塞尔维亚异瞳暗夜王子 Luke Black 「THORNS」假面歌舞演唱会 北京Modernsky Lab

演出时间:06月25日 20:30-06月25日 22:30

艺人: Luke Black/叶里

场地: 北京 (作废)北京 Modernsky Lab

地址:朝阳门银河SOHO D座B1层5-108室 查看地图


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Note: You can get one FREE mask at the venue if you purchase the ticket now. Only 100 left for each stop.

- 环球旗下网红小鲜肉
- 奇幻黑暗合成电子风
- 女神Lady Gaga倾情力荐
- 继David Bowie后全球仅有的第二位异色瞳孔音乐人

【艺人介绍 Bio】

-Nicola Meighan(BBC苏格兰分部,Mojo,  GQ主编)

Luke Black是2016年音乐圈的一匹黑马,他以俊颜为新一代流行音乐人代言。


塞尔维亚新声报道:Luke Black的名声日益高涨,唱作人出身的他以出类拔萃的风格使他赢得了环球唱片的一纸合约。

伴随Luke Black的流行乐,越陷越深、无可救药,在漆黑的夜里,电流窜动,躁郁不已。这位才子已成为我们未来几个月中的重点关注对象。

这位来自塞尔维亚的青年音乐人已经以他美妙绝伦的声线称霸全球。你知道当你不经意间找到一组很棒的新人,想要*给其他人的迫切感吗?没错,这*是你对Luke Black的*感觉。

-Vojkan Becir (Pop Actually)

- 荣登塞尔维亚《Elle》杂志封面
-  代表塞尔维亚参赛2016年欧视选拔赛
- 两支单曲都提名2015年MTV “年度录影带”大奖
- 在《健康与关爱》杂志上荣获2015年“*音乐人”奖
- “D-generation”提名塞尔维亚B92电台“2015年年度单曲”奖项
- “Holding on to Love”荣登塞尔维亚电台Gradski前十名20周之久
- 由Hard Ton混音制作的“Holding on to Love”在英国知名电台This Is Electric滚动播放
- 他的第二支单曲“Holding on to Love”在塞尔维亚电台Studio B中夺得*,并维持三周之久
- 西巴尔干半岛上*的国际音乐人,其音乐项目涉及到Drake, Miley Cyrus, 50 Cent及Foo Fighters等

Luke Black原名Luka Ivanović,1992年出生于塞尔维亚。作为一个唱作人,年纪不大的Luke Black在创作的道路上已然走过了12年,早期的音乐由于各种因素的限制,没有过多宣传下也*只有他身边的朋友能够听到他的作品。随后,Luke Black决定开始学习英语相关的内容,渴望能够让自己和他的音乐走出国门从而走向世界。

2014年5月,Luke Black发行了个人的*首单曲D-Generation,同时他的个人首秀表演也正是由这首歌开始,这一次表演吸引到了环球音乐唱片的相关负责人,真正开始被赏识。在与环球的交谈之中,他并没有附上自己的demo,而是直接演唱了一番。Luke Black由此成功与环球唱片签约,成为了塞尔维亚*位与国际三大唱片公司签约的歌手。

Luke Black在签约环球唱片之前在原公司发行了一首单曲NebulaLullaby,签约后发行了D-Generation和Holding on to Love两首单曲。这几首音乐作品Luke Black都参与了方方面面,包括词曲创作和MV拍摄,意在呈现出*真实无暇的自己,将内心的不同想法付诸于实现,为的*是让更多的人能够注意到他和他的音乐。

2015年,Luke Black终于发行了个人的*张EP「Thorns」,从多重角度树立起了别具一格的个人魅力。先从封面设计上看,简洁不平凡的纯白和淡蓝,带着些许未来现代感的透明面具,异色双瞳透出的纯洁眼神,都是非常吸引人的地方。而从EP收录的六首歌曲上看,层次分明又极具主题开拓性,不同的元素堆叠下展现出了一个鲜明的个人形象,*算是非常有个性的处女短篇代表作。

Luke Black作为来自较为偏僻国度的塞尔维亚,反倒是给我们带来了一股奇特清新的长流。他的音乐你可以慢慢体会他的嗓音与唱腔搭建下的细腻哀伤,也可以透彻渗入编曲的无尽张力和架空缥缈,这两点都足以让你细细回味。都说好的音色要能够触动人心,Luke Black*是做到了这一点,圆润无暇的吐字发音将每个音符带出的单词轻巧表现,没有丝毫的聒噪与累赘,十足惊艳。

His pop and art may come veiled in a dark filter, but his future looks far from black.
- Nicola Meighan (BBC Scotland, Mojo, GQ)

Luke Black is a gorgeous surprise on the music scene. He is the face of the new (d-)generation, and oh he is beautiful!
- Elle Serbia

Darker and deeper shade of pop puts Luke Black on the list of artists to look forward in the upcoming months. We will be following his work for sure!
- Rolling Stone Adria

New Face of (Serbian) Music: Luke Black is rapidly getting bigger every day in Serbia and worldwide. He is a singer-songwriter with an amazing style and an exclusive contract with Universal Music in his pocket.
- HEJ! Magazine (OK!)

His music is an innovative mix of electronic, pop and dance beats packed with intelligent lyrics that are explaining all the misery that his generation is going through. Luke Black is a brave spokesperson of his (de)generation
- Red Bull Serbia

Young Serbian artist who will conquer the orld. Do you know that feeling when you discover something so good that you instantly have the urge to share it with the entire world? That’s what happens when you first see and hear Luke Black.
- fashion.hr

His songs are rich with discrete hooks and camouflaged dynamics – they crawl under your skin like an anxious itch that makes you climax. The sound makes you want to play it over and over again – in your bedroom, on the street, or on a rave in an abandoned factory.
- Vojkan Becir, Pop Actually

-The only artist from the Western Balkans featured by Instagram in their global project @music (previously featured Drake, Miley Cyrus, 50 Cent, Foo Fighters etc.)
-“D-generation” nominated for Serbian Radio B92 Single of the Year 2015
- His sophomore single “Holding On To Love” reached #1 on Serbian Radio Studio B in 3 weeks
- “Holding On To Love” was in top10 on Serbian Gradski Radio Top Chart for 20 weeks in a row!
- Titled on the cover of Elle Magazine Serbia
- Both singles in MTV’s regional video charts / nominated for Regional MTV Video of the year 2015.
- “Holding On To Love“in Hard Ton remix is frequently played on This Is Electric London power-house radio station, and featured in  Johnny Kalifornia August Residency.
- Featured in Health And Beauty magazine as Man in Music Of The Year (2015)

Luka Ivanović (23), the man behind the name Luke Black, took his first musical steps during his teenage years in his small Serbian hometown of Čačak. Craving a more dangerous and turbulent life he moved to Belgrade, the Serbian capital, where he started studying English language and literature. Luke Black has been making music for more than 12 years. During this time he recorded 7 full-length DIY albums – which were never heard by anyone except for his closest friends. Last year Luke Black finally got out of his musical comfort zone and released his first official single “D-Generation”. Fans, critics, and radio stations - as well as the people from Universal Music’s Serbian office - loved the song instantly. One thing led to another and Luke Black showed up at Universal Music’s Belgrade office - with no demos. Instead sang his heart out at the office, and became the first pop artist in Serbia to get signed by an international major label.

Soon after this “performance” he finally changed his name to Luke Black. Within less than a year this Serbian pop singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist reached the top of the local and international radio charts in Serbia. With his second single “Holding On To Love” he achieved his first radio #1, which remained in the top 20 for many weeks.

With his multifaceted music he combines strong melancholic vocals and catchy synth melodies with classical piano and strong bass. Within just a year, Luke Black has been nominated for the single of the year award (2014) and had two #1 radio hits.

After his first meetings with a local fashion and lifestyle magazines, Luke Black was instantly added to their speed dials. They feature him regularly now, not only because of his music but alsohis keen eye for fashion and art.

His single has been instantly added by TEEZ’FM (France) and THISISELECTRIC (UK), and there are new international radio stations joining the club every day. Luke Black has the rare privilege to be the only artist from this part of Europe who was featured on a global Instagram platform, @music, alongside international mainstream stars like Miley Cyrus, Drake, Foo Fighters, 50 Cent, and many others. “Holding On To Love” in Hard Ton remix became part of famous Austrian club compilation called “Club land” and was quickly added to Digster Dance Addicted playlist. Luke Black will be featured as “man of the year in music” in January issue of Serbian Health and Care magazine.

Luke Black finally gives a voice to a new generation of young people who are inspired by international pop culture and now live in the post-war, post-Yugoslavian country of Serbia. In a country n where the mainstream regularly worships false idols and values, Luke Black truly proves that there is room for pop artists with Serbian roots and an international sound.
Luke Black wraps up successful year with a Christmas single release, (sort of) covering famous Christmas tune “Jingle Bell” in his own somewhat dark atmosphere. On the B-side of this Christmas release is “Nebula Lullaby” which he previously self-released in 2014. – The track is now re-mastered with a help from Lil Taty, one of Belgrade’s finest producers and DJs.
Nobody is questioning if Luke Black is a true pop artist anymore. His opinion in the media is very well respected and his distinctive sound is now easily recognized.

And he has only just begun...