S.T.D. Presents Brodinski

演出时间:10月01日 22:00-10月02日 03:00

艺人: Brodinski

场地: 上海 Arkham俱乐部

地址:上海市卢湾区巨鹿路168号 查看地图


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Brodinski来自法国东北部城市兰斯,他成长在法国电子音乐*鼎盛的时期, 启蒙于Techno先驱Erol Alkan,Andrew Weatherall以及工业金属Nine Inch Nail。Brodinski的音乐里既有控制血液跳动和心脏起伏的震撼节奏,又有硬派摇滚的歇斯底里。同时,游走世界舞台的Brodinski不间断地吸收着来自各路的创意元素,令他的音乐又多了一份充满实验性的先驱色彩。

Brodinski与好朋友DJ Mehdi, Pedro Winter, Tiga等主宰着大都市的地下音乐世界。他在2011年与Manu Barron创建了厂牌Bromance,旗下囊括Gesaffelstein, Club Cheval, Louisahhh!!!等优秀音乐人,其中不少音乐人已经在STD的舞台上与大家见过面。虽然如今厂牌解散,但是它为地下音乐世界带来的影响永远停留在叛逆夜生活青年*美好的派对记忆中。

2015年Brodinski推出自己的个人专辑<Brava>,其中除了他信手拈来的Techno还加入更多现代元素,包括Rick Ross,Myd等一系列饶舌歌手,为专辑增加更多层次。

回到亚特兰大,Brodinski在接受音乐杂志<Fader>的采访时这样说“我来这里不是采个样,完成任务后*拍拍屁股回巴黎;我来这里是想建造一些不一样的东西!”Brodinski作为艺术家的真诚和他吸足了法国精神内核的现代嬉皮电子风格*终令嘻哈之城的大门为他打开。他与包括21 Savage, Hoodrich Pablo Juan, Yakki等嘻哈音乐人合作,制作出Mixtape< Sour Patch Kid>。Yakki高调评价:“Brodinski简直*是一股全新浪潮!”

2016年11月,Brodinski与 Young Thug的团队Young Slime Season紧接着发行了另一张Mixtape <Young Slime Season>。

算上个人专辑,音乐会,世界巡演,创建自己的厂牌,Brodinski几乎达成音乐人to do list上的所有项目。然而与自己帅气长相截然相反的谦虚性格令Brodinski一点懈怠的意思也没有。对他来说音乐不仅局限于个人满足,他的成*感与观众和朋友们多么享受自己的音乐成正比。


At first he was just a kid at a computer. Born into a generation whose musical culture is forged in just a couple of clicks, Brodinski spent much of his youth creating mp3 files, first in his hometown of Reims, and then in Lille where he went to study.      

This included techno, of course, from Erol Alkan to Andrew Weatherall, but also Nine Inch Nails-style rock and the slick and menacing rap of artists like Three 6 Mafia and their Southern sound.      


From an early age, Brodinski began to see music as a vast world without boundaries, where artists are no longer restricted by categories, and what truly counts is their drive and passion. In Reims, Brodinski spent time hanging out in the studio of the producer Yuksek, alongside a group who later went on to form The Shoes.      

In this musical melting pot, he quickly started working on his first mixes, sending them off to the blogs that began to proliferate online in the mid-2000s. Brodinski knew very early on what he wanted to do with his life: play music, and be a DJ. He liked the idea of sharing his music, of getting a crowd going, of creating a vibe, with sets that expanded musical horizons all while blurring genres.      


After the mixes came the club gigs. And so it was that Brodinski became a proper DJ, the new face of a burgeoning French techno scene. Like a track that downloads in the blink of an eye, it all happened very quickly. The young DJ lined up gigs, travelling, exploring the world and its cultures, and meeting people who went on to become friends and inspirations for life, including DJ Mehdi and Pedro Winter, as well as Tiga and 2 Many DJs. The years passed at breakneck speed.      

In 2011, he decided to take his career in a new direction, launching the Bromance label with his manager Manu Barron. A name that is no coincidence: Brodinski sees his life as an organic whole, in which his career and his friends' enjoyment are inextricably linked. The various artists who have made up the ranks of the label, Gesaffelstein, Club Cheval and the American Louisahhh!!! are all close friends, who share more than just a taste for the turntables with the DJ. At the helm of this team, the proud champion of French electronic music, Brodinski added yet another string to his bow. No longer just a DJ, he was a team leader, an artistic director, a conductor. He gave direction, putting his own distinctive signature on people's music.       Soon, people were coming to him for his instinct as a tastemaker. And more recently, Brodinski has turned his hand to producing, for Kanye West and Theophilus London, two music legends who he met on his travels. His collaborations with them are nothing more than the result of a mutual passion.      

Throughout this prolific career, there was only one box left to be checked: an album. A few months ago, after all these years DJing around the world, Brodinski, now 27, put the brakes on his frenetic career to set up in the studio and finally check that box. To translate his creative vision, Brodinski called upon two of his friends; DJ Kore, collaborator, collaboratorvof a string of French rappers, as well as the behemoth that is Rick Ross, and Myd, meticulous producer of the Club Cheval quartet to help shape his musical productions as best as possible. This album is first and foremost a story of friendship; teamwork carried out in a relaxed and positive atmosphere.

Brodinski has infused this record with all the influences that have fueled him over the years. He sought out an exciting ensemble of rappers and singers from NY, Atlanta, LA, Chicago and Australia, whose explosive styles are blended to create a sound where techno and rap are at the core of the many elements. With this record, Brodinski has created a heady mix, an intoxicating style where you forget about genres and just dance and chill. A record that reflects a life