the Tore Down + One Hung Low 联合演出

演出时间:01月08日 21:00-01月08日 23:00

艺人: The Tore Down/One Hung Low

场地: 北京 黄昏黎明DDC

地址:北京市朝阳区神路街39号地下一层DDC 查看地图


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the Tore Down and One Hung Low,两只极其纯正的ROCKING blues乐队,必将给你带来难忘的蓝调摇滚之夜!

the Tore Down:
The Tore Down plays ROCKING blues. Gorgeous singer Miranda will have you dancing. Come see the most fun band in Beijing.

The Tore Down 乐队玩的是摇滚布鲁斯。劲爆的女主唱Miranda的歌声会使你情不自禁的开始舞蹈。来DDC看北京*有趣的布鲁斯摇滚乐队吧!

融合强劲布鲁斯,放克和硬摇滚的曲风,搭配小清新们不能承受之重的歌词的One Hung Low已君临城下!五位成员Rick Marvelous, Bourbon Slim, Guillotine, Salty Snack以及Yeahbro于2013年相遇摇滚之都北京,因共同目标走到一起,那*是让你们将我们的音乐和美酒一同饮下!还在等什么,快加入我们的“罪恶教堂”,举起酒杯,开始摇滚!

"Men grab your beers, women grab a cocktail, those One Hung Low boys are coming into town! An eclectic mix of aggressive blues, funk, and hard rock with lyrics not meant for for innocent ears. Rick Marvelous, Bourbon Slim, The Guillotine, Salty Snacks, and Yeahbro! all met in the rock capital of Beijing in the year of our dark lord 2013 with one goal in mind: to finally make the kind of music you can both get down and down a pint to. So what are you waiting for? Join us in the church of sin today, raise a glass, and get ready to rock!"