiences a hint of what to expect from their debut LP when they re-issue their ‘Bad Love’ EP featuring lead single ‘Dark Side Of A Good Thing’ on February 15 2019.

MOBS, who have always entertained and won fans over with their catchy melodies boosted with their high energy, are poised to be the next to represent the strength of Australian pop music to a global audience. The band have spent a lot of time crafting their niche sound, mixing old: drawing inspiration by 80’s icons including Phil Collins, Peter Gabriel, Tears for Fears, Mr Mister, & Michael Jackson; with new including pop culture stalwarts LANY, COIN, M83, 1975, Joan, LAUV – to name a few. Don’t be quick to pigeonhole the band though, the band have experimented, drawing sounds from a retro era & writing songs from the perspective of the main character of specific 80’s or 90’s films. At a time when styles of 80’s retro is making its return to this modern day… the world just can’t get away from 80’s nostalgia, which is fruitful for MOBS to create their own unique footprint.



