瑞典当红创作型音乐人Erik Linder中国巡演

演出时间:12月12日 19:30-12月12日 21:30

艺人: Erik Linder

场地: 舟山 东海音乐剧场

地址:舟山市普陀区东港海洲路669号保利大剧院 查看地图


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Erik Linder:
瑞典创作型歌手/音乐人Erik Linder出生于音乐世家,从小接受严格的声乐训练。2009年首届瑞典达人秀(Sweden’s got talent)上,Erik脱颖而出,不仅打入决赛还获得*音乐创作人大奖,随后他发行了首张个人专辑并大卖,进入瑞典年度专辑销量排行榜前十。与众多选秀歌手不同一夜爆红继而销声匿迹不同,Erik在成名之后并没有自我膨胀,他清楚的意识到达人秀的成功只是一时的,于是接下来的几年中,他一边继续在各类晚会、音乐节、广播、电视节目中亮相,一边到瑞典皇家音乐学院研习作曲以提高自己的创作能力,6年当中Eirk发行了4张专辑,而里面的绝大多数歌曲都是他本人的作品。2年前Erik创建了自己的唱片公司,并签下了一批年轻有为的音乐家/乐队/组合,比如说让人流干鼻血的美女天团Timoteij。如果说Erik Linder是当今瑞典年轻一代音乐人中*盛产也是*勤奋的,”本可以靠脸吃饭,偏偏要靠实力“放在他身上再合适不过。

除了创作,, Erik还保持着较高频率的国外巡演,在欧洲居多,2014年*次去美国巡演,同年受瑞典驻中国商会邀请,前往北京和上海在商会的活动上表演了两场。谈到中国,Erik表示去年的中国之行给他留下了极深的印象,但很遗憾演出是只对商会内部成员的,时隔一年之后的今年12月,Erik会再次来到中国,并带上了他的御用钢琴师Fredrik Wide。*次面对中国歌迷,Erik已经等不及了,恨不得*一封邮件;每站演出现场都会有神秘惊喜噢!

Amazing Swedish singer Erik Linder is on the China Tour in December 2015 along with the fantastic pianist Fredrik Wide. Experience their show / concert, a perfect combination of great musicality and playfulness.

In 2009 Erik Linder made it to the finals on the TV show “Sweden’s got talent”. He became the audience’s favorite and later that year he released his first solo album. Since then Erik Linder has appeared in countless television shows and have released three top sellingalbums. His songs are often heard on Swedish radio.

Erik Linder is one of the most active live performers in Sweden, and in the spring of 2014 he went to New York to perform. In September2014 he visited China for the first time to entertain and sing for the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Beijing and Shanghai.

This year Erik Linder has been touring all over Sweden, and has also been to Turkey singing and entertaining.