梦醒惊浪 | sleepmakeswaves 2017新专辑中国巡演

演出时间:03月09日 20:30-03月09日 22:00

艺人: Sleepmakeswaves

场地: 杭州 杭州 MAO Livehouse

地址:浙江省杭州市上城区中山南路77号尚城1157三楼MAOLiveHouse杭州 查看地图


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<梦醒惊浪 | sleepmakeswaves 2017新专辑中国巡演杭州站> 

时间:3月9日 周四 20:30 
地址:上城区中山南路77号尚城1157利星三楼MAO Livehouse杭州 
票价:预售80RMB /现场100RMB 
Time:20:30 Thur,9,Mar 
Venue:77 South Zhongshan Road,3rd Floor,Shangcheng District 
Price:presale 80RMB/Door 100RMB 

2017 他们将带着全新作品重返中国! 

Sleepmakeswaves 来自澳大利亚,组建于2006年,成立的初衷是为了创作出富于情绪表达的音乐作品。2007年乐队发行了首支Demo并获得了出人意料的好评,随后发行的EP《In Today Already Walks Tomorrow》更成为他们标志性的作品,唯美的封面视觉也成为后摇专辑中的经典。 《It's Dark, It's Cold, It's Winter》 《One Day You WillTeach Me To Let Go Of My Fears》等曲目在国内各大音乐平台的试听量甚至高达100万次。2017年, 乐队即将推出全新专辑,并再次展开中国巡演。 

2011年,乐队发行了首张全长专辑《...and so we destroyed everything》。这张专辑完美地诠释了Sleepmakeswaves独特的音乐风格:利落铿锵的旋律,时而大气磅礴,时而细腻婉转,令人热血沸腾。这张专辑甚至得到有着”澳洲格莱美”之称的澳洲音乐大赏提名, 使Sleepmakeswaves 成为当时后摇滚领域*受瞩目的新乐队之一。他们的音乐充满力量,能引起强烈的共鸣之感,超越了所谓的音乐风格的桎梏,让人犹如身临其境的畅快。 

2014年的《Love of Cartography》是sleepmakeswaves.的第二张全长专辑,也是他们*富有神秘色彩的一张专辑。这张专辑如同史诗一般荡气回肠,呈现了他们对于现代摇滚乐的充满活力的解读,同时也保留了他们音乐中标志性的旋律感。 

2015年,sleepmakeswaves带着专辑《Love of Cartography》展开*中国巡演,令人意外的是,许多站的预售票都提前售罄,足以证明这支大洋彼岸的乐队在中国的人气。“凶残””暴烈””目瞪口呆”是许多乐迷看完演出后的感受。乐队坦言,2015年的中国巡演是乐队生涯中*重要、*难忘的一次演出经验,之后的时间里,乐队成员迫不及待的想要再次回到中国。正因如此,今年乐队将新专辑世界巡演的*站定在了中国,sleepmakeswaves希望*时间与中国乐迷分享*新的作品,也希望能再次重温2015年的兴奋与感动。 

Sleepmakeswaves在台上的现场风格更多的受到了朋克摇滚和硬核的影响,表达方式更加猛烈而直接,他们大汗淋漓的现场演出让所有乐迷为之疯狂。如果你也想要了解这支力量型后摇乐队,*的途径便是亲临现场。 器乐、前卫、动态、电子、叠加核 , 无论你用任何词语去描述这支乐队,来到现场后你会发现,他们音乐远远不止这些~ 

Sleepmakeswaves在后摇领域的大胆尝试以及突破性的现场演出,让他们在全世界范围内受到瞩目。在美国的SXSW音乐节、比利时Dunk!Festival 、英国 The Great Escape 音乐节,都能看到Sleepmakeswaves极富震撼力的演出。2017年3月, sleepmakeswaves即将带着全新专辑展开第二次中国巡演!如果你也喜欢器乐摇滚、电子、硬核甚至是金属, 你都一定不能错过这支真正属于现场的乐队! 

New Noise is very proud to present a 9-city tour for Australia’s biggest instrumental post-rock quartet Sleepmakeswaves presenting their brand new album. Over the past decade the band grew to become one of the most prominent post-rock bands in the world touring all over the world with bands such as 65daysofstatic, Tortoise and Mono and selling out tours in their own homeland. Sleepmakeswaves put on a performance deserving of every bit of praise and acclaim that has been afforded to them, they come and destroy everything with their mind-blowing shows. 

Guitarist Otto Wicks-Green quotes: 

“ Our first time touring China in 2015 was one of the big highlights of our touring career. Ever since then we have been looking forward to returning to experience the unique atmosphere at the shows and to immerse ourselves once again in this fascinating place. We're delighted to announce that we will be heading to China in March 2017 as the FIRST country to experience the new album and live show. We can't wait to see you all again soon.” 

Sleepmakeswaves’ bold approach to creating innovative instrumental music and their electric live performances have earned them high profile tours and festival slots. Their music showcases their dynamic and energetic approach to modern post-rock, whilst retaining their signature melodic hooks. With their new album the band continues to map new creative directions within an instrumental rock framework. A Sleepmakeswaves’ concert is all about the experience, come to the show and get blown away!