LBM Presents: 春嬉 Spring ROMP FEST

演出时间:04月02日 20:30-04月02日 23:00

艺人: Pumpkins小南瓜/D.C./孤独的利里_LonelyLeary/浅川药店/裤衩烘干机

场地: 北京 黄昏黎明DDC

地址:北京市朝阳区神路街39号地下一层DDC 查看地图


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时间/Time: 2017年4月2日 20:30

门票/Ticket: 50(presale)/70(door)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District

电话/Tel: 010-64078969

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com


Line up:

Pumpkins小南瓜 (Xinxiang, Punk)

Lonely Leary (Beijing, Post Punk)

Qianchuan Drugstore 浅川药店 (Beijing, Alt-Rock)

Briefs Dryer裤衩烘干机 (Baoding, Indie rock)

Division Control (Tainjin, Post Punk)


This spring Live Beijing Music makes its seasonal trek to DDC to cook up a live music extravaganza - a red hot, fresh off the market lineup that’ll spring you into the Qingming Holiday weekend. We’ve been scouring the landscape for some Beijing’s best-kept secrets, as well as a new breed of scoundrels, punks, and bands that have sprung up in Beijing’s various neighboring cities, including Xinxiang, Baoding, and Tianjin.

清明节假期,Live Beijing Music再一次将给北京独立现场观众带来惊喜!我们努力挖掘出了北京及周边城市(包括新乡、保定和天津)的几支炽热、全新的摇滚/朋克乐队,这是华北平原独立地下摇滚的一次盛会!春风拂面百花开,山老胡同等你来!


One of the most vivacious and respected punk bands in China, Pumpkins, out of Xinxiang, south of Beijing in Henan province, return and they’re out for blood. The band was lucky enough to record at the legendary Hansa Tonstudio in Berlin and since then they’ve been only going stronger – 'loud, dirty, fast, and ready to soundtrack a sweaty good time'.

作为国内备受尊敬的朋克乐队之一的Pumpkins小南瓜乐队,将带着热血和激情走出河南新乡来到北京现场。小南瓜乐队曾很幸运地在柏林传奇的Hansa Tonstudio录音棚录制专辑,从那以后,他们的音乐变得“更吵、更脏、更快”,他们在用专属的朋克方式记录着这个时代。


Just southwest of Beijing lies Baoding, where indie rock kids Briefs Dryer are quite literally holding the torch for underground rock and roll in China’s most polluted city – no small feat! Their brand of angst-driven melodic indie rock never plays it easy so expect to be delighted and surprised.

而在北京西南边陲保定市,这个污染*严重的城市,却也有着一帮高举着中国地下摇滚的旗帜的青年,Briefs Dryer裤衩烘干机乐队*是其中之一。他们独特的表达愤怒却又充满旋律的独立之声,可不是那么容易实现!所以请来现场期待惊喜!


In our port city neighbor to the northeast, Tianjin, we stumble upon post punk ruffians Division Control - the band has been increasingly finding their way into our city and for good reason – their take no prisoners style of riotous post punk is just the thing this city needs.

而来自友邻天津这个港口城市,我们活捉了后朋克Division Control 分裂控制乐队。他们在过去一年多已慢慢渗透进了北京,他们身上所带着的那种不羁的朋克精神,正是这座城市所需要的。


The last year saw a host of inspiring bands emerging onto the scene - including Qianchuan Drugstore, formed by students of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Nominated for Freshmen Band of the year by School Bar the band’s genre-bending, poetic-bent alternative rock has been receiving good word of mouth.

去年涌现出一波备受关注的新晋乐队当中有一支是中央美术学院学生组成的浅川药店。 这支2016年School学校酒吧*新晋乐队提名的乐队,因其异于传统且充满诗意的另类摇滚风格赢得良好口碑!


And finally, one of 2016’s breakout success, post punk renegades Lonely Leary, give their final performance before the band heads to the studio with renowned producer and musician Yang Haisong to record their debut release, which’ll be released on Maybe Mars late this year.

*后是去年的一匹后朋黑马Lonely Leary乐队,这也将是乐队签兵马司唱片之前*后一场演出!这之后他们将由制作人杨海崧录制首张唱片并将于今年下半年发行。


Five bands from Beijing and beyond – each looking to kick start your spring and keep the good times rolling. What more could you ask for?
