
演出时间:10月08日 15:00-10月08日 16:30

艺人: Keith Lipson/Michelle Yip

场地: 北京 Blue Note Beijing

地址:前门东大街23号blue note 查看地图


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入场时间/Door Time:1:30 PM

演出时间/Show Time:3:00PM—4:30PM(中场休息15分钟)

地址/Add:前门东大街23号 Blue Note Beijing

23 Qianmen East Street. Dongcheng District. Beijing

电话Tel:170-0000-0288 188-BLUE-NOTE



下午茶套HIGH TEA MENU:280RMB/PER(含演出门票)

咖啡/茶/果汁(三选一)coffee/tea/juice( pick one)


An eclectic program of music, Keith Lipson (Clarinet) and Michelle Yip (Piano) will be performing standard classical for Clarinet and Piano works by Claude Debussy, Francis Poulenc, and Gioachino Rossini. Mr. Lipson and Ms. Yip will also bring to the stage an American and Latin flare of works by George Gershwin (US), tangos by Astor Piazzolla (Argentina), and dances by Paquito d’Riviera (Cuba).

10月8日Good Day Beijing下午茶时光,为你带来一场午后难忘演出。单簧管演奏家、教育家、文学翻译者Keith Lipson,以及美籍华裔钢琴家、辛辛那提大学音乐学院博士Michelle Yip带来作曲家Claude Debussy,Francis Poulenc,和Gioachino Rossini的古典音乐曲目。同时他们还将演奏George Gershwin (US)的拉美音乐作品、Astor Piazzolla (Argentina)和Paquito d’Riviera (Cuba)的Tango舞蹈曲目。


单簧管演奏家、教育家,文学翻译者。现任北京交响乐团首席单簧管,中央音乐学院附中代课教师,保利Wedo管乐团指挥。出生于美国加利福尼亚州的马里布,8岁开始学习单簧管演奏。他的启蒙老师是*的好莱坞电影音乐家Charles Boito,随后师从洛杉矶科尔本(Colburn)音乐学院的*教授Yehuda Gilad。


十六岁时,李可思参加国际单簧管协会独奏比赛(青年部)并获得*名。同年他被世界知名的柯蒂斯(Curtis)音乐学院录取,成为该院史上*年轻的单簧管学生。在柯蒂斯音乐学院在读的同时,Keith也与费城交响乐团的音乐家们保持密切合作,其中包括双簧管演奏家Richard Woodhams,单簧管演奏家Donald Montanaro,单簧管演奏家Anthony Giliotti,以及长笛演奏家Jeffrey Khaner。在读期间李可思曾担任柯蒂斯音乐学院交响乐团首席单簧管演奏员两年,并且与Andre Previn, Kurt Masur, Simon Rattle, James Levine, Christoph Eschenbach, Wolfgang Swallisch, Yuri Temirkanov等指挥家有过合作。大学期间,李可思与他人共同组建了评论界广受赞誉的Wild Ginger爱乐乐团,他们在费城,纽约和波士顿的音乐会门票经常一售而空。


从柯蒂斯音乐学院毕业后,李可思前往南加州大学继续深造,继续师从曾经教授过他的Yehuda Gilad,知名单簧管教育家 Mitchell Lurie和洛杉矶爱乐乐团首席单簧管演奏家Michelle Zukovsky。李可思曾任瑞士韦尔比耶(Verbier)交响乐团首席单簧管演奏家,韩国KBS(广播电台)交响乐团首席单簧管演奏家,墨西哥州立交响乐团首席单簧管演奏家,并且和香港管弦乐团有过合作,李可思还与马友友的丝绸之路乐团成员一起参加在纽约Barge Music举行的系列室内音乐会。


李可思曾任纽约Knights交响乐团首席单簧管演奏家,该乐团与索尼(Sony)音像公司合作发行了两张专辑,并在美国和欧洲进行了巡回演出。他现任北京交响乐团单簧管首席。作为新音乐的拥护者,李可思加入了位于纽约的国际当代音乐乐团,并参加在纽约林肯中心的Mostly Mozart音乐节。他与其他的在北京的音乐家共同建立了北京新乐团,他们与拿索斯(Naxos)音像公司合作发行了乐团的首张专辑,录制的作品包括周龙和陈怡的新作品。在翻译和文学领域里李可思也有所成*。2016年他在*大提琴家马友友丝绸之路乐团的专辑《Sing Me Home》里的歌曲《归乡》把英文的原曲歌词翻译成中文。他也翻译了若干中国传统文著例如《道德经》,《坛经》以及唐代诗人寒山的诗。这些翻译作品将来会出版。





Keith Lipson is a clarinet performing artist, educator and translator of classical literature. He is currently pricinpal clarinet of the Beijing Sumphony, a teacher of chamber music at the Central Conservatory of Music High School, and conductor of the Poly Wedo Wind Orchestra.

At the age of 16, Keith one 1st prize in the International Clarinet Association Solo Competition (Youth Division). In the same year, Keith became one of the youngest clarinetist to ever be accepted into the world-renowned Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia. While at Curtis Keith worked closely with many musicians of the Philadelphia Orchestra and was principal clarinet of the Curtis orchestra for 2 years.

He was previously principal clarinet with the Verbier Festival Orchestra in Switzerland and the Orchestra of the State of Mexico, and has performed as guest principal of the KBS orchestra, and the Hong Kong Philharmonic. He has appeared in the chamber music series at Barge Music in New York with members of Yo-Yo Ma’s Silk Road Ensemble.

As a devotee of new music, he is a member of the International Contemporary Music Ensemble in New York, and has performed with them at the Mostly Mozart Festival at Lincoln Center with guest artist Peter Serkin. Keith is a co- founder of the Beijing New Music Ensemble whose debut album was recorded on the Naxos label featuring the works of Zhou Long and Chen Yi.

Keith has also been active as a translator. He translated the lyrics into Chinese of "Going Home", a song featured on Ma Yo-yo's Silk Road Ensemble album "Sing me Home". The album went on to win a Grammy award. He has also translated many Buddhists and Daoist texts into English including the "Platform Sutra", "Dao De Jing" and the "Heart Sutra".


美籍华裔钢琴家、辛辛那提大学音乐学院博士,叶佳欣 一位活跃于当代国际舞台的钢琴家,叶佳欣女士的足迹遍布北美洲、欧洲、非洲、南美洲和亚洲,并在国际范围内享有很高的声誉。她的演奏曲目包括广泛的室内乐作品,早期音乐以及当代音乐。多年来,叶佳欣博士已经应邀在众多知名国际音乐节上演出或担任*研修员,包括美国教师协会(MTNA, USA),加拿大班福室内乐音乐节,美国布莱福德室内乐音乐节,澳门国际音乐节等。她同时是美国富士霍夫全国室内乐比赛的获奖者,并且在2005-2006年获得了*的富布赖特奖,在其资助下前往中国。在这里,她开始了广泛的探索、演奏以及研究,并和中国众多*音乐家、作曲家合作演出了大量音乐会。


出于对当代室内音乐演奏的热爱,叶女士与几位国际音乐友人于2005年在北京成立亚洲*的现代音乐职业室内乐团“北京新乐团”。该团于2008年接受了英国BBC电台的专题报道,BBC同时直播了北京新乐团的音乐会。2009年应韩国女作曲家联盟的邀请,乐团在首尔艺术中心成功上演了中韩现代作品音乐会。从2005年至今,北京新乐团与北京798艺术区、蓬蒿剧院等展开了深度的合作,并在中国大陆、香港、澳门、东南亚等地演出了近40场音乐会,叶女士担任了全部的钢琴演出,并广受好评。同时在叶女士的倡导下,北京新乐团广泛的与各国驻华使馆进行合作,包括美国驻华大使馆、德国驻华大使馆以及比利时驻华大使馆等,在多个使馆公共部门的支持下,叶女士和她的朋友们举办了众多意义非凡和富有感染力的音乐会,包括为时任美国国务卿 Condoleezza Rice进行演奏、*次在中国上演美国黑人裔作曲家音乐会,以及慈善音乐会等。北京新乐团于 2009年录制了*华人作曲大师陈怡、周龙的专辑,由世界第五大唱片公司NAXOS 向全球发行,这之后北京新乐团被视为当今世界现代音乐演绎的重要力量之一,叶女士在唱片中的独奏与室内乐表演堪称“精彩绝伦”的亮点。与叶佳欣博士合作过的音乐家包括俄国裔奥地利*小提琴家 Dora Schwarzberg,纽约大都会歌剧院女高音Esther Heideman,中国当代杰出青年小提琴家高参,*单簧管演奏家教育家何毅等;曾与她合作的国际级作曲家更是“大腕”云集,包括华裔美国作曲泰斗周文中大师、当代英国*有影响力的歌剧作家Julian Grant,和韩国知名作曲家Cecilia Kim,以及中国作曲大家叶小钢、郭文景、高维杰、高平等。 2012年10月,叶女士应香港中国女作曲家协会的邀请,在香港城市音乐厅演出了10周年纪念音乐会,同时在香港中文大学进行了演出。她是密歇根大学钢琴演奏硕士和辛辛那提大学音乐学院钢琴室内乐博士。叶女士的导师包括*钢琴家Anton Nel、Frank Weinstock、和已故的中国钢琴教育大师 杨俊教授。

除频繁的演出外,叶女士目前任教于北京京西国际学校,她也曾担任中国人民大学、国立台湾师范大学的客座教授,2006-2008年在美国Hartwick学院的音乐节上任教。自2009年以来她是中国*有影响力的夏季音乐营“长城国际音乐节”必邀的钢琴艺术指导之一,并与美国四重奏、萨斯曼斯 斯三重奏等国际*室内乐组合合作演出音乐会。



Michelle Yip, pianist, passionate advocate for cultural understanding in music carries an eclectic chamber and collaborative repertoire ranging from early to contemporary music. She has performed North America, Europe, South Africa, and Asia. Recipient of the prestigious US Fulbright Award, Ms. Yip moved to Beijing, where she lives to explore, perform, research, and collaborate with leading contemporary Chinese and Western composers and musicians.

Michelle is a vivacious collaborator of standard and contemporary chamber music globally and locally. Michelle has performed in chamber concerts throughout Asia on various stages such as Beijing’s National Centre of Performing Arts (NCPA), Forbidden City Concert Hall, National Taipei Recital Hall, Lee Hyson Hall (Chinese University of Hong Kong); Hong Kong City Hall, Seoul Arts Center and other prestigious concert halls in South Korea.

Specializing in contemporary chamber music performance, Michelle co-founded the Beijing New Music Ensemble (BNME) which 40+ concerts featured contemporary chamber music combined with dance, calligraphy, and electronic media. To name a few, Michelle has worked with distinguished composers and musicians such as Chou Wen-Chung, Gao Weijie, Wendy Wan-Ki Lee, Cecilia Kim, Young-Ja Lee, and Julian Grant. Due to her contemporary chamber music work, Michelle can be heard on Wild Grass (NAXOS) and most recently, a CD specializing in 20th century works with cellist Zhu Mu performing Schnittke Cello Sonata.

Michelle received her MM degree in piano performance from University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI, USA) and her DMA (Doctorate of Musical Arts) in piano performance from the University of Cincinnati- College Conservatory of Music (CCM). Currently, Michelle is based in Beijing and passionate about education is a HS Music Teacher and was the Pianist in Residence at the Western Academy of Beijing (WAB).


节目单 Program

Oblivion for Clarinet and Piano (1982)

Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992)

Sonata for Clarinet and Piano (1962)

Allegro tristamente (Allegretto - Très calme - Tempo allegretto)

Romanza (Très calme)

Allegro con fuoco (Très animé)

Francis Poulenc (1899-1963)

Street Tango for Clarinet and Piano

Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992)

Two Pieces for Clarinet and Piano (1990, 1991)

Vals Venezolan


Paquito D'Rivera (b. 1948)


Three Preludes for Clarinet and Piano (1926)

Allegro ben ritmato e deciso

Andante con moto


George Gershwin (1898-1937)

Histoire du Tango (1986)

Cafe, 1930

Night Club, 196

Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992)

Introduzione, tema e variazioni (1809)

Introduction- Andante

Theme- Allegretto

Variation I- Piu mosso

Variation II

Variation III

Variation IV- Largo minore- Piu mosso- A Tempo

Variation V

Gioachino Rossini
