S.T.D. X MO&Co. Present MØ Future is Girls' 上海站

演出时间:11月17日 22:00-11月18日 03:00


场地: 上海 Arkham俱乐部

地址:上海市卢湾区巨鹿路168号 查看地图


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Date: Nov 17th , 10 pm - Late.

Price: PRESALE ¥300 DOOR¥350

阵容 Lineup:

DAZZY 22:00 -23:15

 MØ 23:30 - 00:40

 Amber Akilla 00:40 - 2:00

Max 2:00 - close 

Where: Arkham (Use Arkham logo), 巨鹿路168号 Julu Road 168.


Date: Nov 18th, 9:30 pm - Late

Price: PRESALE ¥300 DOOR¥350

Where: Tango Live (Use Tango logo), 北京东城区和平西街79号,糖果雍和店三层 3F ,79 He Ping West Street

你没听错,谣言是真的。S.T.D. 联手MO&Co. 即将把丹麦女歌手MØ带上中国的舞台。


十年前,Karen Marie Ørsted还活跃在一支大唱女权的先驱乐队,天天把《P*ssy in your face》挂在嘴边。她想不到自己的生活会在2016年发生天翻地覆的变化。2016年,她与Major Lazor、DJ Snake合作的热单《Lean On》响彻全球大小角落。这首歌打破了Spotify*多在线播放的记录,YouTube上的播放量更是达到16亿次。MØ再联手Justin Bieber带来《Cold Water》,终结了公鸭Drake长达16周的榜单*位置。


MØ全名Karen Marie Aagaard Ørsted Andersen。MØ来源她的中间名与姓,在丹麦语中代表 “Virgin”,隐喻处子一样的好奇心,更暗示她想从内部改变主流音乐的决心。


2014年3月,MØ发行了个人首张录音室专辑《No Mythologies to Follow》在“音乐界的烂番茄”乐评网站“Metacritic”上获得超过80%的喜爱度。音乐博主Pretty Much Amazing赞扬 “复杂却带给你难以形容的雀跃感”。


2014年的11月,在丹麦音乐颁奖盛会上,初出茅庐的MØ一鸣惊人斩获4项大奖,包括:丹麦年度专辑,丹麦年度独立音乐人,丹麦年度*突破性艺人和丹麦年度音乐MV。同年MØ助阵在澳大利亚嘻哈歌手 Iggy Azalea的歌曲《Beg for It》,并在大名鼎鼎的音乐人Elliphant的歌曲《One Moer》中献声。


然而这些奖项还只是之后突袭全球的MØ热潮来临前的风吹草动, 在她与Major Lazer和DJ Snake合作的单曲《Lean On》后迅速点燃全球。《Lean On》发行后登榜丹麦、澳大利亚、芬兰、荷兰、新西兰首位,并位列法国、德国、瑞典、英国、美国的榜首前列。截止今年4月,《Lean On》在Youtube上的播放量已经高达20亿次,位列Youtube*多播放量第九。


2016年7月, MØ与Major Lazer再度合作单曲《Cold Water》, 这是MØ与Major Lazer第四次强强联手, 更有Justin Bieber的强势加盟。《Cold Water》在Billboard US Hot 100荣登第二,更一举拿下英国单曲榜*宝座。








Oh yeah, rumor is true. S.T.D. and MO&Co. is bringing the Danish singer MØ to China’s stage.

Ten years ago, Karen Marie Ørsted was one half of a Danish feministpunk duo whose repertoire included a song called Pussy in Your Face. In 2016, however, Mø is, by some measurements, the biggest pop star in the world. Lean On, her collaboration with Major Lazer and DJ Snake, was named last year as Spotify’s most-streamed track of all time, and has picked up 1.6bn YouTube plays. Her collaboration with Justin Bieber, Cold Water, ended Drake’s 16-week stay at No 1 earlier 2016.


Karen Marie Aagaard Ørsted Andersen, known professionally as MØ is a Danish singer and songwriter, signed to Sony Music Entertainment. Besides being the initials of her middle and last name, her stage name Mø means “virgin” in Danish, and refers to her wide-eyed enthusiasm for the world, but is an example of how she subtly provokes from within the mainstream, too.


MØ's debut studio album, No Mythologies to Follow, was released on 7 March 2014. On the review aggregate site Metacritic, the album has a Metascore of an 77 out of 100 indicating "generally favorable" reviews. Music blog Pretty Much Amazing called the album "complex and euphoric".


In November 2014, she won four awards at the Danish Music Awards: Danish Album of the Year, Danish Solo Artist of the Year, Danish Breakthrough Artist of the Year and Danish Music Video of the Year.


In 2014, MØ was featured on Australian rapper Iggy Azalea's song "Beg for It". MØ was also featured on Elliphant's "One More", which was officially released as a single on 22 September 2014.

MØ co-wrote and provided vocals for another Major Lazer song, "Lean On" with DJ Snake, which was released in March 2015. The single topped the charts in MØ's native Denmark, Australia, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands and New Zealand, while reaching the top five in several countries, including France, Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. The single 'Lean on' gained over 2 billion views on Youtube as of April 2017, making it the ninth most viewed video of the site.


On 22 July 2016, Major Lazer released the single "Cold Water" which features Canadian singer Justin Bieber and MØ, marking the fourth time she has worked with Major Lazer. In the United States, "Cold Water" debuted at number two on the Billboard Hot 100. In the United Kingdom, "Cold Water" debuted at number one on the UK Singles Chart.


On stage, Mø is a tornado. Her dancing is uninhibited and wild, as if she were in the audience rather than centre-stage. She is fiercely present, never vacant or going through the motions. She almost always ends up crowdsurfing or in the pit.


“Once I go on stage I can just f**k up. And I love that. I love to be free and don’t think about if I look good or sing perfectly. It’s just ‘blaaaaagh!’ It’s so nice. Just watching that punk show – that was where I have it from. Just screaming and shouting and rolling on the floor. It’s the most f**king great thing to do. To just let go.”