DDC新春节后首演:Abel & Eade / Royal as Purple / anxt / 大卫

演出时间:02月04日 20:00-02月04日 23:30

艺人: Royal As Purple/anxt/大卫/RandyAbelStable/Rosie Eade

场地: 北京 黄昏黎明DDC

地址:北京市朝阳区神路街39号地下一层DDC 查看地图


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时间/Time: 2017年2月4日 20:00 
门票/Ticket: 50(presale)/60(door) 
地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 
电话/Tel: 010-64078969 
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

line up: 
Abel & Eade (UK/US Power Folk) 
anxt (Cape Town, chilled DJ) 
Royal as Purple (post-rock, synthpop, alt-rock) 
大卫 (hip-hop) 

Abel & Eade (UK/US Power Folk) 
In spite of themselves, singer-songwriters Rosie Eade (UK) and Randy Abel (US) build a spirit bridge between their contentious homelands... via China, the Middle Kingdom! Separated by a common language and ravaged by endless television comedy-writing conflicts, America and Britain yet managed to spawn the roots-influenced sounds which gnarled and entwined--rose upon rose and briar upon briar- into the twisted acoustic cluster that would electrify the 20th Century. Being rooted in the 21st, Randy and Rosie speak to and from these traditions with utmost passion and a goodly measure of jaded precision. Craftsperson-like, innit? 
歌手 - 作曲家:Rosie Eade(英国)和Randy Abel(美国)在他们有争议的家园背景和所处的中国环境下建立了一座精神桥梁!美国和英国被共同的语言分开,被无休止的电视喜剧剧本的冲突蹂躏,他们在设法做根源影响的声音,不同的声音扭曲到一起,重塑20世纪电气化时代。同时立足于21世纪,Randy和Rosie将这些工匠般的先天传统以*的热情和精湛的技术来融合到一起。 

Rosie "Folk Pixie" Eade - Female Fronted Folk-Rock with 3/4 size classical guitar. "One of the loveliest new voices on the folk and acoustic music scene", (Village Pump Folk Club, 2013), she leads the band in both lively and evocative songs; life inspired stories written over a number of years gigging solo around Britain, interspersed with carefully chosen traditional gems, all arranged around her love of folk, rock and thrashing her old nylon-strung guitar. 
Rosie “Folk Pixie” Eade - 女声的前民谣摇滚与3/4大小的古典吉他。"One of the loveliest new voices on the folk and acoustic music scene", (Village Pump Folk Club, 2013),她是乐队的核心人物,活泼和引人入胜的歌曲、多年来受生活启发围绕英国的嘻哈独奏等写下的故事,穿插与精心挑选传统音乐的闪光点,所有都是基于她对民谣、摇滚和她的老尼龙吉他的爱。 

Likened to the voices of Kate Bush, Maddy Prior and Grace Slick, yet inspired by The Who as much as Steeleye Span, she is equally accomplished within the acoustic-folk and old school rock genres - a "Confident and punchy acoustic rock presence," (Rock-n-Reel, 2016). 

Randy Abel - Beijing-based Americana singer-songwriter affronting such originals-oriented outfits as The Randy Abel Stable;The Flying Shaobing Brothers; Francophile Joint; Honky Tonk Demons; KRAW [Keep Randy Abel Weird]; Betwixt the Twain; Brothers Moving; Hawk Heik Hick; Randy Abel and the People’s Pupils; PlausAbel DeniaBilly and Light Crusted D’oh Bros. His lyrical memoir, God’s Too Drunk or Heaven’s A Chinese Honky Tonk, is currently being shopped around the bio-pulp circuit by crack literary agents of shady repute. 
Randy Abel – 来自美国现居北京的歌手作曲家,是许多原创的乐队成员如The Flying Shaobing Brothers; Francophile Joint; Honky Tonk Demons; KRAW [Keep Randy Abel Weird]; Betwixt the Twain; Brothers Moving; Hawk Heik Hick; Randy Abel and the People’s Pupils; PlausAbel DeniaBilly and Light Crusted D’oh Bros。他富有感情的记忆里,上帝醉酒或天堂里的中国Honky Tonk目前正被周围破碎的文人遮掩的生物循环着。 

Royal as Purple (post-rock, synthpop, alt-rock) 
Royal as Purple是音乐制作人Melvin Wong从美国旧金山移居到北京后一手创立的个人乐团,2016年贝斯手北北和鼓手德思凡的加入,终于能够把现场的Royal as Purpe体验带给大家。Melvin独自一人包办了作曲、作词、编曲与制作,目标是想把自己一直在美国所创作的,结合了摇滚、迷幻,电子与流行元素的音乐,带给中国的听众。 
Melvin拥有丰富的唱片制作和现场制作经验。他曾与数百位外国乐团/艺人合作过,包括Arcade Fire、 Ms Mr、The Mars Volta、 Dead Kennedys 、American Authors与Run DMC等等,但一直还未实现在中国音乐圈发展的梦想。由于美国的工作实在繁忙,他终于在2014年底下定决心将重心从制作他人的音乐转回为自己制作音乐。2015年的夏天定居北京,并以此为新的事业出发点。 

anxt (Cape Town, chilled DJ) 
来自开普敦,南非的anxt, 用音乐作画笔,把一列列的电子元素描绘成一座座的感情丰富的声音景观。他从现在他生活的城市北京寻找素材,采集声音,融入hip hop节奏,雕刻出引人入胜的一幅一幅生动景象。 
他是听着电子乐长大的那一代,在Bonobo, Tycho, Beacon, Nosaj Thing 影响下,anxt创作的音乐富有强烈的感情,听众在听音乐的同时感受到的是anxt看到的世界。 
anxt 目前正在进行他的*张EP的录制,预期在2017年春天发行。准备好在音乐的时空里起飞了吗? 
Hailing from Cape Town, South Africa, Anxt fuses an array of musical elements to create moody electronic soundscapes. Set to the backdrops of urban field recordings with hip hop carved beats he takes you on a journey of the world that he’s lives in. 
“My love for nature and urban landscapes is what influences my sound, and I try and contextualise this imagery into a musical soundscape that captures these moments or ideas, and I try and translate them to the listener.” 
He is also makes up a quarter of Macondo which has been making waves around the Beijing music scene, to which he lends his skills as producer and songwriter to create high energy “Electronic Post Rock”. 
Influenced by the likes of Bonobo, Tycho, Beacon, Nosaj Thing and the music of his childhood he creates deeply emotional music that gives the listener a glimpse inside the world which is anxt. 
anxt is currently working on his debut EP which is set to be released in spring, 2017, so get ready to be transported. 

大卫 (hip-hop) 

