格莱美弗拉门戈吉他大师 Juan Carmona Quartet

演出时间:07月30日 20:00-07月30日 21:30

艺人: Juan Carmona 胡安•卡尔莫纳

场地: 北京 黄昏黎明DDC

地址:北京市朝阳区神路街39号地下一层DDC 查看地图


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时间/Time: 2017年7月30日  20:00 / 22:00 

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District

电话/Tel: 010-64078969

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com









Latin Grammy Awards "Best Album Flamenco" nominated (2003/2006/2010/2014)

Charles Cros Academy Award at 2014

UNESCO Ziryab Virtuosos Award at 2015

One of the best flamenco guitar virtuoso


吉他大师 Juan Carmona 胡安·卡尔莫纳1963年生于法国里昂,是世界*的当代弗拉门戈演奏家、作曲家。他的音乐风格是在传统弗拉门戈音乐基础上与爵士乐、拉丁美、地中海音乐的碰撞融合。三十多年音乐生涯,屡获殊荣,并以炉火纯青般的现场演奏享誉全球。1988年,在赫雷斯国际比赛上,胡安·卡尔莫纳获得了*名,并进入联盟科尔多瓦吉它比赛的决赛;1989年,他取得了赫雷斯弗拉明戈基金会的文凭,由吉它手马诺罗·圣卢卡亲自授予;1990年,他获得 Villa Médicis Hors LesMurs 奖,由他的“弗拉明戈俱乐部”授予 Don AntonioChacon 奖杯;1992年获得了 Lavoisier 拉瓦锡奖;1994年,他终于摘取了*桂冠:马德里 de Paco de Lucia 比赛*名。

1996年开始,卡莫纳频繁地录制唱片、参加演奏会。与不同风格的*艺术家们合作,其中包括 Mino Cinelu, Biréli Lagrène, Larry Coryell, Babik Reinhardt, Jan Garbarek, Philip Catherine, Sylvain Luc 等。

1998年,法德双语艺术台开设了一档专门为他制作的节目,由音乐大师耶胡迪·梅纽因 (Yehudi Menuhin) 演奏呈现,他认为,胡安是一个特别杰出的吉它手。他的专辑全部都满负盛名,每一轨都经过精雕细琢,并拥有*特邀明星嘉宾,胡安让弗拉门戈音乐完美地融入爵士乐和世界音乐的味道,奔放又不失内涵 ,他把音乐带到一个新的艺术高度,并描绘了一种大胆、丰富、自由、充满新奇和乐趣的音乐。 

2014年,继2003、2006、2010年在格莱美中大放异彩后,他的专辑 "Alchemya" 再次被拉丁格莱美奖*弗拉明戈专辑提名。 除了繁多的演奏会成*、奖项、以及在吉它界的认知度,这位法国出生的吉卜赛人还取得了一项更加难得的肯定:他在西班牙期间发行了专辑 "Borboreo",向赫雷斯这座城市致敬!这使他在西班牙名声大震,特别是在安达卢西亚,他的音乐风格在弗拉明戈界引发了一场剧变。

Juan Carmona is a virtuosic flamenco guitarist who has been showered with accolades over the course of his career and, though he is best known as a fiery live performer.

Born in 1963 in Lyons, France, of gypsy descent, Carmona took an interest in guitar playing at a young age; at age ten he was given his first guitar by his father. Enamored of the instrument, he traveled to the land of his ancestors, Jerez de la Frontera, Andalusia, a city of approximately 200,000 in the south of Spain that is generally considered the wellspring of flamenco music. There he dedicated nearly a decade of his life to flamenco, learning from and playing with legends of the style. In 1988 he won the first of many distinguished awards, the Jerez de la Frontera International Competition, and a year later he was awarded a diploma from the Jerez Flamenco Foundation, given to him by living legend Manolo Sanlucar. 

Carmona commenced his solo recording career in 1996 with Borboreo, a tribute to Jerez de la Frontera overseen by Isidro Muñoz, he also returned to his native France that year. He formed his own band, Juan Carmona Group, and dedicated himself to live performance, touring all over the world. He also began seeking out a broad range of musical collaborations, teaming up with jazz and classical musicians as well as contributing scores to numerous films. In 1997 he collaborated with Françoise Atlan on Falla Lorca, a collection of Spanish folk, and with José Mendez on Entre Dos Barrios, a solo debut in the jerezana style; in 1998 he released the solo album Antes. Though he was already well established within the flamenco community, Carmona broadened his audience considerably with Orillas. Billed as a tribute to Morocco and Andalusia when the two regions were one United Kingdom divided only by the Mediterranean Sea, Orillas was nominated for a 2003 Latin Grammy Award in the category of Best Flamenco Album. His next album, Sinfonia Flamenca (2006), was also nominated for a Best Flamenco Album Latin Grammy. A blend of composed and improvised music where the worlds of classical and Andalusian music collide, Sinfonia Flamenca features the Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra, among numerous other collaborative guests, and was released by Le Chant du Monde. The French label proceeded to reissue some of his key back catalog titles, including Orillas, the following year.On tour with his musicians around the world (United States, China, Canada...), his coming albums Alchemya, and El Sentido del Aire were also nominated at the Latin GRAMMY Awards, category « Best Album Flamenco of the year ». Winner of the Grand Prize Charles Cros 2015, UNESCO awarded him also the Grand Prize Zyriab of Virtuosos. His new opus Perla de Oriente (2016), recorded during his last tour in Asia, reports the magic of his concerts.

Praised by the leading figures of flamenco, Juan Carmona wanders on the air ways of the duende. At the intersection between musical modernity and the oldest and liveliest flamenco traditions of Andalusia, Juan Carmona is an innovator, one of the most valiant links of his generation.