Earl and The Steadies 2017 Love Revolution 亚洲巡演

演出时间:05月11日 20:30-05月11日 22:00

艺人: Earl and The Steadies

场地: 石家庄 地下丝绒青园街店

地址:裕华区青园街新街坊二层 联系电话:0311-85886988 查看地图


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作为加拿大摇滚乐队大嘴梅森Wide Mouth Mason创始人,Earl Pereira曾获得过两个金唱片奖,受到三次被人称作“加拿大格莱美”的朱诺音乐大奖提名,以及其他国际知名奖项。Earl演出的足迹遍布全世界,在他的音乐生涯中进行过近3000场演出,其中他还与滚石乐队,AC/DC等传奇乐队同台演出。Earl曾被加拿大杂志列入加拿大的*贝斯手的行列--因为他精湛的演奏技艺,他也被评价为全国*秀的表演者之一。


    Earl Pereira got his rock n' roll pedigree as a founding member of Canadian rock band Wide Mouth Mason, who had two gold records, three JUNO nominations and a host of other accolades and awards. Earl has toured the world, playing nearly 3000 shows and has shared the stage with the biggest acts in the business including The Rolling Stones, AC/DC and many more. Earl was also named one of Canada's top bassists in Canadian Musician Magazine and is widely considered one of the best performers in his country.


2002年*中国巡演/First China Tour


    在20世纪中早期,Earl曾作为*支独立乐队来到中国大陆演出,改写了中加两国的摇滚音乐史,而他的举动也为后来许多音乐家开辟了一条顺畅的道路。在中国期间,Earl Pereira与中国华纳音乐合作,演出现场座无虚席,还受电视台邀请节目参加演出录制,这些机会使他得到了数以百万中国人的关注。


    In the early-to-mid 2000's, Earl made history as he was part of the very first North American band to tour in mainland China, and later paved the way for many artists to do the same. Working with Warner Music China, Earl played in sold-out theaters, on live television shows which aired to millions across the mainland from Beijing to Wuhan, all while winning over fans with his infectious smile and energy.


现乐队The Steadies 介绍/Introduction


    2010年,Earl成立了新的乐队:The Steadies。这支新乐队更像是他的灵魂寄托,使他将自己的创作能力发挥的淋漓尽致。新乐队的独特的“island-rock”,流行,放克,与雷鬼的混搭风吸引了广大粉丝的追捧与欢迎。经过几年的磨合与历练,Earl & The Steadies 乐队终于准备带着他们令人兴奋的,独特的风格向他们的目标--中国进军。


    In 2010, Earl eventually left his old band to start his own brand new band calling it The Steadies, which showcased his world-class song writing, singing, and producing abilities. The band's unique island-rock sound mixes pop-rock with funk and reggae, and allows Earl's contagious personality to always get the audiences smiling, dancing and singing along. After years of building up his new band in Canada, Earl & The Steadies are finally ready to make their mark in China through their exciting high-energy style of rock ready music!