
演出时间:04月09日 21:00-04月09日 23:01


场地: 杭州 LINEOUT

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Artist : Howie Lee ft.Zhangyang / Mike Gao / Nehzuil / Bohan Phoenix

来自北京的电子音乐厂牌/派对组织Do Hits,通过一系列的合辑发行汇集了一批中国电子音乐场景中的生鲜力量。而这次,他们要和生活在海外的兄弟们联合起来——Do Hits的成员Howie Lee和他的搭档鼓手张杨,将同来自美国、澳大利亚的三位华裔音乐人Mike Gao, Nehzuil和Bohan Phoenix一起踏上探寻故土、寻找灵感的特别巡演旅程。
来自北京、现居台湾的Howie Lee是中国低音音乐当之无愧的领军人物,他把世界各地的声音元素与中国传统音乐的采样融合,打破了陈腐的定式,带来了一种全新的声音;他独特的听觉符号将会重新定义你的对中国音乐的审美。Mike Gao是来自洛杉矶的音乐科学家,开发了自己的音乐制作app。他的作品充满了未来感和前卫的想法,站在当今电子乐的发展潮流的前沿。Mike Gao 在现场会带你穿越时空,聆听未来的声音。Nehzuil, aka 刘振,来自澳大利亚的华裔制作人,他把R&B带入流行音乐,让经典曲目改头换面,制作成富有律动的remix。Nezuil的一首致敬Amy Winehouse的“Love is a losing game” remix,在互联网上大受好评。Bohan Phoenix 11岁移民美国,从此生长在了纯正的hip-hop文化中。在说唱圈摸爬滚打多年后, Bohan成功在纽约哈莱姆传奇的Apollo Theatre以及布鲁克林各处登台演出。才华横溢的他曾与众多音乐制作人合作, 并于近期推出了与Howie Lee合作的双语说唱EP《Foreign》。

这个春天,Do Hits将带领这群中华电子音乐先驱走过8个中国城市,把充满未来感的音乐辐射到祖国各处。Vice中国将全程跟拍,记录下这历史性的旅程,制作成Noisey音乐频道的特别纪录片。我们已经让世界听到了中国发出的声音,也要让中国人听到我们自己的脉动。

With their serial compilation releases, Beijing-based music label/party organization Do Hits has brought in great amount of Chinese-characterized music from both in and out of the country. This time they are joining hands with their brothers from overseas. Do Hits co-founder Howie Lee and his partner Zhangyang the drummer, will be touring China with LA’s producer Mike Gao, Nehzuil from Australia, and Bohan Phoenix from New York.
Howie Lee, a Beijing-born, Taipei-based musician, fuses together his Chinese heritage and British training, creating his own niche of UK bass-heavy sound mixed with Chinese melodies. He is featured in international publications and blogs such as i-D and MAD DECENT. He also performed at international festivals such as SXSW. Mike Gao is a producer and music technologist from Los Angeles. His style is futuristic, forward thinking and always attempting to push the conventions of Hip- Hop. Gao also takes it a step further. With a PhD in Music Technology, he builds music-making equipment while others use what they have. Nehzuil is an Australian producer known for putting out amazing originals, reworks and remixes of multiple tunes we know and love. He Recently shut down the internet with his beautiful tribute to Amy Winehouse with his ‘Love Is A Losing Game” remix. Bohan Phoenix is an MC from China by the way of Boston, Massachusetts, now resides in NYC. He is most known for X Years, which signified Bohan's reaching 20 years of life. The project is accompanying with singles and music videos. With his partner Jachary Beats, Bohan had produced 7 albums in the past 2 years.
Connected only through their heritage, these new era rock stars go on an epic music journey to curate music through their Chinese identity. VICE China will document this tour, bringing you the finding of inspiration and the exploring of Eastern Electronic music on VICE’s music channel Noisey.