独家Michał Milczarek波兰电子摇滚爵士三重奏

演出时间:10月21日 20:30-10月21日 22:00

艺人: Michal Milczarek

场地: 珠海 九号仓音乐工厂(已停业)

地址:珠海 香洲区 明珠南路2021号金嘉创意谷2栋1层 查看地图


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Michał Milczarek Trio (MM3)
Jazz Phonographic Debut of the Year in Poland 2014


Michal Milczarek三重奏(MM3)



About the band

Michał Milczarek Trio (MM3) is one of the most interesting young bands on the Polish jazz scene. The group creates instrumental music which is a combination of modern jazz, electronic and rock. It is known as one of  the fastest prospering groups in Polish improvised music. The band is known for a very intense concert activity, and Trio performances are considered to be extremely spontaneous and presenting jazz in a decidedly contemporary perspective.
MM3 has performed at many prestigious festivals in Poland, Vietnam, Germany, Scotland and Ukraine. The band has won the competition „Jazz Phonographic Debut of the Year in Poland 2014”. They released three records: „The Big Game" (2012), „Squirrels and Butterflies" (2014) and „Ambient Works" (2016).


Michal Milczarek三重奏(MM3乐队)是波兰爵士乐界中*特色的年轻乐队之一。MM3乐队以创造融合现代爵士,电子和摇滚乐为一体的器乐音乐为主,在波兰即兴音乐演奏领域中成为一支后起之秀。乐队十分活跃,风格自由多变,全面反映了波兰现代音乐的风貌。MM3乐队在波兰,越南,德国,苏格兰及乌克兰等地著名音乐节上均有不俗表现,并赢得2014年波兰“爵士留声机首秀”金奖。迄今乐队已出版三张唱片,分别是《大赛》(2012),《松鼠与蝴蝶》(2014),和《氛围》(2016)。


About the current concerts

“Alongside the music from our previous record, we shall present the pieces from our latest album, the Ambient Works. It is fully improvised. With each concert we try to convey the energy and ambience that was with us throughout the entire recording session. The stage is where the creation process takes place. We will try once more to maintain the balance between the ambient music and contemporary jazz. It will be the one and only performance as the pieces never sound the same or even alike” - says Michał Milczarek on the upcoming trio’s concerts.


Michal Milczarek对MM3未来的演出给予了这样的期望 :



"Ambient Works" (2016)

Michał Milczarek Trio's second album is a studio experiment with a blend of ambient, minimal music, modern- and free-jazz. The trio has recorded a fully improvised set during a two-day session in Quality Studio, Warsaw. Produced, mixed and mastered by Envee and Michał Milczarek, the album is innovatory both in terms of arrangements and sound. "Ambient Works" is above any musical templates and boundaries and it provokes the listener to take a different look on jazz and improvised music.


MM3乐队的第二张专辑《氛围》是一次实验性录音的产物。这张专辑融合了氛围音乐,极简音乐,现代和自由爵士的风格,由乐队在位于华沙的“品质录音棚”进行为期两天的即兴演奏完成。该专辑由乐队*Michal Milczarek和Envee Milczarek进行混音制作,在编曲和音色上都有极大的创新。《氛围》超越了固有的音乐形式和界限,将激发听众从一个全新的角度和高度来欣赏爵士和即兴音乐。



„Guitarist, Michał Milczarek lead an exciting rock-jazz power trio that might have litened to Wayne Krantz, Allan Holdsworth or even Porcupine Tree, but has a distinct sound of its own modern jazz, electronic, post-rock”

Edinburgh Blues & Jazz Festival


“吉他手Michal Milczarek所领衔的MM3乐队拥有摇滚和爵士的双重力量,简直可以和Wayne Krantz,Allan Holdsworth,Porcupine Tree这些大师相媲美,但同时又保有属于他们自己的现代爵士乐,电子音乐和后摇音乐的特色。”



- instrumental & improvised music

- modern jazz, electronic,

- a very intense concert activity

- extremely spontaneous performances


-       作品以器乐音乐、即兴音乐为主

-       融合现代爵士和电子音乐

-       乐队十分活跃

-       现场演奏充满感染力

Line up:

Michał Milczarek – guitar

Michal Miilczarek 吉他

Bartosz Łuczkiewicz - double bass

Bartosz Luczkiewicz 贝斯

Mateusz Modrzejewski – drums

Mateusz Modrzejewski 鼓



Ambient Works (2016)

Squirrels and Butterflies (2014)

The Big Game (2012)



Jakub Krzeszowski
Plans and carries out image campaigns from the field of culture marketing. Has been working in the music branch for a while, first as journalist, now as promoter. His main area is organization and communication of artistic events. Graduated from law and PR studies. Founder of the JAZZ PO POLSKU. Works with culture institutions and independent artists.


Jakub Krzeszowski

Jakub Krzeszowski先生是MM3乐队的宣传与推广工作的负责人。在从事记者职业多年后,现在是一名职业音乐经理人,在音乐公关领域有着丰富的经验和资源,主要从事组织策划波兰音乐项目的实施和推广。Jakub Krzeszowski先生毕业于法律公关专业,是推广波兰年轻爵士音乐力量的“爵色波兰”项目创始人,与国际各大文化交流机构和优秀的独立艺术家均有良好的合作关系。