Do Hits 呈现:“Exodus”巡演

演出时间:08月25日 21:00-08月25日 23:59

艺人: DOKEDO/Yllis/Jyun Jyun/MissTANGQ/Alex Wang/Jason Hou/Jeanie

场地: 北京 乐空间

地址:北新桥板桥南巷人美大厦北1层乐空间 查看地图


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Do Hits 呈现“Exodus”巡演 · 北京站



Lineup:Yllis/Jyun Jyun & missTANGQ/Alex Wang/Jason Hou/Jeanie/Dokedo



Aug 25th, 9pm

Address: Yue Space

Lineup: Yllis/Jyun Jyun & missTANGQ/Alex Wang/Jason Hou/Jeanie/Dokedo

Entrance: presale 100 / door 120


Do Hits本次回归京城即将带来豪华现场——新加坡的次世代鬼才制作人Yllis,来自美国的灵性音乐人Jyun Jyun和他的搭档missTANGQ,纽约实验音乐玩家Alex Wang,还有玩球大师Jason Hou悉数呈现超未来Live Sets……这帮Street Fighters从黑暗Club登上乐空间的舞台,这注定将会是不一样的Do Hits之夜。


Do Hits is back this August with the prominent Chinese producers and full-on live performances: the avant-garde Chinese Singaporean Yllis, multi-instrumentalist Jyun Jyun with his partner missTANGQ, Modular player Alex Wang, the “Alpha Sphere” master Jason Hou…… The street fighter crew is stepping out of the dark club space and onto the livehouse stage, guaranteeing you brand-new experience of Do Hits night.






2016年,Yllis在Do Hits发行了个人EP《Exodus》。

Yllis makes experimental electronic pop, melding wonky bass music and sino-grime influences with infectious vocal R&B hooks. The result is music of the future - a vision of globalized culture streaming through wireless internet pipelines, borderless and hyper-connected.


Born in Singapore and now based between his home city and New York, Yllis explores the claustrophobia and frustrations of growing up in the rigid, capitalist island state as part of a Chinese diaspora marooned from its cultural roots. A city built upon Western colonial influence, yet fundamentally divorced from it. The music ends up being both deeply personal and a universal testament against cultural hegemony, reaching out in ways that are warped and strange, yet hopeful and wondrous.


Alex Wang

出生在中国东北黑龙江,后移居北京,现居纽约的制作人Alex Wang,在中央音乐学院学习录音后又前往美国皮博迪音乐学院攻读了计算机音乐的硕士学位 。一直浸淫于Electronic music、Hip Hop、Trap、Jazz等曲风,学术背景又为他的音乐带来极具实验性的影响。2016年,Alex Wang在《Do Hits Vol.4》中以一首“Poem of the Week”一鸣惊人。他的个人首张EP 《Black Dragon》在Do Hits发行。

Born in the North East of China, then moved to Beijing, currently New-York-based producer Alex Wang studied Recording Art in China’s Central Conservatory of Music, and then moved on to Computer Music Composition in Peabody Institute in the U.S. Having been

 interested in Electronica, Hip Hop, Trap and Jazz, his academic background adds the strong experimental influence to his music. In 2016, he released the tremendous track “Poem of the Week” on Do Hits Vol.4 compilation and made quite a hit. Alex Wang’s debut EP Black Dragon has been released on Do Hits.


Jyun Jyun

有一半中国血统的Jyun Jyun (Louis Chinn) 是来自美国的音乐家,电子音乐制作人,音视频艺术家,壁画画师。他利用Live音乐演出的即时性创造了丰富感官的演出项目,有机地结合不同的器乐,以及当代电子音乐。无论是乐队演出或者DJ,Jyun Jyun都可以营造出一种时空交越的音景,传统原始部族的声音与新兴的音乐形式——电子、Future Rock、Soulful的人声、低音隆重的节奏——相互碰撞,从他在Do Hits合辑中发行的两首单曲“Fire Monkey”“Zeteo”你*能听到。

Jyun Jyun is a multi-instrumentalist musician, producer and DJ. Rooted in the immediacy and presence of live music, Jyun Jyun creates multi-sensory projects that explore the boundaries between organic instrumentation and modern, electronic production. Whether performing with a live band, looping instruments or mixing sounds as a DJ, Jyun Jyun sews together a sonic space time migration across the globe. Traditional, organic and indigenous sounds meet new forms of electronic music, space funk, future rock, soulful vocals, melodic instrumentation and bass heavy, galactic beats. Interested in the invisible connections that exist around us, his music explores the relationships between seemingly disparate elements: silence and form, ancient and future, organic and electronic all blend together into a cohesive sonic voice. While each performance, project or set may vary, expect a through-line of phat basslines, head nodding beats and impactful musicality.



MissTANGQ是华裔美籍的多媒体艺术家,她通过视觉动画、综合材料作品、装置、舞蹈、行为艺术等多种形式探寻跨越感官界限的艺术表达。本次她将与搭档Jyun Jyun带来多媒体现场演出。

MissTANGQ is a Chinese-American multi-media artist and first-generation mystic-nerd. She is deeply inspired by the hyphenated experience and explores this through animation, installation, and performance art to create cross-sensory and interdisciplinary work. From the many junctions of her identity, she explores the fertile unions where collaboration between seemingly disparate elements can facilitate transformative, emergent experiences. She adapts ancient mythologies for contemporary storytelling and investigates the ways ancestral traditions inform diasporic futurisms. Uniting hand-made and digital mediums, she creates ritual synesthetic experiences for live stage performances and studio art installations.


Jason Hou

Jason Hou是制作人、母带工程师。曾经学习录音艺术的他对声音的掌控出神入化。他不是*典型的俱乐部DJ,却总是向舞池投放意想不到的声响。Jason为Nu Desine公司的MIDI控制器Alpha Sphere制作的演奏视频在Facebook上获得上千万次的浏览。去年Jason Hou与民族音乐家Yider在混凝草音乐节带来令人震撼的Live演出,他的全新EP《原》受到全球地下音乐平台Boiler Room首发。Jason Hou被SOI Music评为2017*值得关注的亚洲制作人之一。

Jason Hou is a music producer, composer, sound engineer from Beijing. Having studied and worked in Canada for 8 years, he has diverse experiences working across a wide range of genres, like Classical, Pop, Metal, Ethnic and Electronic music. He started producing beat music infused by oriental elements, since he returned to China in 2014. He’s not one of the typical club DJs, but always manages to drop surprising sounds to the dancefloor. Jason has been invited for a guest mix by London’s essential Rinse FM, and his music is highly recommended by Jojo Mayer and Mad Decent. His performance video of the AlphaSphere, a MIDI controller made by British company Nu Desine, has gained more than 10 million views on Facebook. His co-developed software synth plugin Wiggle is also well-received by users from around the world.



在近年来的中国电子音乐制作圈子中,渐渐出现了一些女制作人,Jeanie*是其中之一。这个可爱的女生和我们印象中的制作人形象不太一样,她的歌有时候很chill,有时候很bass,多变的曲风一直带给我们惊喜,对时下的电子音乐风格有着独到的见解。Jeanie从去年开始尝试做beats,随后在Soundcloud上发行了一些作品,受到了Future Beats Records,NEST HQ,Do Hits等国内外厂牌的关注,在Boiler Room的Do

 Hits upfront mixtape中,我们也听到了她的歌。

Among China’s latest electronic music producers, we start to see a few female producers emerging on the scene. Jeanie is one of them and maybe one of the best. This “kawaii” cute lady might seem a bit different from what we suppose a producer to look like. She shifts naturally from chill, soulful styles to heavy bass. Her diverse and borderless style never ceases to surprise us. Jeanie holds a unique insight towards the new beat movement. She didn’t start making beats until last year but already grasped attention from international labels such as Future Beats Records, NEST HQ, Do Hits, and her track appeared on Boiler Room’s Upfront Mix of Do Hits.



作为北京电子音乐厂牌DOHITS“分量*重”的制作人、DJ,DOKEDO一直致力于把世界各地的古怪声音带入俱乐部里。胡同里的窃窃私语,金融街的谩骂,附着在沉重的BASS倾泻在你的耳中。作为制作人,你会在BBC 6,Rinse FM,BOILER ROOM等知名电子音乐电台听到他的音乐。作为DJ,他曾经与Plastician,Mr. Carmack,Nosaj Thing,Mike Gao等制作人同台献艺。虽然他不停地灌输需要休闲的生活概念,但是你在他的现场很难放松,有他出现的地方,肯定又是锣鼓喧天。

One of the most exciting producers of the new year, Dokedo continuously comes up with loads of novel ideas. Working as a designer in the day, and playing music with Maschine in the night, he has a unique perspective on both visual and audio art. Dokedo gets inspired by real life trivial – square dancing aunties, ugly kiddie rides, dirty streets, crowded subway… He finds harmony between the latest genres and traditional cultural elements, producing atypical beats, precisely manifesting his vast imagination.