独家【秀动呈献】比利时后摇乐团 If Anything Happens To The Cat 2016中国巡演

演出时间:10月27日 20:30-10月27日 22:00

艺人: If Anything Happens To The Cat

场地: 成都 LITTLES LIVE(小酒馆万象城店)

地址:双庆路8号成都万象城A馆 B1层 B120号 LITTLES LIVE(小酒馆万象城店) 查看地图


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比利时后摇乐团 If Anything Happens To The Cat 2016中国巡演


If Anything Happens To The Cat 是一支来自比利时的五人独立乐团。他们的音乐融合了后摇、自赏和独立摇滚的特征。


自组建以来先后与“Maybeshewill”、“ This Town Needs Guns”、“LITE”、“Immanu”等众多国际乐队同台演出。2012年5他们在自己的排练室录制*张demo-EP,并开始在比利时和荷兰的首发巡演。在甜美宁静的旋律中闪现人声采样,仿佛带领你展开一段奇妙宁谧温暖音乐旅程。


2014年10月9号他们发行了*张录音室专辑《Sun Drunk Moon》。与之前的EP相比Sun Drunk Moon更加突出音乐中的采样特性,在情绪表达上也更加尖锐直接,用乐队主创之一Wouter的话说“与首张EP不同,我们在Sun Drunk Moon专辑中试图表达更加复杂多样化的情绪,可以这样说,我们一直在两张专辑中寻找光明与黑暗的平衡点”。《Sun Drunk Moon》也被评论家点评为“在后摇流派中极为独特、大胆、具有大师水准的专辑”。




If Anything Happens To The Cat *中国五城巡演即将开始,各站早鸟票*30张! 立刻购票享受福利!



10.26 北京愚公移山

10.27 成都小酒馆空间

10.28 武汉VOX武昌

10.29 合肥On the way

10.30 上海育音堂


If Anything Happens To The Cat is a five-piece indie orchestra from Belgium. Their music is an unpredictable mix between post-rock, shoegaze and indie rock. Every song is a journey: through intertwining layers of guitars and synths, past flashes of vocals and guest instruments, often culminating into crushingly emotional climaxes.


In 2012 they recorded a first demo-EP in their rehearsal room, resulting in live shows all over Belgium and the Netherlands. Since their first show they have had the honour of opening for bands like Maybeshewill, This Town Needs Guns, LITE, Immanu El, Our Ceasing Voice and Wild Dogs in Winter.


The band's first studio album 'Sun Drunk Moon' was released on October 9th 2014 at a sold-out release show in one of the biggest clubs in their hometown Ghent. The album has been described by critics as a unique, adventurous and technically masterful take on the post-rock genre.


Their second album will be recorded in the summer of 2016 with an expected release early 2017.

You can hear a sample of what this record will have to offer on a special compilation vinyl, for which the band was asked to contribute their new song 'Echo Park'.


This time they come to China for five shows,early presale is opening now.


Tour Schedule:

Oct 26 Beijing Yugongyishan

Oct 27 Chengdu Little Bar Space

Oct 28 Wuhan Vox

Oct 29 Hefei On the way

Oct 30 Shanghai Yuyintang