Subtrainian TV Show Lunch Party

演出时间:07月01日 20:30-07月01日 23:30

艺人: Disaster Chat/NZT/Hard Candy Revolution/小丑信仰Jokers Belief/the peppercorns

场地: 北京 乐空间

地址:北新桥板桥南巷人美大厦北1层乐空间 查看地图


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Substrainian TV show is a ”mockumentary“  created to showcase the amazing Beijing live music scene.

Follow Justin Richardson on his hilarious transformation from a corporate suit into a fleeing Beijing punk rocker,

showcasing the Beijing music scene and featuring his PPPP (Post Punk Psychedelic Pop)band NZT.



Hard Candy Revolution 

Jokers Belief

The Peppercorns

Better Off Alive

Disaster Chat

Jokers Belief – (小丑的信仰)

Listen to their music: http://site.douban.com/jokersbelief

"Joker's Belief were signed by Kun Records in May 2016. Their EP is set to Launch towards the end of September, as well as playing some of the China's top Music festivals of 2016 and 2017"

Jesters and Jokers of medieval times were required to bring levity to the court and to meet the Kings requests. One Jester was required to entertain and amuse his King on demand, and if he failed, he was killed. The Jester lived - we call it "Jokers Belief”5 nationalities with 5 influences bringing you a fusion of funk, rock and Neo soul. 
小丑/弄臣,是生活在中世纪宫廷中的既低下又危险的职业。*帝王要求小丑取悦所有宾客,如果不能满足要求*将其处死。小丑活了下来,“小丑的信仰”诞生了。来自5个不同的*,5个不同的音乐背景,带来崭新的都市•放克•摇滚•新灵魂乐风格,我们叫它“Jokers Belief”

 Hard Candy Revolution 

Hard Candy Revolution is a Hard-Rock band set up in 2014. It's a band of young energy and imagination, set off a wave of sweet, by mixing electronic and funk factor into its music style.



Disaster Chat

Disaster Chat 乐队是成立于2013年北京新晋的原创摇 滚乐队。清新的流⾏行元素结合Ambient 摇滚旋律,伴随清脆 穿透的演唱,音乐酣畅淋漓 。乐队成员来⾃自英国和美国, 但是在中国⽣生活背景成*了他们极具娱乐精神的现场表演。 如果你在北京眼花缭乱的摇滚乐⾥里迷失了⽅方向,这个目前备 受瞩目的乐队会让你眼前一亮。

By far one of Beijing’s best original bands on the scene today. Fresh pop sounds mixed with ambient rock melodies and cranking breakdowns marks the pleasantries any ears will experience when indulging some DC bliss. Their mix of Chinese and English tunes creates the perfect atmosphere for today’s China rock audience and they never leave their fans disappointed. If you are looking for something other than Beijing’s endless sea of cover bands then Disaster Chat is the band for you. Led by Jesse Emmanuel (vocals/bass) and backed by Joe Bruce (guitar), Joe Harvey (guitar), and Justin Emmanuel (drums), Disaster Chat opened the Giving a Beat Charity Show 2016 last year and we are more than excited to see them in action again. Not only is Disaster Chat a fun and awesome band, the band members themselves are some of the most down to earth, ego-free individuals in the music scene today.