Fiesta de Flamenco·西班牙弗拉门戈专场演出-北京江湖酒吧(北京)

演出时间:11月16日 21:30-11月16日 23:30

艺人: 安志华/赵珍

场地: 北京 北京 江湖酒吧

地址:北京市东城区东棉花胡同7号(近交道口南大街)江湖酒吧 查看地图


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时间:2016年11月16日 周三  21:30



如在西班牙的tablao一样,近距离的感受一场热烈激情的flamenco show,来自西班牙塞维利亚的flamenco职业舞者jazmin和吉他手andrius带你玩转fiesta

This is a performance like the ones you can see in the “tablaos” in Spain, where you are just in front of the “bailaores” (flamenco dancers) and you can feel the pasion of the flamenco show. Coming direct from Spain, the flamenco dancer Jazmin and the flamenco guitar Andrius will take you to rock the fiesta!

舞者/Dancer Flamenco /Jazmín Centeno

一位多才多艺的弗拉门戈职业舞者,年轻而美丽的她有着丰富的表演经历,与世界舞蹈团合作,应邀演出并参与编舞设计顾问,也工作在一些重要的Tablao,和一些大的剧院“Teatro Paseo La Plaza,El Teatro Nd Ateneo,El Globo,Teatro Empire等,是活跃在当代弗拉门戈舞台的一颗耀眼新星。

—在2013年9月与Jose Galvan公司合作,被邀选主演 “Bailando a Camaron” 舞剧,参与Bata de cola尾裙编舞,跟随舞团在多个城市的大剧院巡演

—2015年12月*场演出¨Insistente Estado Flamenco ¨舞剧,在阿根廷的城市Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯.埃利斯 获得巨大成功和反响,2016年3月到立陶宛演出


Jazmín Centeno is a professional flamenco dancer and has been living in Seville, Spain since 2012 in order to pursue flamenco fulltime.

Jazmín has been invited to collaborate with a number of prestigious artists on various shows as a choreographic and musical advisor. She has been invited to perform and teach flamenco worldwide extending her recognition globally to Portugal, Russia, Germany, Lithuania, Poland and Argentina.

In 2013, she was selected to participate as a dancer in José Galván's company for the piece "Bailando a Camarón" (transl: Dancing to Camarón), a show presented at the Teatro Quintero Theatre Seville and the Municipal Auditorium Rafael de Leon theatre in Tomares.


In 2014, under the guidance and tutelage of Eva Yerbabuena, Jazmin presented her own piece 'Y Despues' (transl: 'And Then') in the Primer Certamen de Flamenco competition in Barcelona.


In 2015 she premiered her first dance piece called “Insistente Estado Flamenco” (transl:  Flamenco Insistently State) with which she toured Eastern Europe in March 2016.


吉他手 / Guitarr  Flamenca/ Andrius Masilionis

Andrius毕业于在西班牙科尔多瓦,弗拉门戈吉他音乐学院“Conservatorio Superior de Música Rafael Orozco” 并取得学位及职业荣誉奖



2015年在阿根廷,舞剧“Insistente Estado Flamenco”的主席吉他手


The guitarist/ Guitarra Flamenca / Andrius Masilionis

Andrius, Graduated from the flamenco guitar music institute: "Conservatorio Superior de Musica Rafael Orozco" obtaining an honor degree.

Also obtaining many awards in Lithuania's music guitar's festivals.

In 2016, music director and guitarist in the flamenco play "Retruco", making a tour in estern Europe at the end of the year.

In Argentina in 2015, music director and guitarist in the flamenco play: "Insistente Estado Flamenco".

At the same time that he has been creating music with his guitar he has published his own album.

箱鼓 / cajón      安志华 (Hadi)

弗拉门戈Cajon鼓手、印度Tabla鼓手、职业摇滚吉他手。麦尔打击乐主讲导师,毕业于中央音乐学院音乐教育专业,为多部影视剧和舞台剧的音乐制作、作曲。  跟西班牙打击乐演奏家Bandolero学习箱鼓,跟赫雷斯*弗拉门戈歌手Ezequiel学习演唱,跟*舞者Miguel El Rubio学习击掌。担任非凡丝路乐团的Cajon鼓手和Tabla鼓手以及音乐制作,2014年参与编写《学打卡宏箱鼓教程》

Flamenco cajon player. India Tabla player. Rock guitar player. Meinl class instructor. Graduate from Central Conservatory of Music. Majored in music education. As movie. Dance drama composer and producer。Leanred cajon with percussion player of flamenco Bandolero. Leanred singing of flamenco with Ezequiel. Leanred plama with flamenco dancer Miguel El Rubio. As FeiFanSilkRoda music group Cajon\Tabla player and producer. Writing the book <how to play cajon> in 2014

歌手/ cante     赵珍( La Perlita de Hunan )

2006年起到西班牙学习Flamenco,师从Matilde Coral,Merche Esmeralda,Andres Marín等舞蹈名家。获两度全额奖学金在Sevilla Cristina Heeren弗拉门戈艺术学校进修弗拉门戈歌唱,得到了当代大师Calixto Sanchez、José de la Tomasa、Paco Taranto、Arcángel传授。2007年起受聘于法国Lyon弗拉门戈学校开始舞蹈教学。2008年组团在法国、西班牙、东南亚和国内多个城市演出,包括北京音乐厅、*大剧院、潮流音乐节、新加坡弗拉门戈艺术节等。

Zhao Zhen-Flamenco dancer, singer, also know as la Perlite de Hunan. Started in France learning flamenco from year 2006, she went to Spain to learn with dance masters as Matilde Coral, Merche Esmeralda, Andres Marin. With scholarship, she continued studying in Sevilla—La Fundación de Cristina Heeren, with masters Calixto Sanchez, José de la Tomasa, Paco Taranto and Arcángel. From 2007, she started teaching flamenco dance in a flamenco school in Lyon, France. Between 2008 and 2010, she performed flamenco dance and singing with her group around France and Spain, South Asia and many cities in China, on prestigious stages as Beijing Music Hall, NCPA, Singapore Flamenco Festival, etc.


舞者/Dancer Flamenco /Suki

自2013年开研习弗拉门戈至今,2014年为了更好了解弗拉门戈文化,开始在塞万提斯学习西班牙语。多次前往西班牙弗拉门戈发源地进修,师从多业界多位*大师,2016年成立自己的舞蹈工作室“Suki Flamenco Studio”,并教授弗拉门戈,也组织西班牙外教弗拉门戈集训班,做演出,销售装备,同时设立个人微信公众号:北京弗拉门戈舞蹈专修班,分享一些弗拉门戈舞蹈及文化的相关咨询。

From 2013 Suki started to research about and practice flamenco. On 2014 because of the interest in the flamenco’s culture she studied Spanish in the Cervantes Institute in Beijing.  She has been in Spain for many times to master her flamenco dance and has studied with many of the world’s most internationally renowned artists.

In 2016 Suki established the “Suki Flamenco Studio” in Beijing, in which she teaches flamenco, regularly organizes workshops inviting masters from Spain, makes shows with professional flamenco dancers from Spain and also sells flamenco outfit.

“Suki Flamenco Studio” also has a wechat account in which you can find news and articles about flamenco.