独家WORKIN TOUR 重庆MAO Livehouse 新店

演出时间:08月26日 20:30-08月26日 22:00

艺人: J.Mag/TSP/KK (rapper)


地址:重庆市江北区红旗河沟 龙湖新壹街A馆-B1-Zlab 订场电话:杨子(023-67702014) 查看地图


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Get ready for the Middle Eastern trap artist, J.Mag, who is pulling up to Chongqing for a quick warm-up before his upcoming tour. J.Mag is fresh off the release of his new video "Workin,” a collaboration with the Higher Brothers featured on 88Rising’s YouTube channel. Having previously collaborated with the Higher Brothers on the smash hit “Yahh,” J.Mag is constantly releasing new music & videos online, gaining buzz, and building his fan base. Expect to see Chengdu's Higher Gang (TSP,KK) & DJ Young Stunner (Colorado, USA) who has worked with rapper Lil Uzi Vert.

    J.Mag目前在重庆停留,将为即将到来的巡演做一个短暂热身,准备工作已经*绪。他刚刚在以Higher Brothers为特色的YouTube合作频道上公开发布了他的新唱片"Workin”。在他与Higher Brothers合作的“Yahh”红极一时时,J. Mag还不断地在网上推出新的音乐和视频,获得口碑,并建立自己的粉丝群。公众期待看到Chengdu's Higher Gang(TSP、KK)和曾与说唱歌手Lil Uzi Vert一起工作的DJ Young Stunner(科罗拉多,美国)。

J.Mag is a rapper, song writer, and director from Sudan, whose Sudanese parents emigrated to the Middle East for a better life. Born in 1994, J.Mag picked up his love for music at an early age when his older brother showed him classic rap artists such as B.I.G, 2Pac, & 50 Cent. He fell in love with rap music and culture immediately. Originally from an Arabic-speaking household, J.Mag picked up his English and rap skills by listening to and mimicking lines from his favorite songs and gangster movies. In 2014 he opened a new chapter in his life when he moved his academic and musical career to China. After arriving in China, J.Mag collaborated with Chengdu rapper Masiwei on a number of tracks including Worldwide, China Town, Uber, and more. In 2015 he collaborated with the Higher Brothers on the Rush Hour Tour. Last year he teamed up with the Higher Brothers again, this time performing as a special guest on their Black Cab Tour. Long hours in the studio has lead to huge hits like “Yahh,” a collaboration with the Higher Brothers with over a million views on YouTube. His recent tracks include “Workin,” which you can find on 88Rising’s YouTube channel.


J.Mag是苏丹的说唱歌手,歌曲作家和导演,他的父母为追求更好的生活移民到中东。生于1994年的他在很小的时候*燃起了对音乐的热爱,这是因为哥哥常给他了解一些著名说唱艺术家,比如B.I.G, 2Pac, 和& 50 Cent,之后他一下子*爱上了说唱的音乐和文化。由于母语是阿拉伯语,J.Mag通过听和模仿自己*喜爱的歌曲的歌词以及警匪电影的字幕来再次学习英语和说唱的技巧。2014年,他来到中国继续学术上的和音乐上的深造,开启了人生的新篇章。来到中国,J.Mag同成都的说唱歌手Masiwei 联合创作了许多作品,如Worldwide, China Town, Uber等等。2015年他和Higher Brothers 在Rush Hour Tour节目上合作过。去年,他在Black Cab Tour上以特邀嘉宾的身份再度同Higher Brothers合作。因为他和Higher Brothers在录音棚不懈的努力,他们的合创之作“Yahh”在YouTube上点击量突破一百万,红极一时。你可以在YouTube上的88Rising收听他*近的作品,如"Workin"。

FLEX MV : http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjg3NDg2NzA4MA==.html?spm=a2h0k.8191407.0.0&from=s1.8-1-1.2

WORKIN MV : http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjg2MDIwNzYwMA==.html?spm=a2h0k.8191407.0.0&from=s1.8-1-1.2

YAHH MV : http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg3ODM4NDY3Mg==.html?spm=a2h0k.8191407.0.0&from=s1.8-1-1.2#paction

网易云音乐 : http://music.163.com/#/artist?id=12029365

XIAMI : http://i.xiami.com/jmagfly?spm=a1z1s.6843761.226669510.10.WSWtUR&from=search_popup_artist

T$P :

成都地下说唱歌手(CDC SUPER MC TSP),长期活跃在全国各大演出中。多次担任CDC说唱会馆演出嘉宾,以及北京,西安,重庆等地为higher brothers专场担任嘉宾。2016年8月发布个人首张Mixtape《DIFFERENT》,之后又连续发布多支新单《小藏娃》《Rapstar》《PI TOWN》《这个坏男孩》。简单直白的歌词,另类的mv表现形式让他的作品饱受争议。也促使他从同年众多说唱歌手中脱颖而出,成为新的话题人物。与国内众多说唱歌手不同,TSP更注重作品本身的音乐性,不仅仅拘泥于说唱歌手单纯的word play,更多的尝试在说唱音乐里融合其他的音乐风格。这也使他作品褒贬不一,成为时下*受争议的rapper。

PI TOWN MV :http://www.miaopai.com/show/zc9MNKrYyWjKPz00TVnb0g__.htm

Felling Love MV :http://www.miaopai.com/show/hFotQuo1EB4MbEnIqMgKrxXu5rxpWusX.htm

Michael MV:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTY0MzczMzQ0NA==.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2

KK :

简介: kk,又名学校男孩K!顾名思义kk还是个在校的大学生;kk曾多次担任海尔兄弟演出的嘉宾及说唱会馆巡演的热场嘉宾;kk发表过两张自己的《K》系列Mixtape,其中《Michael》《Add k sauce 》等多首歌受到大众喜爱,并且kk正在制作自己的第三张《K》Mixtape,请敬请期待!

MV URL: http://www.miaopai.com/show/FYyNZ~MzF6zkPiGS2DIfJYYIsg7yVwA6.htm