「我们的爱来自音乐」—DDC国庆欧洲音乐周 暨 中东欧*文化艺术嘉年华

演出时间:10月01日 20:00-23:59

艺人: Here we stand/Lula Pena/Karromato/Tiszta Forrás/YellLow/RomaNENO Project/Merope/Sinan Alimanovic/Balázs Bágyi

场地: 北京 黄昏黎明DDC

地址:北京市朝阳区神路街39号地下一层DDC 查看地图


通过购买门票方式支持此演出,一旦票品售出概不退换(因不可抗力因素导致演出取消或延期除外),请您在购买时务必仔细核对您的订单信息并审慎下单。 已购买的门票可在 我的订单中查看购票信息。








时间/Time: 2017年10月1~5日 20:00/22:00

门票/Ticket: 60(presale)/80(door) (五天通票240) 

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 

电话/Tel: 010-64078969 

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com


你坚信爱与和平,幻想自己在伍德斯托克的草坪上用摇滚乐的精神抵制战争与压迫;无论你迷的是Miles Davis还是Chet Baker,温柔的小号声总让你想起心中挚爱;在夜深人静之时,你矫情的聆听古典音乐,亦或是暴躁的重金属音乐,无论何时你的内心应是宁静的。音乐并不能改变我们客观存在环境,并不能阻止细胞的蔓延、炮火的陨落。如果你人在北京,在距离你6938.13公里之外的叙利亚,依然有无辜的人们死去,即使在叙利亚上空循环播放*治愈人心的音乐也于事无补。那么音乐到底有什么意义呢?


“深爱生音乐,音乐生希望。” ——黄勇
“缺爱*去DDC补钙。” ——有待
“……我爱DDC……” ——69



Lula Pena (葡萄牙,法朵 FADO) 10.1/3

“Portuguese singer with a deep voice and an amplified guitar, who sings like a poet.” - Caetano Veloso
“这是一位如诗人般吟唱,有着深刻嗓音和拓宽吉他的葡萄牙歌手。”-Caetano Veloso

With only 3 albums released since 1998, the reclusive Portuguese singer, composer, guitarist and poet has achieved a rare feat: gathering a stream of devoted followers worldwide, a kind of international secret society whose ranks grow with each of her too rare appearances.

Karromato (捷克,木偶剧 PUPPET DRAMA) 10.1

Karromato was founded in Prague in 1997 by artists from the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Spain, bringing together their experience from various theatrical backgrounds. 
1997年,来自捷克共和国、匈牙利和西班牙的艺术家,汇集他们多元化的戏剧背景及经验,成立Karromato木偶剧团 。

Karromato’s marionette spectacles have delighted audiences in more than 40 countries across Europe, Asia, and the Americas. The company draws on the classic traditions of European marionette theater; all its productions speak directly to the heart without words, using music, universal humor, and the unique personality of each.

Karromato makes all its marionettes in its own workshop, using wood, with utmost attention to detail in painting, costumes and sets. The traditional materials and techniques evoke a nostalgia for a by-gone age, and the magic of childhood dreams.

Tiszta Forrás (匈牙利,民间音乐 FOLK ENSEMBLE) 10.2

来自匈牙利的民间音乐组合Tiszta Forrás可以演奏多种乐器,以“burdon”布尔登、匈牙利手摇风琴、双管风笛和鼓为主,辅以土耳其管、单簧管、笛子和齐特拉琴。

YellLow (罗马尼亚,Rock) 10.2 

YellLow is the playground of five young musicians who bring together analog and digital instruments. What comes out is pure play, no compromise accepted, just fresh ideas.

The Band’s sound is located somewhere midfield of electronic music, with alignment of alternative, jazzy, groovy and rock solid tracks on the right and crisp, clear formations of soulful, lovely vocals on the left.

With a sharp musical style, cool stage presence, great vocals and beats that can easily compete with anything that’s happening on electronic/pop scene, YellLow prove they were born to break boundaries on both Romanian and international markets.

RomaNENO Project (保加利亚,吉普赛爵士 Gypsy Jazz) 10.3

Take 3 authentic gypsy musicians with great experience in playing on celebrations of every kind. Give them an accordion, a guitar and a set of drums. Put them on a stage and kindly ask 4 genuine jazz musicians to join with a trumpet, trombone, piano and bass. Add 3 parts of traditional gypsy sounds, 2 spoons full of jazz, a teaspoon of funk, a pinch of Latin & flamenco, a deep voice and a wide variety of emotions to sing for, and a huge portion of improvisation, passion and good energy. Let them mature together for few years and enjoy. 

World music, ethno or gypsy-jazz – don`t try to define RomaNeno Project music – just feel it. Crazy, colourful & delicious – the band concerts touch both the heart and the body and make everybody follows the rhythm. 

Merope (立陶宛,世界音乐 World Music) 10.4

Merope - a European band, creating a very unique chemistry of traditional Lithuanian melodies, own compositions, textures of sound, subtle harmonies and polyrhythm, improvisations melted with electronic soundscapes. Merope's ethereal atmosphere gives life to a new ritual music of our modern time.

Sinan Alimanovic (波黑,融合爵士 Jazz / Bosnian Groove) 10.4

SINAN ALIMANOVIC INTERNATIONAL BAND represents a unique jazz mosaic filled with transcultural elements, with the focus on Bosnian Groove. Multi-awarded jazz musician and educator from Sarajevo, Sinan Alimanovic in his International Band gathers the best international contemporary jazz musicians. The main goal of the jazz project is symbiosis of two different, but still related, approaches in jazz: American jazz heritage (jazz standards) in combination with Bosnian musical tradition (Alimanovic’s own compositions, Alimanovic’s processing of the Bosnian traditional song – Sevdalinka) transposed in Bosnian Groove. 
SINAN ALIMANOVIC INTERNATIONAL BAND代表了一个独特的结合了波斯尼亚律动的爵士马赛克。这一爵士乐队的主要目标是在中和爵士乐中的两种不同却关联的流派:美国标准爵士乐与波斯尼亚传统音乐(其原创作品及对波斯尼亚传统”Sevdalinka”音乐的改编)整合为”Bosnian Groove”。

SINAN ALIMANOVIC is multi-award winning pianist, organist, composer, arranger, conductor, bandleader and educator based in Sarajevo (B&H). He is a jazz educator at the Sarajevo Music Academy and mentor of the first generation of the adacemic jazz musicians. Five times he was the conductor and arranger at the Eurovision Song Contest. In 2013 Sinan Alimanovic was selected between the top five best world’s jazz composers by Made in New York Jazz Competition.
SINAN ALIMANOVIC是名屡次获奖的钢琴家、风琴家、编曲作曲家、指挥家、乐队*和教育家。 他是萨拉热窝音乐学院的爵士教育家,也是*代爵士音乐家导师。他五次作为欧洲歌唱大赛的导师和组织者。2013年他被纽约爵士乐大赛选为“全球五大*爵士作曲家”之一。

Bagyi Balazs New Quartet (匈牙利,Jazz) 10.5

Drummer and composer Balázs Bágyi is one of the most respected musicians of the Hungarian jazz scene today, working internationally, leading his own bands over the last two decades. 
鼓手、作曲家Balázs Bágyi是当今匈牙利爵士乐界*负盛名的音乐人之一。他在过去的二十年当中带领自己的乐队在世界范围内进行创作与演出。
His partners are the best players of the young generation from Budapest, as saxophonist Soso Lakatos, who studied and got his diploma in Amsterdam, the classically trained Junior Prima awarded pianist Dezső Oláh, and Péter Oláh, one of the greatest bass players in Central Europe. 
他的合作伙伴是来自布达佩斯年轻一代中*秀的乐师,包括萨克斯手Soso Lakatos曾在阿姆斯特丹学习并获得学位,还有受过传统音乐教育、曾获得Junior Prima奖项的钢琴师Dezső Oláh,以及中欧地区*杰出的贝司手之一Péter Oláh。

Here We Stand (德国, Rock) 10.5

"The multi-instrumental line-up offers opportunities we didn't have before. It’s pretty obvious in the songwriting process, since there are always a lot more ideas at hand than we could channel into songs." – Sascha
Now this concept is being taken on the road. The main eye catcher is the two-week tour through China starting in September 2017 alongside their fellow local heroes "The Ignition". The trip takes HERE WE STAND to the most renowned live clubs in Shanghai and Beijing.
The band classifies their music as "Alternative Rock". Given that this is a wide area, which invites the "sounds like?" question, here’s a rock-solid statement:
If HERE WE STAND were the bastard child from a sweaty Rock ’n’ Roll love affair, you would probably suspect the parents to be a cross between: Stone Sour, Muse and The Winery Dogs. Due to the lack of women that doesn’t add up too well! Amen.
乐队在音乐中加入了合成器的元素,受到Rush和Thirty Seconds To Mars的部分影响。

支持 Support:
Hither & Yon

NBeer Brewery