
演出时间:10月30日 20:30-10月30日 22:30

艺人: Michael Rother/Chui Wan

场地: 成都 LITTLES LIVE(小酒馆万象城店)

地址:双庆路8号成都万象城A馆 B1层 B120号 LITTLES LIVE(小酒馆万象城店) 查看地图


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NOISEY 呈现 | 2016 MICHAEL ROTHER 中国巡演小酒馆空间专场 
地址:成都市成华区双庆路8号万象城1期B1层喷泉广场B120号 小酒馆空间 


Michael Rother,*德式实验摇滚音乐人、器乐演奏家。现年66岁的他是 Neu! 乐队(1972年至1975年)的创始人之一,Harmonia(1973年至1976年)的核心创作者,也曾短期参与过早期的 Kraftwerk(1971年)。他被誉为“氛围音乐教父”,作为上世纪70年代先锋音乐场景的代表人物,他的音乐影响了一代代后辈音乐艺术家,这些受其影响者也都成为了摇滚音乐史上响当当的厉害角色——David Bowie、Brian Eno、Iggy Pop、DEVO、Sonic Youth、Stereolab、U2、Autechre、Radiohead,Primal Scream 等等等等…… 

从十五六岁起开始玩音乐,除了参与多支乐队计划外,Michael Rother 至今已发表了多达9张个人专辑,销量早已突破百万。他在1977年推出的处女专辑《Flammende Herzen》甚至启发了德国电影人 Waler Bockmayer 拍摄同名 clut 电影。在1996年出版的《The Rough Guide to Rock》一书中,作者 Paul O’Brien 更是称他为“这个世界上*接近 Mike Oldfield 的人物”,并评价这位德国艺术家的所有作品“全都让人拍案叫绝”。好吧,我们只能说这形容的有点太过客观。 

Michael Rother 曾说:“我总是通过即兴的方式来创作音乐,有些时候,*美的创作总是在一些错误中诞生的。”在将近五十年的音乐生涯里,Michael Rother 把他*的德式实验之声带往世界各地,不断与你可以想象到的*牌的音乐明星合作,继续着他传奇般的音乐事业。 

2014年 VICE Party,我们有幸邀请 Michael Rother 成为演出嘉宾。如果你没去成那次超级完美的京沪演出,这次“2016年 Michael Rother 中国四城巡演”将是你不能放过、错过,以及可以疯狂和朋友炫耀的大好机会! 

Michael Rother is a renowned German musician & multi-instrumentalist. He’s best known for being a member of the band Kraftwerk in 1971, and also the founder/mastermind behind NEU! (1972 - ‘75) and Harmonia (1973 - ’76). He is considered as a key figure of the innovative music scene that originated from Germany in the early 70s, and was often lovingly dubbed the “Godfather of ambient”. His work has been an inspiration for generations of musicians - from David Bowie, Brian Eno, Iggy Pop, DEVO, Sonic Youth, Stereolab, U2, Autechre, Radiohead, Primal Scream, and many others. 

Starting at the age of fifteen or sixteen, Rother began to play for multiple bands. Until today, he has released nine solo albums, which have sold over a million copies. His ’77 solo debut “Flammende Herzen” was also the inspiration behind the cult-movie “Flaming Hearts”, directed by German filmmaker Walter Bockmayer. In 1996, Paul O’Bren, contributor to the book “The Rough Guide to Rock”, wrote these words to introduce the legendary Rother: “Multi-instrumentalist Michael Rother’s closest counterpart is perhaps Mike Oldfield, but the German guitar and synth wizard’s overall output has been far more satisfying.” Perhaps… 

Rother once said: “In my music, I always like to work at random. The most beautiful results sometimes come from making mistakes.” In his extended music career, Michael Rother has brought unique tunes to many countries around the world, and collaborated with esteemed musicians and bands, and will continue to fascinate the audience and peers with his music. 

At the 2014 VICE party, we had the honor of inviting Michael Rother to give two remarkable performances in china. If you had missed that one, please keep an eye out for the highly anticipated upcoming “Michael Rother China Tour 2016”. 

Michael Rother’s current live line-up includes Hans Lampe on drums and Franz Bargmann on guitar. Franz Bargmann is an ex-member of the Berlin-based band Camera. Hans Lampe also contributed to the album NEU! ´75 and was a member of La Düsseldorf. 


吹万,乐队名字 Chui Wan 由“吹万”二字而来,取于庄子的《齐物论》。出自实验演出系列“燥眠夜”的他们,在2012年通过兵马司唱片发行首张专辑《白夜》时,*以一匹黑马的姿态亮相。这张唱片不仅荣登当年《Q》杂志中文版和《通俗歌曲》杂志年终榜首位,更俘获了国外乐评网站的无数赞赏。接下来的两年里,乐队先后进行了两次欧洲巡演,并于2015年5月在*全美巡演中正式发行了第二张作品——即同名专辑《吹万》。新专辑令人惊讶地在美国迅速蹿红,进入全美*主要的非商业音乐排行榜CMJ前30名,并登上了颇负盛名的 Levitation 奥斯汀迷幻音乐节的舞台。而他们跨越北美的28场演出,令寓含东方哲学精髓的中国式迷幻摇滚席卷整个西方。 

Chui Wan (吹万) is a four-piece experimental psychedelic rock band from Beijing, China. They get their name from Daoist philosopher Zhuangzi's Qi Wu Lun (齐物论), a mystical work on inner sageliness and outer kingliness. In 2012, Chui Wan released their debut album, White Night, on Maybe Mars. White Night was an instant critical success, and gained Chui Wan recognition and a rabid following throughout the China. Then White Night was released on a tour with New York kindred spirits Psychic Ills (Sacred Bones Records), which launched Chui Wan into the national spotlight. In March 2013, they were invited to perform at Helsinki’s NiuBi Festival, accompanied by shows across Scandinavia and France. Their second album Chui Wan was released in May of last year to a round of international fanfare. The stunning video for its debut single, “The Sound of Wilderness”, was premiered on American radio station NPR during the band’s exhaustive Spring 2015 US tour. Chui Wan has more international tours lined up for 2016, eager to spread their sound further and wider.