独家阿尔及利亚沙漠摇滚/Tuareg Desert Rock - Imarhan

演出时间:09月29日 21:00-09月29日 22:30

艺人: Imarhan

场地: 北京 愚公移山

地址:北京市东城区张自忠路3-2号段祺瑞执政府旧址西院 查看地图


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2016Rough Trade年度百大唱片


2016429日发行同名首专以来,Imarhan历时6个月辗转12个*,历经90多场演出的洗练,*终凭借这张专辑成功入围Rough Trade 评选的2016年度百大唱片。作为图瓦雷克新生代乐队的杰出代表,这张专辑通过对沙漠布鲁斯和图瓦雷克吉他的深情演绎,希望能够打破西方观众对图瓦雷克传统音乐的固有认识。Imarhan的同族前辈Mdou MoctarGroup Inerane都曾结合现代元素对本民族传统音乐进行过再创作。前者也是*个以电声乐队形式表演图瓦雷克吉他乐的人,而后者是上世纪90年代初马里军事政变后的重要产物。Imarhan的新浪潮图瓦雷克音乐时而展现出催人入眠的平静,时而缓慢燃烧直到激情大限的来临……这些沙漠放克风的吉他riff和复杂的爵士乐节奏,好像跟撒哈拉地区丰富的音乐遗产没太大关系。

说到图瓦雷克音乐*不得不提的Tinariwen乐队,成立于70年代末期利比亚境内的一个难民营。他们在2012年的格莱美奖颁奖礼上一举斩获*世界音乐专辑奖。成立三十多年来,曾参与过反叛武装斗争的Tinariwen以沙漠生活和政治诉求为主题创作了大量经典歌曲,他们是图瓦雷克重要的意见*,他们的作品也被誉为沙漠中的革命之声Imarhan的成员SadamTinariwenEyadou Ag Leche不仅是表兄弟,Eyadou Ag Leche还受邀参与了《Imarhan》创作和制作的全过程。值得欣慰的是,Imarhan不仅批判性地继承了本民族的优秀传统,同时携带了更加明显的西方现代音乐元素,其中包括布鲁斯、摇滚乐、雷鬼和迷幻乐等。他们在演出时有意避免了包头和遮脸,也不会穿着棉布和皮革质地的传统服饰。



我们很难想象还在忍受流亡痛苦和思乡之情的难民音乐家在面对身份认同危机时表现出的强大内心。关于失去,关于思念,关于对和平的热望,都可以拿音乐来承载吧。在2017年,Imarhan继续着全球巡演的脚步,乐队会参演美国久负盛名的sxsw音乐节,以及*的Field Day London。






Imarhan, meaning ‘the ones I care about’, started out around 2008, a loose collection of friends who began to play together. Their reflects their cultural and generational background; dry guitar riffs, pop melodies and pan-African rhythms which draw on traditional Tuareg music, African ballads and the modern pop and rock the band heard growing up.


The band’s debut album is intent on dismantling the ideas western listeners have about popularized Tuareg music. This new wave of Tuareg musicians sound very different to the desert distortion that accompanies groups like Mdou Moctar or Group Inerane. Instead, it finds a calm and passionate soul, provides sumptuous slow burners, and a complexity of composition that hasn’t been demonstrated by previous music exported from the Saharan people’s musical repertoire.


Even if the band has a direct DNA link to trail blazers Tinariwen - (Eyadou Ag Leche of Tinariwen is a cousin of frontman Sadam, and guided their evolution and produced and co-wrote several songs on this album), their poetry and flow has a more integrally urban base than the ancestral tamashek poetry and traditional rhythms of their elders, Tinariwen. Instead they offer something much more fresh and intricate; there is a lot of sensitivity and space in these jams, a lot of room for your mind to ponder and drift. 

This intimacy of Imarhan’s sound is no coincidence. In the language of the Kel Tamashek people ‘Imarhan’ means ‘the ones I care about’ - Iyad Moussa Ben Abderahmane aka Sadam, Tahar Khaldi, Hicham Bouhasse, Haiballah Akhamouk and Abdelkader Ourzig all grew up near each other in Tamanrasset, Southern Algeria, in a Tuareg community of Northern Malian descent. The giant divide between their spiritual home and physical home is heard in their tracks: the funkier groove of Western Africa, the emptier, subtle tones of Saharan Traditional folk music and the fire and romance of Algerian Rai music. No other Tuareg release to date has had such a variance of rhythms, tempo and feeling.


Imarhan’s record is a heads-up to anyone who thought Tuareg music as just one thing: it’s an invitation to closer listening and also an album that will stay fresh for a long time and influence those from the Sahara and beyond.