Henry Dickhoff 爵士钢琴鬼才音乐会

演出时间:07月05日 21:30-07月05日 23:30

艺人: Henry Dickhoff/司马恺(Scott Silverman)/Dan Callaghan

场地: 北京 北京 江湖酒吧

地址:北京市东城区东棉花胡同7号(近交道口南大街)江湖酒吧 查看地图


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时间:2017年07月05日 周三  21:30



address:Dongmianhua Hutong NO.7 Jiaodaokou South St.




Henry Dickhoff

来自于美国, Henry Dickhoff 作为一名新兴崛起的爵士钢琴家和爵士管风琴家活跃在达拉斯,丹顿和沃斯堡的各个舞台上,目前正在北德克萨斯大学跟随 Pat Coil 攻读爵士钢琴演奏硕士学位。从小学习古典钢琴的他,高中时对爵士钢琴产生巨大兴趣。凭着极强的个人天赋,年仅16岁的他被世界*爵士名校--北德克萨斯州大学(UNT)破格录取,并在大学期间成功发行的自己*张爵士三重专辑。

大学期间他开始尝试探索各种风格,组建了不同形式组合的爵士乐队,包括爵士钢琴 duo,trio 和 quartet 以及爵士管风琴三重。 其中他的管风琴三重乐队 Visceral 于2016年在美国中东部各州成功巡回演出,包括芝加哥及堪萨斯城等。此次巡回演出也被UNT采访报道,而 Visceral 也于今年6月在田纳西州录制了专辑。除了与小型乐队合作演出,Henry Dickhoff 也在全美*的爵士大队One O'Clock Lab Band担任钢琴手。他所在的该乐队已获7次格莱美奖提名,汇聚着全世界*秀的青年爵士乐手们,而他也是其中*年轻的一位。作为全额奖学金获得者,他同时也是系里*聘用的爵士助教,教授爵士钢琴及爵士乐队。 

Henry Dickhoff 曾受邀参加 Monterey The Next Generation Jazz Festival,Niwot Jazz Festival 和 Wichita Jazz Festival 等音乐节。合作过的音乐家包括 John Allred, Ignacio Berroa, Bob Curnow, Stefan Karlsson, Stefon Harris, Charles McPherson,  John Murphy, Danilo Pérez,  Ben Patterson 等。

American jazz pianist and jazz organist Henry Dickhoff is based in the greater Dallas-Ft. Worth area. As a highly in demand jazz player, Dickhoff has played all over the country, including cities like Denver, Chicago, Dallas, Fort Worth, Monterey, San Jose, Kansas City, etc. His jazz organ group Visceral Trio successfully toured the United States during summer 2016, and the group plans to record its debut album this summer. Besides playing in jazz small groups , Dickhoff is the pianist of the seven time Grammy-nominated One O'Clock Lab Band, one of the world's top collegiate big bands. Dickhoff has played and worked with distinguished jazz musicians, including John Allred, Ignacio Berroa, Bob Curnow, Stefan Karlsson, Stefon Harris, Charles McPherson,  John Murphy, Danilo Pérez,  Ben Patterson, and others. He has been invited to play in jazz festivals such as Monterey The Next Generation Jazz Festival, Niwot Jazz Festival, Wichita Jazz Festival, and others.

Dickhoff began with classical piano at age 8, and he began to play jazz in high school and was admitted to the renowned jazz school the University of North Texas at age 16. He is pursuing the Master's degree in jazz piano performance with  a full scholarship, under the guidance of Pat Coil. Dickhoff is also a teaching assistant in the jazz department, giving private lessons and group coaching at UNT.



Dan Callaghan

筱牛来自爱尔兰都柏林的一位很好的低音提琴家。在过去的六年间,他一直作为一名职业音乐家在各地演出,并且与数名爱尔兰*爵士乐手合作过,他们分别为Mike Nielson ,Hugh Buckley 和 Richie Buckley. 筱牛于2010年毕业于new park音乐中心爵士表演专业,

筱牛 2013年从爱尔兰来中国,在中国他跟很多大师爵士家演出,他们分别为长号大师Robin Eubanks,钢琴大师Alessandro Galati , 歌手Enrica Bacchia, 钢琴大师Steffan Karlson 萨克斯手 高太行,?口琴大师Laurent Maur,钢琴手Moreno Donedal.

Dan Callaghan is one of Ireland's finest double bass players. He graduated with an Honours BA in Jazz Performance from Newpark Music Centre,Ireland in 2010. He has been working as a professional musician for the last seven years and has performed and recorded with many of Ireland's leading jazz musicians including Leopoldo Osio, Dig a Little Deeper, Guiliano Nistri, Mike Nielson, Hugh Buckley and Richie Buckley. 

Dan has been working professionally in Beijing, China since early 2013 and has fast become one of the hardest working?bassist in Beijing. His playing has brought him to many cities in China including Shanghai, Hangzhou, xinjiang, Guangzhou and Shenzhen with Chinese and international musicians such as trombonist Robin Eubanks, singer Enrica Bacchia, pianist Alessandr Gilati,saxophonist Handsome Nat Gao, pianist Moreno Donadal.



Scott Silverman

司马恺(Scott Silverman),来自美国。四岁开始学习爵士鼓,12岁登台演出。90年代

中期来到上海,司马恺是上海*支现代爵士乐队Five Guys on a Train的创始成员之


Scott Silverman (Si Ma Kai), who comes from the U.S.A., started playing

drums when he was four years old and has played professionally since age 12.

After moving to China in the mid-1990s, Scott was a founding member of Five

Guys on a Train, one of Shanghai's first modern jazz bands.  Now based in

Beijing, Scott performs regularly with many of the city's top jazz