周日|R.O.M Asian Tour

演出时间:07月02日 22:00-07月02日 23:59

艺人: ROMderful

场地: 杭州 Loopy

地址:杭州市上城区中山南路77号利星名品广场F3Loopy 查看地图


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ROMderful受到Soulection,Sony,Ryan Hemsworth,Goldlink,HW&W等当红厂牌和艺人的青睐,合作推出过很多精彩动听的音乐,他的足迹更是遍布全球,为世界各地的派对动物呈现了一场又一场听觉审美的盛宴。ROMderful还被EARMILK评为2017*值得关注艺人之一。Dopeness本次将借2017 ROMderful亚洲巡演之机,*把他带到国内为大家献艺,让爱音乐爱爬梯的你感受神童带来的既能疯狂跳舞又能打动内心的GOOD VIBE!


Xiami艺人页面:  http://www.xiami.com/artist/2099991044


Boiler Room视频: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4ueqev_channel-3-round-up-rom-deffie-motive_music

Rommel Donald, better known as the ROMderful. is a producer, Multi Instrumentalist and DJ based in Birmingham (UK). Immersed in music since his childhood, he learnt to play guitar from the age of 6, Bass guitar and Drums at 10 then, it was in 2006, at the age of 11 that he touched on the production for the first time.

He has a very unique style which is known as ROMderful. Fusing genres, layering guitar and always maintaining vibes. ROMderful has support from some of the most notable collectives and artists in this such as Soulection, Sony, Ryan Hemsworth, Goldlink, HW&W and many more.

Currently working with artists such as DEAN from Korea, Noah, Rayana Jay, Goldlink, Miki Rose, ISHdarr, Khary and many more, this year is sure to be filled with amazing singles and Debut Project.

ROMderful has played shows in Most of Europe including Paris, Barcelona, Germany and Budapest and even further afield in Tokyo and South Korea. He has also been apart of the Soulection White Label series in which he released a 3 Track EP on Soulection in March 2016 and play his debut show with Soulection at Electric Brixton in April 2016 and ROM has been affiliated with Soulection since then, ROMderful being named the first "Artist to Watch" of 2017 on EARMILK, touring 3 continents in a year, consistently getting hundreds of thousands of views on his tracks and constantly putting out positive energy and being interactive with his fans shows that ROMderful has a very promising career ahead with a lot more amazing music to come.