独家pasión de flamenco | 西班牙弗拉门戈专场演出 VOL.2

演出时间:01月01日 20:00-01月01日 21:30

艺人: Santiago de Fuentes/Liron Man/安志华/赵珍/SUKI(弗拉门戈)

场地: 北京 北京 江湖酒吧

地址:北京市东城区东棉花胡同7号(近交道口南大街)江湖酒吧 查看地图


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时间:2017年01月01日 周日  20:00-21:30



adress:Dongmianhua Hutong NO.7 Jiaodaokou South St.



敬请期待斗牛士化身的弗拉门戈舞者Santiago遇上以色列鬼手liron man的激情碰撞,Santiago将带来具有弗拉门戈发源地cadiz地方特色的舞蹈,liron man将用奏弗拉门戈吉他与手鼓handpan来演奏出独特的音色。


舞者/Dancer Flamenco /Santiago de Fuentes


Santiago出生在西班牙南部安达卢西亚的Cádiz,素有弗拉门戈发源地之称。七岁起他跟从启蒙导师Carmen Peña开始习舞。在之后的舞者生涯里,Santiago对弗拉门戈的探究孜孜不倦,曾经师从RAFAELA CARRASCO ,ISABEL BAYÓN ,Merche Esmeralda, Cristobal Reyes, Antonio Canales,Manuel Liñán, Marcos Flores, Lupi, Mariquilla”, Mario Maya and Miguel Medina等等弗拉门戈舞蹈大师,并于2015年在西班牙*权威性的皇家*舞蹈学院CONSERVATORIO SUPERIOR DE DANZA “MARÍA DE ÁVILA”, PEDAGOGÍA DEL BAILE FLAMENCO修得*等级学位( 一年只收五名学生),也因此获得了由官方认可的教授培训资格证书。


同时,作为专业舞蹈表演者的Santiago活跃于西班牙乃至全球舞台,积累了丰富的演出经验。在西班牙期间在Tablao “EL CORRAL DE LA MORERÍA”受聘为长期驻场表演者,还在马德里的TEATRO FEDERÍCO GARCÍA LORCA以及在莫斯科的THEATRE DOROV AND Tchaikovski大


剧院都曾留下过精彩的演出。此外,他曾带领着自己的演出公司参加过许多弗拉门戈艺术节,其中具有代表性的有在家乡CÁDIZ举办的国际弗拉门戈周会SIF(SEMANA INTERNACIONAL DEL FLAMENCO)以及在摩洛哥举办的的FESTIVAL DE LA ALEGRÍA。

除现场表演以外,Santiago还曾作为弗拉门戈舞蹈顾问和编舞参与过电影"La lava en los labios"和短篇电视剧"Mi Gitana"的制作,可谓将自己对弗拉门戈的热情渗透到了这种艺术形式可触及的各个角落。


Santiago de Fuentes was born in Conil de la Frontera (Cádiz), commonly known as the land where Flamenco Dance originated. At the age of 7 he started his first steps under the guidance of dancer Carmen Peña. Over the years he has been devoting himself to the pursuit of becoming a better flamenco dancer, studying under some of the biggest names in flamenco such as Rafaela Carrasco, Isabel Bayon, Merche Esmeralda, Cristobal Reyes, Antonio Canales, Manuel Liñán, Marcos Flores, Lupi,Mariquilla”, Mario Maya and Miguel Medina. On top of that in 2015 he earned a degree in pedagogy of flamenco dance from one of the most prestigious dance schools in Spain—Conservatory of Dance Maria Avila (Madrid), which officially qualified himself as a professional flamenco dance teacher.

As a flamenco performer himself, Santiago was starring in one of the most popular tablaos in Madrid called”EL CORRAL DE LA MORERIA”. In between shows he was also invited to threaters like “TEATRO FEDERICO GARCIA LORCA” in madrid and “THEATRE DOROV and TCHAIKOVSKI” in moscow where he had had some well-received performances . In addition, he led the company of his own to perform in flamenco festivals such as: SIF(SEMANA INTERNACIONAL DEL FLAMENCO) held in Cádiz and “FESTIVAL DE LA ALEGRIA” held in Morocco.


Besides his personal dancing experiences, Santiago was once participating in the producing of a Spansih movie called “La lava en los labios” and mini TV series

called “Mi Gitana”,in which he was featuring as the consultant and chreographer for the flamenco dance scenes.


吉他手 / Guitarr Flamenco/Liron Man 梨容曼


梨容出生在以色列的 一个传统家庭,5岁偶然的 一次机会他便开始接触音乐。之后在他便对音乐表现出情感上的亲近与熟悉, 10岁时便开始独自登台表演。对他而言,音乐始终是梨生命中*燃情的本质与目标所在。


19岁时,梨容便开始以制作人与演奏家的身份与当时以色列 *的艺术家合作演出。其中包括 Shlomo Gronich 享誉世界的以色列创作歌手,Sanya Kroitor 以色列*小提琴演奏家。而与这些合作的经验,总会反过来促成他想音乐上寻找真正的自己与对自我的反思。


24岁那年,梨容来到西班牙南部Cádiz省的Jerez de la Frontera,当地的弗拉明戈音乐与文化燃起他内心的激情。在那里,他被伴随着歌唱与舞蹈的弗拉明戈吉他演奏所深深吸引,凭借着他惊人的音乐天赋,仅 一年他便可以用新学的弗拉明戈吉他与当地的弗拉明戈艺术家 一同登台表演。鉴于这种艺术的复杂性,他的天赋又 一次被当地认同并接受。


凭借着自己对弗拉明戈出众的悟性,梨容很快便与*秀的弗拉明戈艺术家进行合作。其中包括被西班牙誉为明日之星的弗拉明戈舞者Gema Moneo,家喻户晓的弗拉明戈小提琴演奏家Bernardo Parilla,世界第 一弗拉明戈长笛演奏家Jorge Pardo, 还有诸如Olga Pericet, Cristina Benítez等等弗拉明戈业内*艺术家。


过去10年间,梨容参加了位数众多的剧院与音乐节演出,其中包含超过横跨欧亚,中东,南北美洲的20个*。同时他个人也是制作人之 一,独立或者合作制作了以上音乐活动。而他所经历的人文音乐风格也各不相同:其中包括中东,印度,犹太,东欧,巴西,摩洛哥,西班牙。


Liron Man 19/12/1985 Nes-Ziyyona, Israel


Playing music as a hobby starting the age of 5, growing up in a traditional family having a playful childhood followed with many different hobbies and interests.


Music always remained the main passion and purpose in Liron's life, even though he doesn't come from a family of musicians.

From a very young age, playing music always felt like home. Liron started performing at the age of 10 giving solo recitals.


At the age of 19 Liron started producing events and performing alongside Israeli finest artists such as Shlomo Gronich, a famous composer and song writer, Sanya Kroitor, top violin player in Israel and more, Liron's collaborations with artists always made him feel he wanted to go with his own truth and find his personal path in the music world.


Liron's musical path took two different directions, HandPan playing and Flamenco guitar.


Liron's connection to the Handpan was immediate and from the very beginning he already showed high skills and started performing.

He quickly got the title of the fastest HandPan player in the world which brought him to work with musicians such as Zohar Fresco, one of world's leading percussionists (Israel), Badi Assad, famous singer/guitarist songwriter (Brazil), Jorge Pardo, award winning Flamenco/Jazz flautist (Spain), Govinda Goswami, sitar master (India).


At the age of 24 Liron moved to south Spain, to Jerez de la Frontera in the province of Cádiz, the main core of what became of his passions, Flamenco music and culture.


Liron was highly drawn to Flamenco guitar and the accompaniment of singing and dance, after only a year of studies he already started performing alongside leading Flamenco artists, what seemed nearly impossible because of the complexity of this art form.

Liron's impressive ability to understand Flamenco brought him to collaborate with leading Flamenco Artists such as Gema Moneo, one of the most promising Flamenco dancers, Bernardo Parilla, most renown Flamenco violinist, Jorge Pardo, number one Flamenco flautist in the world, Olga Pericet, Cristina Benítez and more highly established artists if Flamenco.


箱鼓 / cajón安志华 (Hadi)


弗拉门戈Cajon鼓手、印度Tabla鼓手、职业摇滚吉他手。麦尔打击乐主讲导师,毕业于中央音乐学院音乐教育专业,为多部影视剧和舞台剧的音乐制作、作曲。 跟西班牙打击乐演奏家Bandolero学习箱鼓,跟赫雷斯*弗拉门戈歌手Ezequiel学习演唱,跟*舞者 Miguel El Rubio学习击掌。担任非凡丝路乐团的Cajon鼓手和Tabla鼓手以及音乐制作,2014年参与编写《学打卡宏箱鼓教程》


Flamenco cajon player. India Tabla player. Rock guitar player. Meinl class instructor. Graduate from Central Conservatory of Music. Majored in music education. As movie. Dance drama composer and producer。Leanred cajon with percussion player of Dlamenco Bandolero. Leanred singing of Dlamenco with Ezequiel. Leanred plama with Dlamenco dancer Miguel El Rubio. As FeiFanSilkRoda music group Cajon\Tabla player and producer. Writing the book <how to play cajon> in 2014

歌手/ cante   赵珍( La Perlita de Hunan )


2006年起到西班牙学习Flamenco,师从Matilde Coral,Merche Esmeralda,Andres Marín


等舞蹈名家。获两度全额奖学金在Sevilla Cristina Heeren弗拉门戈艺术学校进修弗拉门戈歌唱,得到了当代大师Calixto Sanchez、José de la Tomasa、Paco Taranto、Arcángel传



Zhao Zhen-Flamenco dancer, singer, also know as la Perlite de Hunan. Started in France learning flamenco from year 2006, she went to Spain to learn with dance masters as Matilde Coral, Merche Esmeralda, Andres Marin. With scholarship, she continued studying in Sevilla—La Fundación de Cristina Heeren, with masters Calixto Sanchez, José de la Tomasa, Paco Taranto and Arcángel. From 2007, she started teaching flamenco dance in a flamenco school in Lyon, France. Between 2008 and 2010, she performed flamenco dance and singing with her group around France and Spain, South Asia and many cities in China, on prestigious stages as Beijing Music Hall, NCPA, Singapore Flamenco Festival, etc.


Organizer -Suki Flamenco Studio


创办人SUKI自2013年开始研习弗拉门戈至今,2014年为了更好了解弗拉门戈文化,开始在塞万提斯学习西班牙语。多次前往西班牙弗拉门戈发源地进修,师从多业界多位 *大师,2016年成立自己的舞蹈工作室“Suki Flamenco Studio”,并教授弗拉门戈,也组织西班牙外教弗拉门戈集训班,做演出,销售装备,同时设立个人微信公众号:北京弗拉门戈舞蹈专修班,分享 一些弗拉门戈舞蹈及文化的相关咨询。


From 2013 Suki started to research about and practice flamenco. On 2014 because of the interest in the flamenco’s culture she studied Spanish in the Cervantes Institute in Beijing. She has been in Spain for many times to master her flamenco dance and has studied with many of the world’s most internationally renowned artists.


In 2016 Suki established the “Suki Flamenco Studio” in Beijing, in which she teaches flamenco, regularly organizes workshops inviting masters from Spain, makes shows with professional flamenco dancers from Spain and also sells flamenco outfit.


“Suki Flamenco Studio” also has a wechat account in which you can find news and articles about flamenco: 北京弗拉门戈舞蹈专修班