“不同凡响 - -M-先生亚洲巡演 ” 上海浅水湾文化艺术中心 大剧场

演出时间:03月25日 20:30-03月25日 22:30

艺人: IZIA/马修·谢迪 -M-先生

场地: 上海 万代南梦宫上海文化中心 1F梦想剧场

地址:上海市普陀区宜昌路179号万代南梦宫上海文化中心 查看地图


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开关文化,AUGURI以及LaboM 携手呈现  “不同凡响 - -M-先生亚洲巡演 - 上海站!”

法国音乐人马修·谢迪,万众瞩目的“-M-先生”,法国当代浪漫主义的完美结晶,在阔别两年后,他将重返亚洲,为翘首以待的乐迷们带来更加精彩的“不同凡响” 亚洲巡演! -  2016年3月16日至28日,上海、首尔、釜山、东京,新加坡,-M-先生将在这些城市的带领所有观众们离单调的日常,进入他的魔幻音乐宇宙。大家可以期待更多惊喜,更多耀眼的惊喜!

法国音乐人马修·谢迪,万众瞩目的“-M-先生”,法国现代音乐当代浪漫主义的完美结晶,在阔别两年后,他将重返亚洲,为翘首以待的乐迷们带来更加精彩的“不同凡响” 亚洲巡演!-  2016年3月16日至28日,上海、首尔、釜山、东京,新加坡,-M-先生将和老搭档贝司手Brad 和鼓手 Lawrence一起在这些城市的带领所有观众们离单调的日常,进入他充满诗意的魔幻音乐宇宙。在这次巡演中,我们可以期待全新新概念专辑《la B.O²-M-》的现场演绎,重新编排的保留曲目,饱受各大电台宠爱的经典Hits,还有从未让大家失望过的惊喜嘉宾。所以敬请关注-M-先生,大写的-M-!

马修·谢迪 , -M-先生,他是法国现代音乐当代浪漫主义的完美结晶 – 优美的编曲,破坏性的吉他声效,真假难辨的造型,所有这些元素都被歌迷们十年如一日的追捧着。他的现场演出让整个巴黎城万人空巷,他曾赢得9个音乐奖项,还参与了各种各样的音乐合作计划 – 电影《疯狂约会美丽都》、《怪兽在巴黎》、《不可告人》等优秀电影原声都出自他手。


在光怪陆离的舞台和另类夸张的服饰背后, -M-先生首先是一名让人叹为观止的吉他手 - 当他弹起吉他,那*仿佛是Prince的Funk Pop撞上Hendrix的Blus Rock;其次他是一位灵感源泉不断的词曲作者 - 他的每首歌都充满了准确而感性的辞藻;*后他是个不折不扣的摇滚明星 – 他的热门歌曲《Je Dis Aime》,《Machistador》,《Mojo》在一直是法语*音乐电台的保留曲目,他共斩获了9项音乐大奖还曾与众多人们耳熟能详的音乐大腕们频繁合做:Johnny Halliday,Jane Birkin,Brigitte Fontaine,Alain Bashung,Vanessa Paradis等等。但-M-先生真正让人为之疯狂的还是他那魅力无穷的现场演出,无论是独角秀还是与其他音乐人的合作,极高水准的表演和对歌迷乐迷一如既往的热情始终不变。

2014年在中国,-M-先生和中荷跨国乐队AM444的相遇碰撞出了一首黑暗、性感的小众单曲Détache-Toi(来自AM444旧作《神经末梢》)。因为一直对音乐的各种可能性开放和包容的态度,他的音乐探索不时能与一些独特个人的轨迹相交汇,这之中既有纪实摄影大师马丁-帕尔这样传奇般的人物,也有环境学家Pierre Rabhi这样看似毫无关联的精英头脑。

2015年在-M-的日程中也应该算得上是《la B.O²-M-》专辑之年,这是早在2003年当    -M-当发行自己第三张专辑《LaboM》之后*一直在他脑海中的计划。这张纯器乐曲专辑对-M-来说非常重要,它像一个开放的橱窗,在这里所有-M-音乐中构造性元素都被一一展示,仔细剖析。也可说是某种程度上的实验室,既能找到即兴创作的曲段,又能找到完整的乐曲。

通过《la B.O²-M-》,-M-又一次为我们打开了他的音乐实验室的大门,分享他的创造力。从2012年的专辑《Il》*一起合作的两位老搭档,贝斯手Brad Ackley和架子鼓手Lawrence Clais,与-M-一起全情投入三个人仅用一夜的时间*在布鲁塞尔的录音室里完成了整张专辑的录制。三位音乐家即兴创作、用超现实主义艺术家们的即时创作方式你一段我一段的接力作曲。昏暗的氛围和干姜水的辣爽中,《la B.O²-M-》的歌曲奔涌而出,如同-M-的无意识的录音一样,交织着虚幻的歌词和充满失真、裂音和错位节奏的吉他演奏。这样的创作成果好似一个可以被多重解读的梦幻般的作品:一个有关音乐的梦,一首诗和漫画家Matthias Picard的连环画。这位漫画才俊为这张专辑填充了视觉维度的空白,*终促成了这张*的,图文并茂的96页音乐专辑。

不同凡响, -M- 先生亚洲巡演!
“不同凡响”? 我们该期待什么?

我们可以期待鼓手Lawrence Clais震颤心房的浓烈节奏和绝妙的采样衔接,期待美国贝斯怪才Brad Thomas Ackley演奏其*的Basstar (一把有两根贝斯弦,四根吉他弦,外加两个挂满丰富采样的打击版组成的*单兵摇滚乐器)。当然,我们期待主唱兼吉他手-M-先生,还有他那两把可靠的老伙伴 - Gibson LG和1964年Fender Strat L。

除了上面提到的,我们还可以期待全新概念专辑《la B.O²-M-》的现场演绎,重新编排的保留曲目,饱受各大电台宠爱的经典Hits,还有从未让大家失望过的惊喜嘉宾。所以,请期待-M-先生,大写的-M- !

上海站嘉宾 – IZIA !

IZIA,法国当红的摇滚少女,16岁时已经推出了首张评价颇高的EP并成为了伊基·波普巴黎演唱会的开场嘉宾,随后他在09年和11年的两张专辑中透出的音乐才华和她Janis Joplin般的出众歌喉彻底征服了整个法兰西。她是歌手,吉他手和演员,曾获得法国年度音乐盛典*新人和*摇滚专辑两项大奖,同时还是凯撒奖*潜力女演员。2015年,25岁的IZIA推出了新专辑《la vague(浪潮)》这是她一次创作法语歌,但也恰恰是这张专辑她的天赋增加了新的标签:一个强有力却细腻动人的嗓音。

2016年3月,IZIA将*次来到中国,与-M-先生在上海浅水湾文化艺术中心同台(3月25日),并完成自己的*中国巡演(成都 - 3月24日, 北京 - 3月27日)。

场地电话: 021 6266 3191
时间: 19:00开门,20:30演出开始

3月22日,釜山 (韩法文化年的开幕)

不同凡响 - -M-先生亚洲巡演 - 上海站由开关文化、Auguri和Labo-M-共同呈现。
感谢 法语音乐节 与 法国文化 的大力支持。

From 2016 March 16th to March 28th
It’s been two years since Matthieu Chedid aka –M-, one of the most versatile and most beloved French talent has last performed in Asia. Since then, a lot of collaborations have occurred in the –M- galaxy but it is with great joy that the French artist is announcing a series of « Extraordinary Shows » in Asia from March 16th to 28th with concerts in Hong Kong, China, Republic of Korea, Japan and Singapore! Each performance of –M- is in essence a magic moment that takes us away from our routine and plunges into an immersive experience, but with these special series –M- guarantees even more surprises to the audience , expect something sparkling!

Short press release:
It’s been two years since Matthieu Chedid aka –M-, one of the most versatile and most beloved French talent has last performed in China and crossed path with AM444 (vocalist ChaCha and Dutch producer J.Soul). That encounter led to a beautiful collaboration and the release of dark and sexy single called “Détache-toi”.  Since then, a lot of collaborations have occurred in the –M- galaxy but it is with a great joy that the French artist is announcing a series of « Extraordinary Shows » in Asia from March 16th to 28th with concerts in Hong Kong, China, Republic of Korea, Japan and Singapore! Each performance of –M- is in essence a magic moment that takes us away from our routine and plunges into an immersive experience, but with these special series –M- guarantees to the audience all sorts of surprises, expect something sparkling! Accompanied by his two acolytes Brad Thomas Ackley on bass and Lawrence Clais on drums, Chedid is going to tele transport you into his poetic world. You can expect to hear some exclusive bits of his new album la B.O²-M- , rare pieces from his repertoire rearranged for the occasion, and the highly expected Radio hits; besides –M- will welcome a selection of great featuring guests in each cities of the tour. Expect some-M- with a capital –M-!

Biography of the artist
Since Matthieu Chedid appeared in the end of the 90’s with his unique blend of funk rock and chanson, he’s been captivating the crowds all across the French speaking world. In the Chedid clan, art is an heritage: with a poet as a grandmother, a singer as a father who got him singing back vocals at the age of 7, Matthieu always had music in his veins. However when he started his own career he picked a name in the shape of the sole letter M to distance himself from this sacred family and built a wacky alter ego for himself always dressed up in crazy suits, sporting some M shaped haircut or glasses.

Behind the decorum and the extravaganza of his outfits, -M- is an authentic and talented musician. When he plays guitar, the riffs can be as funky as Prince’s or as greasy as Hendrix’s. Unquenchable composer, he is capable of composing sound tracks for movies and animations and devilish catchy pop songs. As a singer he counts as one of the most sensual voices around and as an author, he signed uncountable songs including a good bunch of hits, such as Je Dis Aime, Machistador or Mojo. He has won 9 music awards and collaborated with a great variety of artists such as Johnny Hallyday, Jane Birkin, Brigitte Fontaine, Alain Bashung, Vanessa Paradis and many, many more.

But it's his breath-taking and interactive live performances that truly propelled -M- to superstardom. Whether he’s alone or accompanied by a 5 pieces band on stage, Chedid delivers with the same intensity and generosity. He literally captivates the audience.

What’s new with –M-?
Needless to say that we’re excited to bring –M- back to Asia this time, you all can expect to see him in great shape, fuelled by the numerous projects he’s been initiating or participating in during the last two years.

In 2012 in China, -M- came across the way of ChaCha and co-signed the sexy and sultry tune “Détache-Toi” (adapted from a song of ChaCha’s duo AM444). Since then, -M- who is always up to open the doors of his creative laboratory to inspired people has paired up with all kind of  characters, from superstar Uk photographer Martin Parr to environment defender Pierre Rabhi. Chedid’s open mind always leads him to new and meaningful collaborations.

-M-‘s artistic galaxy is also deeply rooted in his family. In October 2015 he just finished a 30 concerts tour with his father Louis and brother and Sister Joseph and Anna. The idea of this family tour came out from a jam they did in 2013 after one of Matthieu’s show in mega concert hall, Bercy. It felt so good that the clan decided to go on tour together just for the sake and pleasure of playing music and interpretate each other’s repertoire. In the course of this tour the Chedid’s released an album called F.O.R.T (strong in French, the meaning of Chedid in Arabic) and an eponymous single.

And experiences
2015 was also the year of la B.O²-M-, a project that Matthieu has had in the back of his mind since his 3rd album, LaboM. This instrumental opus released in 2003 was conceived like a sort of open kitchen where were dissected all the elements that shape the sound of –M- , a mix of improvised pieces and more structured demos.

With la B.O²-M- , Chedid goes even further in the experimental process of his art and opens the doors of his kitchen one more time to share with us his fascination for creation. Accompanied by his two acolytes Brad Thomas Ackley (bass) and Lawrence Clais (drums) who’ve been collaborating with him since “Il” (2012), he dropped the whole album in one take, over a sleepless night in a Bruxelles studio. Plunged into total darkness and only fed with chilly ginger juice, the three musicians improvised and composed the whole piece only following the rules of Surrealistic poem “Cadavres Exquis” and their own primal feelings. The result is a tune of almost one hour which sounds like the soundtrack of Chedid’s unconscious, a mix of live poetry, distorted guitars and elaborated offbeat rhythms. Chedid likes to call la B.O²-M- a dream rather than a record. Indeed la B.O²-M- is pretty unusual, for it is a musical piece, a poetic work and also a 96 pages cartoon signed by upcoming talent Matthias Picard which illustrates the initiatic journey narrated by Chedid.

The Extraordinary Live Show
What is an Extraordinary Live Show by –M- ?

First of all you’ll find the power trio who puts you on fire since the last album “Il”:  Expect enormous beats and ingenious samples from drummer Lawrence Clais; giant chords from American maverick Brad Thomas Ackley on his self-styled basstar (that’s two bass strings, four guitar strings, two launch pads for samples and effects); M on vocals and Gibson LG and 1964 Fender Strat, serial number L.

As for the repertoire, expect some exclusive instrumental pieces taken from la B.O²-M-, some more known tunes rearranged for the occasion, and yes of course you’ll have the single hits you love! But the suspense here lies on the great local guests who will be joining M on stage in each city, may they be singers, dancers or poets, may they appear from the ceiling or from behind an explosion of feathers, they will surprise you! For now their identity is kept secret but will be unveiled as we’ll be moving closer to the tour.

Special Guest in Shanghai – IZIA
As a singer, guitarist and actress, IZIA has been building a career that relies on her energy and her spontaneity. She’s loved by the public, acclaimed by the critics and recognized by her peers (2 Victoires de la musique: Best rock album and best tour, 1 César:  Most promising actress)
So young and so talented, at the age of 16 she was releasing her first EP and was opening for Iggy Pop in Paris. In 2009, the first eponymous LP recorded in live was released, heavily influenced by English and American rock of the 70’s. Then there comes the album So Much Trouble, composed on the piano and released in 2011, it definitively rooted Izia into the musical landscape and proves that her raw rock sounds are just one component of a deep pop music culture. In 2015, the 25 year–old IZIA released her latest album La Vague, by singing in her maternal language, Izia adds a new string to her talents’ bow: a moving voice full of intensity and nuances.

May 2016, IZIA will perform i China for the 1st time – May 25th  - Shanghai (w/-M-), May 24th – Chengdu (Little Bar Space), May 27th – Beijing (Yugong Yishan).

Date: 2016/03/25
Venue: QSW Culture Center – Q Hall
179 Yichang Lu, near Jiangning Lu, Putuo, Shanghai
021  6266 3191
TIME: 19:00 (Open Door), 20:00 (Show Start)

Asia Tour details
March 16th –Hong Kong
March 19th – Singapore
March 22nd –Busan
(As the opening concert of the Year of France in Korea)
March 24th – Seoul
March 25th- Shanghai
March 28th- Tokyo
–M- tour in Asia is presented by Kaiguan Culture, Auguri and Labo –M-.
We would like to thank Fête de la Francophonie and French Institute for its support in China.