4X4X4X4呈现SUMMER CALLING : Max Shen / Deep 19

演出时间:06月10日 22:00-06月11日 03:30

艺人: Max Shen/DEEP19

场地: 杭州 Loopy

地址:杭州市上城区中山南路77号利星名品广场F3Loopy 查看地图


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4x4x4x4电子音乐派对厂牌建立于2013年,成军几年时间内以上海为重心推广纯正跳舞电子音乐文化,风格为Minimal,House,Techno。我们除了致力于推广本土优秀电子音乐人之外,与国际电子音乐派对厂牌保持良好文化交流关系,互相推送艺人以进行国际电子音乐艺术交流。目前为止我们已经成功邀请Barnt/ShinNishimura/Deepbass/Freddie Glitch/Drunken Kong/Audiohell/James What/Arnaud Le Texier/Basti Grub等一系列国际音乐人登陆上海,我们更期待能将本土纯正电子音乐文化输送出国际,并且向全世界优秀俱乐部展示中国优秀电子音乐人,使中国电子音乐文化与国际接轨 。这次4x4x4x4创立者Max shen携手旗下上海优秀电子音乐人deep19,展开夏季巡演,首站@loopy

 Max Shen 

Max Shen出生于上海,运营 Arkham 俱乐部,创立电子音乐组织4x4x4x4, 开展house / techno跳舞运动在中国的发展,引进当代电子音乐艺术家文化交流。同时也是亚洲 techno先锋组织 Asians Vibes的DJ,跨家演出艺术家陈天焯(ASIANDOPEBOYS),艺术家张鼎的 “龙镇虎斗 ”系列, 021艺术博览 X没顶画廊等当代艺术多媒体活动 “草莓 ” “MIDI” ”摩登天空“Intro等音乐节 Boiler Room中国站!并将签约意大利电子厂牌 Digital Traffik,在欧洲展开一段新的冒险。 

Max 早期深受Sasha & John Digweed影响, 在2000开始 DJ 演出,迷恋John Digweed的bedrock厂牌公司, Dave Seaman和 Steve lawler等当时的英国先锋派,经过岁月变迁,时光流转, 2007年Minimal主义影响世界音乐潮流, 也影响着Max Shen的音乐走向, 10年来坚持德国和中部欧洲的 house / Techno音乐,从 Dirty House到 Dub Techno,把阴暗深邃的Bass line结合科技之声融入舞池。


上海*为优秀的Deep House和Techno电子音乐制作人兼DJ之 一。自多年前他刚踏上电子音乐的旅程开始,*一直坚持除了给大家带来能 跳舞的音乐,更重要的是将自己对生活、对情感的理解和诠释融入到自己的 音乐中。所以对于自己擅长的音乐类型,他有着更为深刻独特的理解。于是他 一直将宇宙中美妙的音符用自己与众不同的方式呈现给舞池中的精灵们, 飘 忽而富于内涵的, 简洁而多情, 他对舞曲的编排如同充满魔力一般,总能在 舞池中产生强烈的化学法应,牢牢俘获舞池中的人群,深受国内外朋友的喜爱。

作为一位技艺精良的DJ, deep19来往于上海各大知名地下电音场所,如大家熟知 的Shelter, Dada, Arkham和URVC。 几乎每个*你都有机会听到他所编制的*深邃的音乐现场。随着演出的逐渐增多,Deep 19的DJ技艺也越来越精湛纯熟,他也时常和一些优秀的国际制作人在一些火热的电音活动上同台 交流,比如David Keno和NguzuNguzu。随后,更多的更大型的演出邀约接 踵而至,他陆续受邀在中国各大音乐节演出: 摩登天空音乐节,草莓音乐节, 迷笛音乐节和热播音乐节。上海世博会期间,还特别被邀请作为上海电子音 乐人代表之一出席德国馆的电子音乐交流演出。

4x4x4x4 electronic music party plant was established in 2013. After the establishment, they promoted the pure electronic dance music culture focused in Shanghai these years, with the music style characterized by Minimal, House and Techno. We do not only dedicate to promoting local outstanding electronic musicians, but also keep good relationships in cultural exchanges with international electronic music party labels, and have artists from both parts for international exchanges on electronic music art. So far,we have successfully invited a series of international musicians such as Barnt/ ShinNishimura/ Deepbass/ Freddie Glitch/ Drunken Kong /Audiohell/James What/Arnaud Le Texier /Basti Grub to communicate performance.We expect to carry out the domestic pure electronic music culture to the world and show them our Chinese excellent electronic musicians, making Chinese electronic music culture in line with international standards.

 Max Shen 

Max Shen was born in Shanghai. He runs Arkham club and set up electronic music group 4*4*4*4. He carrys out the development of house/ techno dance in China and introduces current electronic music artists exchanges and acts as the DJ of Asians Vibes for Asia techno vanguard group. He is also regular visitor of current art\multimedia activities for interdisciplinary performance artist Tian Zhuo Chen(ASIANDOPEBOYS), Zhang Ding’s series of “Enter the Dragon”, 021 Art Fair and Madeln etc and music festival for “Strawberry” “Modernsky” “Intro” “Boiler Room China etc. He will sign Italian music label Digital Traffik and star his new journey in Europe. 

Early on, Max was deeply affected by Sasha & John Digweed. He began to show as DJ in 2000 and got crush on British avant\garde of the day for John Digweed’s bedrock label company, Dave Seamman and Steve Lawler etc. Minimalism influnced the music trend of world and Max Shen in 2007 through time and change. He has insisted on the house/Techno music of Germany and Middle Europe combining dark and deep Bass Line and voice of technology into stage from Drity House to Dub Techno for ten years. 

 Deep 19 

Deep 19 has long been one of the most respected house and techno DJs and producers in Shanghai. More than just spinning danceable tracks, he weaves an emotional story into his sets, moving crowds with a relentless passion and technical expertise gained from more than a decade behind the decks.

He plays regularly at Shanghai's underground mainstays including Shelter, Dada, Arkham, Elevator and URVC. He's supported Paul Oakenfold, Francesco Tristano, David Keno and Nguzunguzu, and performed at festivals including Modern Sky, Strawberry, Midi and Zebra. In addition, he has been Music Director for Siva Lounge and Regional Lounge and Music Editor for uDance radio.

Beyond the club nights, Deep 19 is an accomplished producer. His debut mix album "A Film Without Frame" was well received across China. In 2010 he released the Unique Libra EP on Clubstream; that same year, Chinese novelist Mian Mian portrayed his musical growth story in a new novel. In 2012 he was called on to remix Shanghai techno godfather B6's track "Bomb in the Shelter" for Acupuncture records. 2016 sees the release of a new EP, 'Dark Fall' on Co:Motion. Meanwhile, Deep 19 also produces music for advertisements and TV shows, including SMG's reality show "So You Think You Can Dance".

Styles come and go, but Deep 19 remains committed to keeping China's underground house and techno scene alive, moving crowds across the country with his distinctive blend of dream-like and tough-edged sounds.